
A conversation with a private banker

May 10, 2023 Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Switzerland
A conversation with a private banker
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A conversation with a private banker
May 10, 2023
Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Switzerland

What does the job profile of a private banker look like and what are the challenges when it comes to preserving wealth? 

In the latest episode of Perspectives from Wealth Management Switzerland, Laura Künlen and Giovanna Lagutaine, Market Head Switzerland, discuss these questions and more and also explore the Rothschild & Co art collection. 

Show Notes

What does the job profile of a private banker look like and what are the challenges when it comes to preserving wealth? 

In the latest episode of Perspectives from Wealth Management Switzerland, Laura Künlen and Giovanna Lagutaine, Market Head Switzerland, discuss these questions and more and also explore the Rothschild & Co art collection.