Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Trail running talk and banter, delving deep to gain insight and inspiration from interesting runners in New Zealand, Australia and the world. Learn more: dirtchurchradio.com
Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Keep It Peripheral—Eszter Horanyi of iRunFar. Nolan’s 14, The Tour Divide, And A Life Of Possibilities. Dirt Church Radio 304
BONUS POD: Keep It Peripheral—Eszter Horanyi of iRunFar. Nolan’s 14, The Tour Divide, And A Life Of Possibilities.
Kia ora e te whānau! Sometimes it happens. You speak with someone cool and interesting then you come away with a nagging stem of a question that you should have asked. When I spoke to Eszter Horanyi this was some variation of the following. “What does Coddiwompling even mean??” Well if you must know, to Coddiwomple means to travel purposefully to an unknown destination. And goodness me if that isn’t a raison d’etre for Colorado-based Horanyi. Growing up in the mountains as a free-range kid, and then racing bikes for a decade, including a 19-day Tour Divide FKT, transitioning to two feet to focus on the shiny things in the periphery and not “big goals”. Splitting her time between Colorado and Te Waiponamu Eszter embodies the true spirit of adventure and freedom that our sport can (sometimes) only touch on. Please Enjoy this bonus podcast while we are away in the Snowy Mountains. Dirt Church Radio - Best Enjoyed Running.
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Music by Andrew McDowall, Digicake