Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
Trail running talk and banter, delving deep to gain insight and inspiration from interesting runners in New Zealand, Australia and the world. Learn more: dirtchurchradio.com
Dirt Church Radio Trail Running
2024 Coast To Kosci Special:The Long Road. Dirt Church Radio 305.
Kia ora e te whanāu.This week on Dirt Church Radio we have a historic event. This is the first-ever DCR episode recorded without Matt or Eugene. Andrew McDowall and Ali Pottinger traveled to Australia to race and crew in the iconic Coast to Kosci. The 240-kilometre road and gravel road monster has been referred to as the Bad Water of the South as it goes from sea level to the highest point in Australia. With a long-standing rivalry between Andrew and DCR guest 151 Steven Redfern about to come to a head that would result in a battle against each other, the race and the extreme heat. We hear from our new hosts and the racers, crew, and race directors that make this iconic event possible. Dirt Church Radio - Best Enjoyed Running
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Music by Andrew McDowall, Digicake