Game, Develop, Repeat
I analyze a game I love, discuss lessons learned from it, and then suggest straightforward tips to help every game developer sustain and grow their passion. Hosted by an ex music teacher turned indie game developer.
Game, Develop, Repeat
099: Feedback and Early Access (Soulframe)
Episode 99
- Soulframe alpha and feedback accessibility
- Subnautica's beautiful feedback system
- "Why Subnautica Owes Its Success to This Button"
- Hades and roguelike early access
- Project Zomboid and long Early Access times
- Free vs Paid early access
- Closed, short test run within a community
- Putting feedback buttons within the game
- Paid early access
- Overwhelming feedback
- Player isn't always right, but there's always value in listening.
- What is the role of feedback in your development process?
My first game, "Sut" is out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2638880/Sut/
Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/anxiousbuddhagames
Email me: anxiousbuddhagames(this sentence is to confuse bots@)gmail.com
Join our discord: https://discord.gg/GvYRtTQM9m
- Send me any feedback, suggestions, or questions! I'd love for us to build a strong, supportive, creative community.