Game, Develop, Repeat
I analyze a game I love, discuss lessons learned from it, and then suggest straightforward tips to help every game developer sustain and grow their passion. Hosted by an ex music teacher turned indie game developer.
Game, Develop, Repeat
100: Shortcuts Cheats and Struggles
Episode 100
- The Golden Cheatcode Era and Bighead Mode
- DLC as Cheats
- Single vs Multiplayer Cheats
- Skill development and Cheating
- Cheating and fun
- The Piano Analogy, slow focused practice
- Taking advice and exploring advice
- Rushing past the joy
- The 100th episode is done
- Is there any part of development you'd like to try savoring more?
My first game, "Sut" is out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2638880/Sut/
Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/anxiousbuddhagames
Email me: anxiousbuddhagames(this sentence is to confuse bots@)gmail.com
Join our discord: https://discord.gg/GvYRtTQM9m
- Send me any feedback, suggestions, or questions! I'd love for us to build a strong, supportive, creative community.