Audacity Works

Episode 105: Beefsteak! Meatsuits and the Muggle Gym part II

Episode 105

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By request from wonderful Vix!  Thank you Vix!  On seasonality in strength training, favorite muggle gym exercises.

What you'll hear:

  • On meatsuits and the muggle gym, Episode 18
  • What I use the muggle gym for (spoiler, it's GLUTES) 2:15
  • Balancing muggle gym strength training and aerial training 4:30
  • Why I learned to love short workouts 8:00
  • Shoutout to JillFit's program that made me realize ramping back up GENTLY is the only way to fly.  
  • Strength training is RESILIENT 10:00
  • My personal trainer Nelson's advice that finally got through my thick circus-skull that just wants to do as hard as I can all the time 11:00
  • Favorite leg/ass/hamstring exercises- you don't need 30, you only need like...10.  Squats, kettlebell swings, walking lunges, and hip thrusts are my favorites and I do them each week on different days when possible.  13:00
  • Favorite ab exercises:  Myotatic crunch with or without weight (start with 2lbs.) and hanging leg lifts 14:00
  • Getting as much bang for your buck as you can for ab exercises so you're not just doing crunches for a billionty years 15:30
  • The basic recipe I use every time I go to the muggle gym 16:24
  • What I'm most proud of from my muggle gym time 18:00

Don't go back to sleep.

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