Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Trail running talk and banter, delving deep to gain insight and inspiration from interesting runners in New Zealand, Australia and the world. Learn more: dirtchurchradio.com
318 episodes
You Have A Voice, Use It - Jasmin Paris. Dirt Church Radio 317
Kia ora e te whānau. Jasmin Paris was rocketed into the wider consciousness when she became the first woman to finish Barkley Marathons, with 99 seconds to spare. Ironically, for a race that eschewed publicity for so long, the photos of Pari...
Episode 318

Aid Station 26: The 2025 Women in Trail Panel with Ali Pottinger, Corrine Malcolm, and Lucy Bartholomew.
Aid Station 26: The 2025 Women in Trail Panel with Ali Pottinger, Corrine Malcolm, and Lucy Bartholomew. Kia ora e te whānau. Please enjoy this incredible conversation with three wahine toa about women in trail. The conver...

The Trail To Western States Starts On The Road- Adrian MacDonald. Dirt Church Radio 315
Kia ora e te whānau. When Adrian MacDonald moved to Fort Collins, Colorado, he didn’t do it for the trails, he did it for love and the chance to run hills at altitude. With a background in road and track, MacDonald didn’t hit the trails unti...
Episode 315

Speed Dating With Speedy People. The 2025 Tarawera Ultra Trail Live Special. Dirt Church Radio 314.
Kia ora e te whānau.St. Valentine’s Day is for lovers, and we thought what better way to celebrate our love for Tarawera Ultra Trail and the people at the pinnacle of our sport than to change up your standard interview format to s...
Episode 314

The 2025 Tarawera Ultra Trail Preview Special, with Kerry Suter and Lucy Bartholomew. Dirt Chruch Radio 313.
The 2025 Tarawera Ultra Trail Preview Special, with Kerry Suter and Lucy Bartholomew. Dirt Chruch Radio 313.Kia ora e te whānau. It's that time of year again!!! The circus has rolled into town, the tents are being set up, the s...
Episode 313

AidStation 25. Chaotic Good, Bucket Lists, and The War on Wellington.
Kia ora e te whānau. You know the feeling when you are running down a trail and it gets so good that you feel that you are flowing and then you push it just that little bit and you suddenly figure out that you are holding onto the dirt and sani...
Episode 312

Amanda Basham. It's A Family Affair. Dirt Church Radio 311
Kia ora e te whānau. We’ve discussed on Dirt Church Radio in the past that the pros walk amongst us, however witnessing their drive, discipline, and ability to seemingly dance away on the most challenging of terrain is a sight to behold. And...
Episode 311

AidStation 24 Taper Madness and Other Animals.
During the taper phase common side effects include (and are not limited to): Madness, phantom pain, irritability, insatiable hunger and thirst, endless worry, and comparison. You will be a dick to your family at some point. You will be self-...
Episode 310

Erin Colebatch- Run Further and Faster with an Ultra Appetitie. Dirt Church Radio 309
Kia ora e te whanāu. For the first DCR pod of 2025, we bring you a conversation Ali recorded with sports dietitian and ultramarathon runner Erin Colebatch. With race season fast approaching it’s time to get your nutritional strategies dialed...
Episode 309

IT'S THE 2024 DCR CHRISTMAS SPECIAL- Dirt Church Radio 308
Kia ora e te whanāu. Holy moly it's been a long year, and we are STOKED to share the 5th episode of the Dirt Church Radio Christmas Special!! Matt, Ali, and Andrew run through the highs, the lows, (well, ...
Episode 308

Abby Hall- Growth Through Adversity And Beyond. Dirt Church Radio 307
Kia ora e te whanāu.This week on Dirt Church Radio Ali speaks with the mighty Abby Hall. On the start line at the Kosciuszko 100km, Abby Hall was a picture of composure and radiated competence. Hall crushed the course, taking the W and fourt...
Episode 307

DCR AidStation 23- How Hot is Too Hot? Climate, Ultra Trail Kosciuszko, and Ben Berriman’s Trail Story Of The Century.
Kia ora e te whānau. On this episode of the DCR AidStation Podcast, Matt and Ali Pottinger reflect on a manic couple of weeks of trans-Tasman travel between Coast to Kosci and Ultra Trail Kosciuszko The topic of climate change is ...
Episode 306

