Million Dollar Electrician - Sale to Scale For Home Service Pros
Rewiring Our Mission: (Electricpreneur Secrets)
Helping Electricians Achieve the $1M Service Van so they can experience ultimate control over their futures.
Join Clay Neumeyer & Joseph Lucanie for a new electrifying episode & High-amperage action item each week to spark up your service van sales to $50K, $70K, $100K, $150K months, and beyond!
Million Dollar Electrician - Sale to Scale For Home Service Pros
Ep 25 - How to Generate Amazing Sales Using Empathic Options Design
What if understanding your clients' emotional needs could skyrocket your sales and set you apart from the competition? In this episode of the Million Dollar Electrician podcast, we promise to unlock the secrets of blending technical expertise with emotional intelligence to transform your business. We'll share how focusing on portable generators while aligning customer needs with creative service offerings can enhance safety and satisfaction. Discover how solutions like emergency backup lighting and custom transfer switches not only address practical problems but also resonate on a deeper emotional level, providing a unique value proposition that justifies a premium price.
Success is within your reach when fear is replaced by faith. Listen to inspiring stories from technicians like Fernando, who closed a $48,000 deal, and Cameron, who is well on his way to becoming a million-dollar technician. These real-world examples prove that aligning skills with customer-centric strategies can lead to unprecedented growth. Plus, we tackle the fear factor in sales, encouraging you to shift your mindset to unlock new heights. Join us for this electrifying journey, and don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this knowledge with fellow electricians eager to elevate their business.
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Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Million Dollar Electrician podcast where we help home service pros like you supercharge your business and spark up those sales.
Speaker 2:I'm Joseph Lucani and, together with my co-host, Clay Neumeier, we're here to share the secrets that have helped electricians sell over a million dollars from a single service van.
Speaker 1:Now it's time for sales, it's time for scale, it's time to become a million dollar electrician. Hello, hello and welcome back to another great episode of the Million Dollar Electrician. Can't wait to dive into this with you, joe. What are we going over today?
Speaker 2:Man, I'm pumped about it because, in honor of us releasing our generator class, I'm noticing that a lot of people are starting to ask questions on generators. But I've seen a parallel and it's really blown my mind, and the parallel is this If you understand how to design options properly for a portable generator, you have the framework required to build options for any call that are posed to actually succeed and close at the highest level you've ever seen, and I can prove it.
Speaker 1:That's an interesting parallel. Yeah, that one's interesting. So it sounds like you're saying knowing how to build options for portable generators is the same end or the equivalent, the parallel to really understanding your client at the highest level. And so this is like your secret to unlock options entirely for electricians, correct?
Speaker 2:Hey guys, you're going to want to stick around for this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is going to be it, so can I just dive into it. Dive right in man, explain, explain.
Speaker 2:So the biggest thing that I noticed is that when we started talking about generators, everyone's all about the automatics. They're like, yeah, they're the big ticket, they're the big item, they're the flashy thing, but when you actually look at the sales that are done by them, they're often very low option. They're just here's the installation, here's what we're doing, very little additional options. Just I'm going to put the system in for you. Maybe they offer a maintenance agreement, but that's really the majority of what I'm seeing. And the funny thing is is that people often turn their nose to portable generators when they raise them for automatics, and the reason being was that people thought that portables are a less premium or less desired product. But I've actually found from experience that if I had the two opportunities, I would always take a portable, because not only are they easier to close, but these options are the way to do it. So, with that context in place, here's what I mean.
Speaker 2:In order to design options in any capacity, you need to understand a couple of things. One, you need to have a technical understanding of what problem you're solving for the customer in advance and secondly, how can you communicate those problems in advance without being salesy or pushy, and when you combine those two things, the portable is the perfect example. So here's what I mean by that. Now, technically, the base installation, if you're going to take basic to automatic, it would be here's your interlock, here's your inlet, here's your 30 amp wire. Done, handled, okay. But if you were going to sell that job, you have to imagine what does a customer now have to do If they lose power. They now need to go downstairs physically, throw a switch, turn off all the breakers, throw the switch, go back upstairs, plug the generator and rip the cord. Back downstairs, throw the plug, turn the breakers on. It's complicated, but if you just took that thing.
Speaker 2:Just that one experience. I can show you how you can build options that make it worthwhile. Okay, let's do it. So, going into it, how does your customer see the transfer switch? How are they going to physically see it? There's not a way. They're going to have to go by phone or by flashlight.
