
A conversation with the Head of Wealth Management Germany

Did you know that the name "Rothschild" comes from the "red shield" that once hung in front of the family’s house in the Judengasse in Frankfurt am Main, Germany? It was also here that Mayer Amschel Rothschild established his business in the late 18th century.

In this edition of our podcast, we welcome Henrik Herr, Head of Wealth Management Germany. Henrik discusses how this rich heritage continues to shape the bank’s values, the significance of long-term relationships, and the distinctive features of the German market, one of the world’s largest wealth hubs. He also sheds light on our recent Hamburg office opening and the key factors behind our decision to expand. 

Don’t miss this edition to learn how our German business has evolved from its local beginnings!

GA - General Advisory
Dirk Wehmhöner - Head of Wealth Management Hamburg
Laurent Gagnebin - CEO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG
Gary Powell - Executive Chairman Wealth Management Rothschild & Co

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