Not An Adult

Festival Smuggling Tips and How Masturbating With Hair Removal Cream Feels.

Rudi & Lauren

This weeks show is brought to you by pure dehydration, we sat in the sun drinking all day as most of England did this weekend so prepare yourself for a distinct lack of enthusiasm and large quantity's of self pity. We explore everything from Festival smuggling tips to men smuggling scissors into prison via there bati. So get strapped in and enjoy the ride.

- We are currently planning ALOT outside of this podcast for future projects which we will be discussing in our next few episodes so thank you for your support and understanding, as promised we will NEVER miss an episode but this weeks had to be shorter to litterly fit it in! <3 Love you all lots and lots and we will see you next week!


(00:00) - INTRO

(00:48) - What we have been up to this week!
We are both extremley hungover and slightly overworked but overall excited for everything we are currently planning! Lauren talks about her First Aid posistion which she has stepped down from after only being paid £7 a month for incredibly hard work and Rudi talks how he has been working on our new website -

(06:13) - This weeks shiiii top tip!
Laurens got some MEGA festival tips for you this week including how you can smuggle alcohol into venues and also how to never lose your tent at a festival!

(12:31) - NAA News with Lozza
Vegan family complains of BBQ smells passing into her garden.
X Factors Wagner joins onlyfans and nobody wants it.
A driver is pulled over for speeding but switches place with his dog.

(21:52) - NAA News with Rude, LIVE from Denmark.
Smuggling scissors into a prison, ouch.
A german surgeon has been sacked for asking a cleaner to assist him.

(26:18) - Storytime!
Ring sting after spicey food.
Using hair removal cream to masturbate ends terribly.
Sticking hands in a toaster like a fool.

(34:34) - OUTRO
Sorry we had to cut the episode slightly shorter this week, we are both working incredibly hard outside of this podcast to improve and bring new additions to the show and we are also launching a seperate businsess on the other side of planet, we will be talking about it all shortly in the next few episodes! Just know we are not slipping we are BUSY <3

Love ya lots see ya next Wednesday! <3