The Iscariot Generation
The thing Judas Iscariot was famous for was his betrayal of Jesus in the gospels. While I'm not sure if he even existed, some historians say yes and some say no, I think he's definitely someone I can relate to. I left the faith and resigned from ministry in 2019. To some, that seemed like a betrayal to Jesus. This podcast is a place for people like me, who left faith for reason. A place for former ministers or just former Christians to come and look at the reasons we left our faith. A place of healing and acceptance for some of us who have been dragged through the mud because we dared to stop believing. I will talk about my struggles, I will look at some popular teachings and Bible stories from a more skeptical perspective, and I will share your stories as well.
S03E37 4 Winds of Christian Apologetics pt 4 John Lennox Explains it All

S03E36 4 Winds of Christian Apologetics pt 3 The Kalam Sham

S03E35 Responding to Catholicism Wow Response Video

S03E34 4 Winds of Christian Apologetics 2 Frankie the Fly

S03E33 The 4 Winds of Christian Apologetics 1 The Hammer

S03E32 Instant Karma is Gonna Get You

S03E31 10 Honest Questions and Responses

S03E30 Is Atheism on the Decline?

S03E29 Deathbed Shenanigans

S03E28 Sam the Preacher

S03E27 Evangelicals Gone Wild

S03E26 Devil in the Details - Carpe Noctem Preview

S03E25 YouTube Atheist Explosion

S03E24 Tips for Fighting with Family

S03E23 Summer Flashback: Coming Down Fast

S03E22 Summer Flashback: Helter Skelter

S03E21 Summer Flashback: Don't Let Me Break You

S03E20 Summer Flashback: Miles Above You

S03E19 Was I Wrong?

S03E18 Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?

S03E17 Why Do Christian Apologists Lie?

S03E16 Not One of Us

S03E15 Without Excuse

S03E14 Hell Shmell

S03E13 Wild Fundamentalists