Sustain the Range

Merry Christmas! Life Lately and a Big Thank You

First off, I recorded this one off the cuff and in my car and it is a little fuzzy, so I do apologize for the audio not being the best! But everything can't always be perfect, right?! 

I wanted to release this anyway because I wanted to say hi, wish you all a Merry Christmas, and thank you for listening! I talk about some life updates, making some hard decisions, what the holidays are all about, if you're a person of faith, and why it's important to listen to those nudges from God. I talk about whether or not the holidays are a happy time or if you're like me, who finds it a time of good but also some sadness too- and if you aren't feeling super festive this season, it is ok! 

I appreciate each person who listens to these episodes and want you to know how much it means to me! Thank you- see you in 2025! 

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