Game, Develop, Repeat
I analyze a game I love, discuss lessons learned from it, and then suggest straightforward tips to help every game developer sustain and grow their passion. Hosted by an ex music teacher turned indie game developer.
115 episodes
The Tortured Artist
A game I meant to mention that has major "tortured artist" vibes: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1156380/One_Dreamer/
Episode 114

On Overthinking
Game: Overthinking Mechanics Overthinking in different genres Enjoyable vs unenjoyable overthinking Develop: Looking for objective facts Creativ...
Episode 103

Inspiration and Personal Evolution (Don't Escape)
Game: The problem with point and click games A single game developer's evolution Develop: Finishing a project instead of expanding it Saving evolutions ...
Episode 102

Sonic Says I've Gotta Go Fast
Game: Sonic and running into walls Fast but not distracted Develop: The urge to go slow The long game Time scales for progress ...
Episode 101

100: Shortcuts Cheats and Struggles
Game: The Golden Cheatcode Era and Bighead Mode DLC as Cheats Single vs Multiplayer Cheats Skill development and Cheating Cheating and fun Develop:...
Episode 100

099: Feedback and Early Access (Soulframe)
Game: Soulframe alpha and feedback accessibility Subnautica's beautiful feedback system "Why Subnautica Owes Its Success to This Button"
Episode 99

098: The Impression of Fun (Brighter Shores)
Game: Brighter Shores and Runescape Number goes up I'm confused about why I don't enjoy these games Develop: The idle to engaging gameplay spectrum&n...
Episode 98

097: Default Hotkeys and You
Game:Unplayable default hotkeysMechwarrior 2 and 3Warcraft III hotkey optimizationGothic hotkey engineeringDustforce, CelesteThe "First letter" hotkey scheme Devel...
Episode 97

096: The Goal Dilemma
Game:Games without goalsHow games present goalsChallenges, exploration, invitations Develop:Creating thingsMusic, Game Dev, and WritingCoding feels like improvi...
Episode 96

095: On Competitive Games
Game: Warcraft III ranked Climbing the ladder Blizzard's affinity for competitive games Develop: Pro-competitive design Marketplace competition<...
Episode 95

093: Drowning, Timers, and Quest Logs
Game: Drowning in Sonic Time limits If Skyrim had no quest log Baldur's Gate and Morrowind Develop: Work expands to fill time&nbs...
Episode 93