Boob to Food - The Podcast

105 - Parenting Outside the Box: A Guide to Neurodivergence with Madonna King and Bec Sparrow

Episode 105

Parenting is full of challenges, but when your child doesn’t quite “fit the box,” it can leave you with more questions than answers. This week on Boob to Food the podcast, we’re joined by two incredible guests, Madonna King and Bec Sparrow, to explore the topic of neurodivergence. In their new book, Out of the Box, Madonna and Bec unpack the complexities of raising and supporting neurodivergent children, offering practical guidance and hope for families navigating this journey.

Madonna King is an award-winning journalist, best-selling author, and speaker with a passion for tackling complex issues faced by families today. Her work provides a voice for children and parents navigating the often overwhelming world of raising confident, connected kids.

Bec Sparrow is a best-selling author, speaker, and advocate for young people. With a focus on fostering mental health and well-being, Bec has helped countless families understand and support children through life’s challenges. Together, their book, Out of the Box, is a resource every parent needs to navigate the world of neurodivergence with empathy and practicality.

In today’s episode we discuss:

  • What neurodivergence is and how parents can identify early signs 
  • Where parents should start if they suspect their child may be neurodivergent
  • What typically happens after a diagnosis, including the types of support available and how to access it.
  • The challenges families may face when navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 
  • How parents can collaborate with educators to advocate for their child’s needs at school without feeling like they’re "pushing too hard."
  • Steps parents can take to address potential bullying or exclusion of their neurodivergent child
  • ... and so much more

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Presented by Luka McCabe and Kate Holm

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