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Anthony Roy

Anthony Roy is a passionate social studies teacher who has dedicated his career to working in magnet schools in the greater Hartford region. As a magnet school educator, Tony understands his role in addressing the opportunity gap created as a result of historical geographic segregation. Tony dedicates his lessons to youth empowerment, critical thinking, inquiry, restorative practice, and place-based education. Tony is a past member of the National Council for the Social Studies board of directors and a founding teacher at the Connecticut River Academy. In 2014, CCSS awarded Tony with the John Stedman Passion for the Social Studies Teaching Award.

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Stephen Armstrong

Steve is the social studies consultant for the Connecticut State Department of Education. He also served as president of the National Council for the Social Studies and was also a social studies department supervisor in the West Hartford public schools. He is also an adjunct instructor of history at Central Connecticut State University. Before working in West Hartford, Steve was a long-term teacher and social studies department chair at Manchester High School. He is a past-president of Connecticut Council for the Social Studies, the New England History Teachers Association, and the Connecticut Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History.