Speaker 2:So wouldn't it make more sense to say let's solve that problem in advance for them? Why don't we put in emergency backup lighting that'll have an automatic switch, so that when you lose power you'll have 30 minutes of consistent power as a light line to go from transfer switch to hallway to generator, so that you can operate it fully in a safe and reasonable environment? But only the way you could offer. That is, if you recognize your clients were experiencing it. So that's the first thing. Emergency lighting, your clients were experiencing it, so that's the first thing. Emergency lighting. The second was we said well, what about this transfer system where they had to go and do all those complicated steps? If you recognize your homeowner's non-handy, you're setting up for major failure. Because in a power outage there's a panic moment, People don't think clearly and, as a result, they could just try and throw the switch and now their 50 amp range is firing up on a 30 amp generator and now the thing doesn't work. So let's put in a custom transfer switch. With a one touch button it solves their problem in advance Doing the transfer systems, doing the electronics protections, doing the anti-theft.
Speaker 2:So that's the framework, but let's now get into how you can take it and apply it to all options. In order to design options at the highest level, you need to understand the emotional pain point of why the client actually wants it and then tie that to your technical understanding of how you can make it as streamlined and quality for them as possible. So you take those two things and you'll allow yourself to look at options in a far different way. Does that make sense so far?
Speaker 1:It does man.
Speaker 2:Yep, awesome. So, with that being said, you can take this in any context, so I'd like you to put me on the spot, if possible. Okay, can you think of a thing that would be difficult to make options for? And I'll relate this same concept of how we can do it.
Speaker 1:I think something that comes up often that is actually a bit of a superpower for electricians that they tend to actually have trouble making great options for outside of technical is a bathroom fan. I think people underdo the bathroom fan every single day of the week, Okay.
Speaker 2:So I'm going to take this example and say let's say, for the easiest example, you are the parent of teenagers. Now what happens when they decide to take these long hot showers and the fan doesn't turn on Because it requires you to turn the switch on and people just don't remember to do it? So you're the technician and you recognize that this is going to happen. And if you know that this is going to happen, why don't you try to prevent in the future so they don't have condensation on the walls, so that they don't have to squeegee the mirrors on a regular basis? Right yeah, so why don't we offer a motion control switch or tie it to the vanity light so that when the light comes on in order to be in the shower, you automatically would have the fan come on and, as a result, you're solving an emotional pain which is I don't want to yell at my children and I don't want to have to clean the condensation off the walls and ruin the wallpaper and have to repaint just by. Let's tie it into $10 switch. It solves a huge problem. Going further, you got the bath fan. What usually happens when it doesn't get cleaned or when it's been improperly installed you get the consistent dust on the fan blade or on the actual trap involved. You get the consistent dust on the fan blade or on the actual trap. Yeah. So if you were to do that and say now, as a result, this customer is going to have to take time out of their day to clean that, that's a problem. So what do you do? I'm going to spackle around the actual trap itself and I'm going to air seal it so it's no longer having a negative pressure, allowing attic insulation to pull through, thus creating that gap. So just by changing how you're going to install it, they now don't have that problem.
Speaker 2:Going further, people want to have bath fans. They want them quiet. Great, you're always going to put in a quiet one. But what about when it's right over the shower? People walk in and say that's the best place because it absorbs all the humidity. But now, as a New Yorker, I step out and it's 10 degrees outside and I have tile floor. I'm going to be cold, even if the shower was scalding. Why don't you put in a heated fan? People will complain and say, oh well, the circuit doesn't require it. Okay, but it's still an emotional pain point and no one else is going to offer it. So why don't you offer running that circuit?
Speaker 1:I can tell you from experience. Last week I looked at a house that we considered buying and my feet were so darn cold I said let's get out of here just from cold feet. Hot upstairs, cold floor downstairs it was going to be a pain in the ass to solve that problem no, you're gonna have to rip it up and do radiant flooring or it's just not fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so, even taking this exact fan, now emotional pain you're already running that circuit. Why not run an extra circuit into the attic Because they could want something? And if you've already made the effort of fishing a line down, why don't you run this spare thing which solves a future emotional pain point of? I wish I would have thought of that when you were opening the walls, but we thought of it for you. Wish I would have thought of that when you were opening the walls, but we thought of it for you. So the key is just from this example, we have to, as skilled technicians, understand the framework of what is actually happening with our installations and then tie that technical experience to what emotional problems the customer's experiencing. Because people don't buy logically, we buy emotionally. And when you can solve the root cause of what a person's really afraid of, not that you're fear-mongering, but you're able to speak to something that they didn't even know they wanted to have.
