Exotic Pets™
The show for people interested in pets that slither, hop, creep, fly or swim: from bunnies to iguanas, parrots to ferrets, snakes to tortoises. Information on the physical requirements of these exotic pets and how to manage the often challenging environment and correct diet essential to their welfare.
Co-hosted by Dr. Doug Mader, author of "The Vet at Noah's Ark: Stories of Survival from an Inner-City Animal Hospital,"who is a world-renowned specialist on exotic animals, author of four major veterinary textbooks on reptile and amphibians, and a passionate educator.

Early episodes of this show were co-hosted by Dr. Karen Rosenthal, Director of Exotic Animal Medicine at several institutions of higher learning.
Podcasting since 2023 • 89 episodes
Exotic Pets™
Latest Episodes
I Am Mouse, Hear Me Roar
#289: Eleanor Spicer Rice, author of “Your Pets’ Secret Lives: the Truth Behind Your Pets’ Wildest Behaviors,” writes about the wondrous conversations mice have that we cannot hear. Mama mice sing to their babies — who sing back! She recommends...

Do Not Put Your Reptile in the Freezer!
#297: Dr Doug talks about reptile euthanasia which is very tricky, since they can come back to life after being euthanized medically! And people mistakenly think they can euthanize their reptile in the freezer but it is a terrible, painful deat...

Sy Montgomery “What the Rooster Knows”
#294: Sy Montgomery talks about her flock of “ladies” in her book “What the Chicken Knows: a New Appreciation of the World’s Most Familiar Bird” and all the ways that chickens are delightful, intelligent, long-lasting pets (with the added bonus...