Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Trail running talk and banter, delving deep to gain insight and inspiration from interesting runners in New Zealand, Australia and the world. Learn more: dirtchurchradio.com
Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
The Inside Game - Resilience, Strategies, and Ch-ch-ch-changes
Kia ora e te whānau! In this episode of the AidStation Eugene and Matt are both huge Steve Magness fans, and are super excited about his new book Win The Inside Game, so naturally they talk through tips, tricks, and strategies that they both use when the going gets rough on the trails was on the cards. The big news of the episode is that Eugene has announced his departure from DCR after 6 years and 300 episodes, you’ll read more about this in his announcement. Enjoy! Dirt Church Radio - Best Enjoyed Running.
Dirt Church Live show with Inia Raumati!
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Music by Andrew McDowall, Digicake