Game, Develop, Repeat

100: Shortcuts Cheats and Struggles

AnxiousBuddhaGames Episode 100


  •  The Golden Cheatcode Era and Bighead Mode
  •  DLC as Cheats
  •  Single vs Multiplayer Cheats
  •  Skill development and Cheating
  •  Cheating and fun


  •  The Piano Analogy, slow focused practice
  •  Taking advice and exploring advice
  •  Rushing past the joy
  •  The 100th episode is done


  •  Is there any part of development you'd like to try savoring more? 

My first game, "Sut" is out:
Twitch Stream:
Email me: anxiousbuddhagames(this sentence is to confuse bots@)
Join our discord:

  • Send me any feedback, suggestions, or questions! I'd love for us to build a strong, supportive, creative community.