Audacity Works
A podcast inspired by and dedicated to the working artist, the creative entrepreneur, and generally, doing the damn thing. This exist for those who have the audacity to believe that their lives have value. This is for you.http://www.rachelstricklandcreative.com/original artwork by the great Dominic Bonuccelli
124 episodes
Episode 124: How to tell your friends "no"
An episode by request from a listener! This is by extension, a part II of a question answered in Episode 116; "how do you defend your creative boundaries" except this part II is a more advanced version: "How to tell your f...
Episode 124
Episode 123: Active rest, duck tongue, and how to choose a PT with Dr. Jen Crane
Today for your listening pleasure, I have a true circus hero- physical therapist, circus artist, and my dear friend Dr. Jen Crane! Jen's work has revolutionized circus training, and I know because I watched her do it, and she changed my l...
Episode 123
Episode 122: How to go on a solo holiday
What you'll hear:The Audacity Project, Cycle 28 is open to the waitlist! It will open to the public next week
Episode 122
Episode 121: "No one wants to hire my work, it's too out there/contemporary/weird"
This episode is by request, on how to address the gremlin: "No one wants to hire my work, it's too out there/contemporary/weird."What you'll hear:H...
Episode 121
Episode 120: Say it with your whole chest: Rachel gets political
It had to be done. Imma say it out loud.Listen to The Movement Maestro's podcast that inspired this one: "
Episode 120
Episode 119: When people disapprove of your weird ass life choices
By request from my friend Lizzie who asks: How to deal (or not) with people who don’t get it. It = circus, no longer wanting stability and pleasures of muggle life, wanting to train hard and achieve.What you'll hear:<...
Episode 119
Episode 118: Undercutting (uuuuugghhhhh)
Continuing from last week's conversation- I'm tackling the question from my girl Ali about "what to do about undercutting uuuugggghhhh"What you'll hear:Avenues you can pursue to make a living wage as a performer without doin...
Episode 118
Episode 117: Performing Full Time
I've been putting this episode off for a while because it's DENSE. It's a bit of a bite-sized master class in this subject, according to me. All my gratitude to the 100+ artists who have talked with me about this in my career, and e...
Episode 117
Episode 116: Buffet episode! 3 questions from listeners
What you'll hear:Creatrix is open to the waitlist! It will open to the public January 20th. You can click here for details and questions are always welcome...
Episode 115: For those at the beginning
By request from Rachael via Instagram (what's up Rachael!) asking me to discuss the uncomfortable state of being obsessed/in love with something but not yet good at it.What you'll hear:Creatrix applications are official open...
Episode 115
Episode 114: No more "show me the money." Now it's "show me the humanity."
What you'll hear:Episode 112, where I outline how I chose my word of the year this year 1:30My word of the year: EVOLVE and some ways that will show u...
Episode 113: The darkness in me sees and honors the darkness in you
With all the talk about the light returning (which is very fair and which I add to in the canticle) how about we actually sit with this long darkness of winter and honor what we find there. What you'll hear:Application...
Episode 113
Episode 112: End of the Year Rituals and the Long Dark
What you'll hear:Wanna leave me a review? I'd love that! 1:00Applications for Creatrix 2.0 will open January 4th at 9am EST for my patron...
Episode 111: Gift Ideas for the Weirdo in Your Life
I'm not a talented gift giver, so I really appreciate personal recommendations for products and companies that are good to work with, ethically sourced, and/or just solid products. What you'll hear:How the show this past weeke...
Episode 111
Episode 110: Adventures in Nonprofit Land with Sierra Nicholls
This episode is for anyone who's considering forming a nonprofit, I've brought on Sierra Nicholls of CSAW just in time for the energy following Giving Tuesday.What you'll hear:Sweet Retreat: the intermediate and advanc...
Episode 110
Episode 109: "When do we eat?!"
What you'll hear:Boooo Thanksgiving, yaaay Thanksgiving, both are true 4:00 For those interested in Creatrix 2.0, here's the best places to learn about it:Best place is the
Episode 109
Episode 108: Witchcraft for Grounding
This episode is by request from my friend Chloe, who asked, "I’m wondering if you have any advice for managing adrenaline spikes before during and after performance. I find the post performance crash quite intense, any tips would be awesome....
Episode 107: 3 hacks for when you feel stuck in your creative process
How ya doing? Holding up ok? I hope this episode finds you well and finding your feet in whatever method
Episode 107
Episode 106: Eyes of Possibility with Rachel Strickland (yes I interviewed myself)
My guest interview for November fell through at the last minute, so I decided to interview myself. I put up an anonymous Question link on the gram, it was only up for around 18 hours so I didn't get many responses, but I am delightedly an...
Episode 106
Episode 105: Beefsteak! Meatsuits and the Muggle Gym part II
By request from wonderful Vix! Thank you Vix! On seasonality in strength training, favorite muggle gym exercises.What you'll hear:On meatsuits and th...
Episode 105
Episode 104: For Instructors- how to teach traveling workshops
What you'll hear:Come see me this weekend in Washington DC! All workshop times and descriptions can be found here: Monarca in Flight!These strategies are for entry...
Episode 104
Episode 103: You really aren't alone- the story of BossUp
What you'll hear:Workshop intensive weekend at Monarca in Flight October 26-27! 2:00It is apparently Infant Loss Awareness week, so in the spirit of not shoving this v...
Episode 103
Episode 102: If you're bored with your discipline
What you'll hear:Acknowledging the grief associated with a loss of interest in your discipline 1:00My very unpopular advice for what to do if you find you are bored with your discipline 3:15Why teaching your discip...
Episode 102
Episode 101: Breastmilk is Magic, and other Natural Witchcraft with Dr. Mel Hobart-Beaumari
Welcome to Audacity Works, for my next guest please enjoy while I share with you one of my favorite humans on earth, coven sibling, youthful dancing partner, and lifelong anam cara, Dr. Mel Hobart-Beaumari . Dr. Mel (aka Dr HB) is a prima...
Episode 101