Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Trail running talk and banter, delving deep to gain insight and inspiration from interesting runners in New Zealand, Australia and the world. Learn more: dirtchurchradio.com
Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Mike Wardian. Giant Steps: Adventure To The Moon And Back– Dirt Church Radio 303.
Kia ora e te whanāu.This week on Dirt Church Radio Ali and Matt speak to a colossus of our sport, Mike Wardian. Mike’s achievements in running are probably easier to document if you go back and look at what he hasn’t done. Mike is known for his phenomenal endurance, ability to recover from huge efforts (sometimes backed up the next day), and an all-consuming love for adventure. In this episode, we talk about completing his first marathon with his son, his trip down to attempt Tour Te Waipunamu and the curiosity that drives Wardian to consider feats of adventure that truly boggle the mind. Dirt Church Radio - Best Enjoyed Running
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