Speaker 2:And now you've created a blue ocean because you've got you with, let's say, coming back to this portable example where you have a, I'm providing the system and I'm doing electronics protection and the anti-theft and the emergency lighting and the maintenance package and the conservators and the closer inlets and the transfer switches. And then you've got Bob who has I'm going to put an interlock and an inlet on the other side of the wall. There's no comparison anymore. They can't do apples to apples and, as a result, when they do work with you, even if you were triple, quadruple, five times the price, you're getting a service that no one else is going to provide. So if you want to be served this way, I'll match their price when they're willing to match my service, and so far I haven't had any takers. I love that. How would you?
Speaker 1:like to proceed Really good shares, really good shares. And if they don't take you on the emergency lighting, then you could get some branded swag, some branded flashlights, and offer those with every option that you have in case the power goes out.
Speaker 2:You know what would be even better, like get a little hard hat and have a little miner's hat in the front and be like. You're going to need this, trust me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll even install the hook beside your bed.
Speaker 2:Man talking about a heavy level inception.
Speaker 1:Time for wins of the week, and I know that you have some that you're particularly jazzed about. I've got a list here in front of me. Do you want to go first or second, joe?
Speaker 2:I'd love to touch on one of them and you can fill in the rest. If that's okay, let's go All right. So today I feel like it was like a proud dad moment. I, honestly, I stood up in class, I gave the person a round of applause, I made everyone just acknowledge it.
Speaker 2:So we had a client come in during class this morning that said, hey, one of my technicians has been struggling recently and, as a result, he's kind of been going through it.
Speaker 2:And instead of deciding to kind of say what was me, he said no, no, no, I'm going to dial in, I'm going to double down, I'm going to go all in and hell or high water, I'm going to make it happen. So I've been working with this individual in class and really helping him out, and in our options class we actually help him design a particular project that was very, very extensive. Well, in class today he came in and he said my technician, the one you've been working with, had just left for the largest presentation that he ever could make in his entire career. If he sells it, not only it doesn't matter which option to take anything from silver up, it'll be the largest sale he's ever made in his entire life and we say, well, I have faith he's going to do it. I've worked with him, I trust him, he's that good. I believe he's going to do it and I'm going to set that energy and let it happen. Halfway during class I get the text right in the chat he sold a $48,000 platinum.
Speaker 2:And the cool thing was is he was substantially higher than the competition, like it was not even close. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was like I think it was like double or triple of what it was. Oh, actually I can go even further. I mean further. I do know the numbers. So he had a situation where they had tried getting four to five other quotes or other people to give them quotes, and people would look at the project and most of them wouldn't even give a number because they thought it would be too hard to do. And some that did give numbers were like I'm going to walk in and shoot from the hip and walk away from it. And he stayed and did a full design, presented six options, came back from the two call close and delivered something that was at such a high level that the customer couldn't say no to it and then ended up giving him a $24,000 deposit at full service rate and pretty much just come back waving his laurels in the air. It was awesome.
Speaker 1:Here's what I find particularly amazing about this. We're talking about Fernando, and Fernando actually, despite feeling like he was in a bit of a slump, is is just finished his biggest month ever before that sale. He hit $74,000 for the last 30 days and so, adding that to it, that puts me at. If our math's right, I mean that's over a hundred thousand dollars by fernando in the last 30 days. That is amazing. So congrats to you, brother. You are truly uh.
Speaker 1:On the track of a million dollar electrician, speaking of which we have another one, austin reported that cameron, his guy, uh doing a little over 83k in january. He says that's the pace for a million dollar tech and that's ignoring the 32k sale he's been working on for the last week. That's about to pay their deposit this Friday. So congrats again to Cam and congrats to you guys having your biggest months ever.
Speaker 1:Scott Hayes if you remember from a podcast, ladies and gentlemen, if you're following for a while now, you may have seen Scott Hayes podcast where he was having his first 30, 40k months. Scott just had uh, he says, my small one van company brought in 66k for january this slow season. If you guys are slow out there, there's no reasons for all over north america. We're seeing record months, great things happening for our teams here in jan, and the winds keep going. But I think, in interest of time, we'll stop there with three big ones Congratulations, you guys, on just being exceptional electricians and premium service providers amen to that all right, joe, if someone wants to get started today and start offering portable generators, start building their options out better for for that or even the exhaust fan.
Speaker 1:What's your like? Top three tips then. Um, give us a little summary breakdown to just take action on this sure.
Speaker 2:So we're gonna say like, if you have like green is a garden hose your first day in a van. What would I do for options?
Speaker 1:they they never listened to us before. They just stumbled on this. Here we are and their mind is just spinning right now with potential, with opportunity. But we don't want to leave them there. We want them to take some steps forward and do something about it.
