Audacity Works

Episode 115: For those at the beginning

Episode 115

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By request from Rachael via Instagram (what's up Rachael!) asking me to discuss the uncomfortable state of being obsessed/in love with something but not yet good at it.

What you'll hear:

  • Creatrix applications are official open to waitlist!  Click here to get a reminder (I'll notify you if the spaces have been filled).
  • How the discomfort between being a beginner and having high standards of excellent can manifest 2:26
  • There are no shortcuts to development, and if there were, I'd advise against it 3:50
  • Ambition is precious, and should be honored while it's breathing fire 4:25
  • How this cognitive dissonance between where I was and where i wanted to be manifested for me when I was a beginning 6:00
  • How to actively celebrate that which you already have on the table- make a brag list! 9:00
  • How to include the AND while acknowledging your gremlins 12:00
  • What an absolute fuckin legend you are for pursuing your love in spite of your gremlins 13:30
  • If you want to read the full story about Agnes de Mille and Martha Graham, you can do that here
  • How you can deal if someone dismisses you when you tell them what you want 20:30

Don't go back to sleep.

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