

Jon Orr

Jon is a secondary mathematics teacher who is earlier along his financial freedom journey after teamming up with Kyle back in 2018 to launch their Make Math Moments side-hustle business doing the work he loves: helping more students learn more math in effective and engaging ways.

It didn’t take long for Jon to realize that Kyle had investment and wealth building plans for the extra cashflow they were generating through their passion project math business. Being a lifelong learner, Jon listened to all of the recommended audiobooks, podcasts and engaged in long mentorship conversations to shift his mindset from a save and spend mentality to an investor’s mindset.

The first substantial amount of profit Jon generated from his portion of his side-hustle business went towards a real estate joint venture (JV) partnership with Kyle and Matt’s North Shore Properties.

Kyle Pearce

Kyle is a secondary mathematics teacher who is 15 years into his financial freedom journey and is always eager to learn something new related to generating passive income, investing and wealth-building.

He loves the teaching and learning process so much that he is the K-12 Mathematics Consultant for a school district in Ontario, Canada and has co-founded a passive income generating online math professional development company with fellow Invested Teacher, Jon Orr.

Kyle is also actively investing in real estate investor and stock options trading with another fellow Invested Teacher, Matt Biggley. Together, they co-own the real estate investment corporation, North Shore Properties that holds multi-family residential and commerical real estate. Currently, the company owns and manages over 30 units.