Sustain the Range

From Forests to Fields: A Conversation on First Generation Ranching, Mental Health, and Land Stewardship

Lauren P

Note: The audio in this episode is a little spotty so bear with us! In this episode, I sit down with Brittany Duffy, co-founder of Uncompahgre Farm, for a heartfelt conversation into the journey of sustainable ranching. We discuss Brittany's background with the Peace Corps and Forest Service and dive into the roots of her and her partner’s  cattle operation, the joys and challenges of being first-generation ranchers and environmental stewardship. We talk about their direct-to-consumer beef business and we get into more personal topics such as mental health and what it means to be deeply connected to the land and the animals we steward. She offers some advice and encouragement for aspiring ranchers and ag enthusiasts and lessons she has learned along the way. Tune in! 

Uncompaghre Farms:

Brittany Duffy Contact:

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