Anything Flows

Ep #10 | Freedom from Attachments: Embracing the Four Agreements

Adrienne Noriega and Annette Noriega Season 1 Episode 10

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Prepare to break free from the chains of suffering and embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery with our latest episode of Anything Flows.  Join us as we discuss the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz's groundbreaking book, "The Four Agreements."  These powerful principles have revolutionized our life by guiding us towards a state of true liberation.  

Throughout our lives, we form agreements and attachments based on our experiences, societal beliefs and other's projected opinions.  The source of all of our suffering is caused by the attachments that we hold to these agreements.  Learning how to let these go and replacing them with The Four Agreements is how we ultimately find liberation and freedom from suffering in the mind.   The four agreements are: 

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don't take anything personally
  3. Don't make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

In this episode, we also explore the parallels between these agreements and the ancient practice of yoga.  Discover how yoga serves as a gateway to help us understand universal truths and unraveling the stories and perceptions we attach to our experiences.  By embracing non-attachment, we learn to exist with what is as it arises, without reacting.  Yoga is about letting go of limiting beliefs and watching what goes on in the mind, body and with the breath and then course correcting so we can recognize our true potential. 

It's our belief that true growth happens within a supportive community and that's why we invite you to share your thoughts and insights on this episode.  Reach out on Instagram ( and to connect with us and stay up to date on future FREE yoga we'll be offering to help cultivate commitment to these practices.    


Apply for 1:1 health coaching program with Adrienne!

00:00 Welcome to Anything Flows
01:14 How yoga teacher training has been going
02:11 Agreements we've developed throughout our life
06:58 The Four Agreements to follow
08:37 Don't make assumptions
09:12 Truth, perception and verbalization
17:44 Be impeccable with your word
22:55 Always do your best
25:30 Get your copy of The Four Agreements
28:08 Become aware of your patterns
29:59 Journaling activity for your four energetic bodies
34:48 Thank you for listening and reach out to continue this discussion

Namaste, friends!


Apply for 1:1 health coaching program with Adrienne!

-Coach Adrienne