Speaker 2:So here's step one of the flight of stairs that I'm going to expect you to walk on. But step one is this I'm assuming you're only doing one option. That itself is a take it or leave it you need at a minimum to do three options titled gold, silver, bronze, or titled premium, permanent fix, mid-range or trade standard fix, temporary solution or temporary repair. The reason being is that you need to have something that a client can say. If I walked into this and I picked this option, I'm set for three years. If I take this option, I'm set for two years. If I take this option, I'm set for one year.
Speaker 2:And just as a technician, I'm certain you can look at a problem and say man, I don't trust this is going to be fine for the next three years. If I had to come back out here and I personally had to take this, this is my company, Nah, this GFI is going to trip again. I got to offer something better. So the bottom option is just change a GFI the option above that. Let's just localize it to make sure that you're not going to have any issues. It's not going to protect anything, load side and let's just localize it to make sure that you're not going to have any issues. It's not going to protect anything. Load side. And then the top option is let's just localize them all or I'm going to get a better circuit to it so the microwave doesn't trip when the fridge comes on. Either way, you start with a framework of three of premium, mid-range economy, or three years, two years, one year, and that would be your first step into a much larger and more rewarding world.
Speaker 1:Really good stuff. Okay, what's next for you?
Speaker 2:We're next. Okay, so the next thing on top.
Speaker 1:Oh, sorry, was that all three for you, because I could throw one in too.
Speaker 2:I mean, I could keep going. It depends on how much you want me to throw in. If you want to go further and beyond that, the next thing that I would do is say if you want to create options now we tied into earlier saying how you need to tie emotional concerns the best thing is just say, for each line item that you offer, look at yourself in the mirror and be able to articulate I did this for you because the reason being is because if you can take that concept of saying here's the problem, here's the thing I see that we're trying to solve and here's how this solves it, you will have a far more compelling presentation, because people may say well, they just called me for the GFI, how do I even get to that?
Speaker 2:Well, you are the technician, you have a justification to replace the cloth line, to replace the fridge that's tied in with the outdoor lighting circuit GFI. There's a justification to do these things. And the homeowner doesn't know that. And how should they? Why should they know that You're the electrician? So you take your knowledge, you say I did this for you because and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and have a believable reason that makes sense to you, you will find that your customers will far more properly receive your actual presentations and be more likely to give you the deposit same day.
Speaker 1:I love that. So we've got two big ones there. You said go ahead and make some options. Here's a way that you could do it, even for a GFI. Now you've just enlightened them with that. What's the last one? What's the third action they could take?
Speaker 2:So the third thing to say and this is going to sound crazy, but it's actually a mindset, and we just taught this the other day in class People, especially electricians, focus on designing the job or worrying how they're going to do it before they even sell it. And because of that they psych themselves out of it and they're like oh man, I don't even know how I'm going to get that line into the attic, I'm going to cut this. No, no, no, we're just going to tap off something. Well, you can't lose what you don't have. You don't have the job, so you can't lose it.
Speaker 2:The way that you're going to do it is, instead of saying I need to have a complete design for an unpaid client, say I know that I can solve this problem and if, given this many hours, I'm certain I would do it. So, even if you weren't fully familiar, you do know you could put a number on paper that would say I am dead. Certain hell or high water, I'll get it done For this number, I'm getting it done. So, one, be willing to offer the options. Two, be willing to go and say I did this for you because. And three, don't psych yourself out of not offering it because you're worried that you don't know how to do it. Sell it first. Have the problem to solve and then solve it. Don't solve problems in advance.
Speaker 1:I love that Really good advice, man, and you gave some great, great frameworks today and some huge advice. I love that Really good advice, man, and you gave some great, great frameworks today and some huge advice, and I think that should help so many people. Guys, I'm going to go ahead and put Joe on the spot here a little bit and say that if you want to receive some Joe advice, you can reach out to him. We are not celebrities, we're just people. We're electricians like you, a couple of master electricians with business addictions. As we say, we're on Facebook every single day and you can actually find Joseph on there. Adam is a friend. Add me too, while you're at it, and go ahead and reach out and tell us what's plaguing you with your options, what pains are you feeling out there and what would you like to get to? We'd be happy to give you a little guidance there, joe. Anything else you want to drop in this episode before we say goodbye, man, at the end of the day.
Speaker 2:I just want to let everyone know that your biggest enemy when it comes to sales is your own fear. Sometimes you need to put faith in front of fear in order to overcome your biggest challenges. So, instead of being worried about what you can't do, start having faith of what you can do, and that will lead you to the promised land.
Speaker 1:Mic drop. We'll see you guys next week. Be blessed, be well. And that's a wrap for today's episode of the Million Dollar Electrician Podcast.
Speaker 2:We hope you're buzzing with new ideas that charge up to take your business to the next level.
Speaker 1:So don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share the show with fellow electricians. Together we'll.