Not An Adult

Boris Johnson Arrested For Drink Driving In Ukraine, sort of.

Rudi & Lauren

Quantum Computing could be the cure to ageing and many other problems that exist today, it could also become best pals with Ai and destroy your nana and mine too. Either way we need to be prepared and informed, so you've got that plus a load of other completely unrelated stuff like 51 year old men being tied up naked in the woods and left to be found by cyclists n stuff, but yeh. Enjoy the best podcast you accidentally found this week...

 Today on the show:

New studio info and updates on next weeks guest appearance.

(01:51) - What We Have Been Up To This Past Week.
Our friends cat died so we gave it a proper burial and had a wake at the caravan, rudi on his way to work got bird poo splatted across his forehead and lauren talks about this jokes nerf game we played last night.

(06:08) - This Weeks Shiiiiii Top Tip.
Lauren hits you with a double bubble this week and shes got some golden infomation regarding ants and ways to avoid infestations this summer, she also talks about how you can use Doritoes as a firelighter.

(09:48) - NAA News with Lozza
A 51 year old man was rescued from the woods after being tied up as part of a kinky game.
A missing woman survives 5 days in the australian outback with just 1 bottle of wine and some sweets.
Michelle Obama is fighting the right to rename fire ants to spicey boys, and were behind it.

(20:34) - NAA News with Rude / LIVE from Serbia.
Boar Testicle Festival antics.
Boris Johnson was arrested for drink driving in Ukraine, sort of.
Prince Charles iii coronation happened and how much the party costs that your not invited to.
 Quantum Computing and how its going to revolutionize the world.

(33:20) - Football Desk with Martin & Brian.
Manchester 2 - Leeds 1 / match breakdown.
Liverpool 1 - Brentford 0 / match breakdown.

(35:37) - STORYTIME.
Roommate disputes over removal of sausage plunger from communal bathroom.
Spraying kids with a hose on the lawn, suspect.
You like that daddy? Awkward stuff this one.
Shower Bonking goes baaaad.
Job interviews with No2 get wierd.

(51:50) - Topics.
Ai and how it is going to effect the education system and cause disruption to multiple industry's.
Ransomware and how prevalent and some deterrents that are available

- Thank you so much for your support so far! And apologies if you notice the microphones being weird, still tinkering with the new setup to get things right! Onwards and upwards! <3

If you'd like to contact us or submit any stories, AITA, confessions, or just want to chit chat, you can do so in person or anonymously. Contact us through our 24/7 NAA WhatsApp Hotline: +44 7553378431, or email us at

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