Voodoo Power
Voodoo Power
Jeremy Hartman, Hartman Performance, 2023 USA Powerlifting COY
Coach Hartman is an award-winning teacher and coach. He prides himself on running a program through effective communication and athlete engagement. Coach Hartman is the only coach in USA Powerlifting to have directly produced three world powerlifting team members and three bench-only world team members in the same calendar year. Hartman’s powerlifting athletes have set eight world records and more than forty U.S. American Records. He has won at least one state championship at all three of his high school programs, where he oversaw the strength training of various sports. Coach Hartman is a motivational speaker along with presenter. Hartman was named the 2023 Powerlifting Coach of the Year by USA Powerlifting. He is a 6-time National Champion powerlifter and earned a gold medal in the Deadlift at the 2008 IPF World Championships. Coach Hartman has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Bowling Green in Physical Education.
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