Audacity Works

Episode 104: For Instructors- how to teach traveling workshops

Episode 104

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What you'll hear:

  • Come see me this weekend in Washington DC!  All workshop times and descriptions can be found here:  Monarca in Flight!
  • These strategies are for entry-level instructors who have been teaching for a minute but want to get into teaching traveling workshops 5:40 
  • How I got into it, and how I approached it in the beginning and why it's super beneficial/how you can grow from it professionally 6:15
  • Best possible way to reach out to a studio owner 7:50
  • What you need to have ready when you reach out 8:30
  • How many offerings do you need to have to choose from before you reach out?  10:10
  • Getting testimonials:  why you need them and how to get them 12:45
  • Here's an example of a menu of offerings 
  • How to price your workshops and the split with the studio 15:00
  • Need a sample contract?  Sign up for my newsletter and get a contract template as well as lots of other templates and goodies.  17:30
  • What about accommodation? 19:00
  • The metric for success when traveling to teach workshops 20:53

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