Restaurant Punk

Fast-Food Favorites: What Junk Food Would You Take to a Deserted Island?

Kara Restaurant Group

McDonalds vs. Burger King, Chipotle vs. Moe’s, Wendy’s vs. Chick-fil-A – fast food is an American obsession and a divisive one at that. Noelle is asking the question: what is your ultimate fast-food item? Tune in to hear what Peter, George, and Noelle think, plus answers to these burning questions:

- Are Wawa snack wraps comparable to the discontinued McDonald’s version?
- Do SpaghettiOs still slap?
- Would you consider Subway or Five Guys fast food?
- Are there any fast-food restaurants you won’t eat at?
- Have you ever tried a burger from P. Terry’s?

#restaurantpunk #restaurant #fastfood #quickservice #qsr #hospitality #desertedisland #favoritefood #podcast #mcdonalds #burgerking #chipotle #tacobell #moes #chickfila #pterrys #burger #obsession #subway #fiveguys
#junkfood #cheatday #cheatmeal

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