2024 Coast To Kosci Special:The Long Road. Dirt Church Radio 305.
Kia ora e te whanāu.This week on Dirt Church Radio we have a historic event. This is the first-ever DCR episode recorded without Matt or Eugene. Andrew McDowall and Ali Pottinger traveled to Australia to race and crew in the iconic Coast to ...
Episode 305

Keep It Peripheral—Eszter Horanyi of iRunFar. Nolan’s 14, The Tour Divide, And A Life Of Possibilities. Dirt Church Radio 304
BONUS POD: Keep It Peripheral—Eszter Horanyi of iRunFar. Nolan’s 14, The Tour Divide, And A Life Of Possibilities. Kia ora e te whānau! Sometimes it happens. You speak with someone cool and interesting then you ...
Episode 304

Mike Wardian. Giant Steps: Adventure To The Moon And Back– Dirt Church Radio 303.
Kia ora e te whanāu.This week on Dirt Church Radio Ali and Matt speak to a colossus of our sport, Mike Wardian. Mike’s achievements in running are probably easier to document if you go back and look at what he hasn’t done...
Episode 303

Timing Your Kick: Things you need to think about four months out—with Ali Pottinger and Kerry Suter of SQUADRUN
Kia ora e te whānau! On this episode of the AidStation podcast, Matt is joined by the brains trust of SQUADRUN, Ali Pottinger, and Kerry Suter to talk about how to plan the lead-up to your big event. We talk training, gear, logistics, nutrit...
Episode 302

The Future of DCR with Ali Pottinger and Andrew McDowall– Dirt Church Radio 301.
Kia ora e te whanāu. Please join Matt in welcoming the new co-hosts of Dirt Church Radio, Ali Pottinger and Andrew McDowall. Both have been regulars on DCR for some time now, so it should be little surprise that Matt would reach out to them ...
Episode 301

Episode 300: We Made It. Dr Inia Raumati, Kia Mau Kia Ora, and Eugene's Last Show- Live From Small Gods
Kia ora e te whānau! Dirt Church Radio presents to you their 300th show! This is special because we spoke to the legend that is Dr Inia Raumati about his foundation Kia Mau Kia ora and the logistics behind his goal to b...
Episode 300

Turn Downhill for What? The 2024 Crater Rim Ultra – Dirt Church Radio 299.
Turn Downhill for What? The 2024 Crater Rim Ultra – Dirt Church Radio 299. Kia ora e te whanāu. This week we bring you some of the action from the Crater Rim Ultra. A Grass Roots race with Champagne Hills....
Episode 299
The Inside Game - Resilience, Strategies, and Ch-ch-ch-changes
Kia ora e te whānau! In this episode of the AidStation Eugene and Matt are both huge Steve Magness fans, and are super excited about his new book
Episode 298

There Is No Finish - The Backyard Ultramarathon Story with Stephen Parker
Kia ora e te whanāu. This week, Matt is joined by Stephen Parker, the author of “There Is No Finish – The Backyard Ultramarathon Story”. Compelled to write a book whilst being inspired by a speaker at a conference, Stephen chose to focus on the...
Episode 297

Mistakes Were Made - With Ali Pottinger and Kerry Suter of SQUADRUN
Kia ora e te whānau! On this episode of the DCR AidStation we are back with two of our favourite coaches and the brains behind SQUADRUN, Ali Pottinger and Kerry Suter. The famous saying “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face...
Episode 296
Daniel Jones: Reflections On The Journey of a Professional Athlete
Kia Ora e te whānau! Simply put, Daniel Jones is heaps good at running, so good that at the start of the year he transitioned from being an elite runner supported by a brand to being a professional athlete on an international team. Matt spok...
Episode 295

Fast Times and Strava Crimes: What's up with running's most popular app?
Kia ora e te whānau! Where were you when you first heard about the big orange S? On this episode of the DCR AidStation podcast, Eugene and Matt dive deep into the good, the bad, and the (very) ugly that is Strava. Our heroes discuss what the...
Episode 294

Fire Fighters Everywhere! Part 2 of the Firies Climb for MND/ Helen Waterworth and Chris Newsome from His & Hers Endurance KITZ
Kia Ora e te whānau! If, as we posited last week, the collective noun for a group of Fire Fighters is a Calendar then in this episode we’ve got most of the months ticked off!!! First off, we’ve got all the action from day 2 of the Firies Cli...
Episode 293