Being Mum
I am Amanda and as a busy stay at home mum to 4 kids, 2 of them autistic I know how easy it is to put yourself last when children come along and they become the focus.
From a young age as women we are socially conditioned as to what a good mum looks like. All giving, all caring and the superwoman of the home and family life. We try to live up to these ideals and its impossible.
This expectation is completely unrealistic and leads mums to feeling overwhelmed and burned out and ultimately like we are massive failures. The weight of mum guilt is heavy and needs to be removed.
I sadly lost my own mum to bowel cancer in 2019 which really hit home for me how precious our time is. We so often put the things we want to do off until the kids are older, are in school, or leave home. Losing my mum made me realise that time isn't promised and that its precious, we have to create and live the life we dream of now.
This podcast is my way of letting mums know they need to put themselves first, how they can find the time and more energy for the day to day and more love and compassion for themselves and this will ripple out to their family and their life.
Being Mum
Welcome to this podcast with me, Amanda Forsey. I'm a busy mother of four children under the age of seven, including two who are autistic. I'm also a wife, a proud dog mom, and now a podcaster!
This podcast provides a space for mothers like myself, who are constantly tired and overwhelmed by the demands of caring for others. We understand the struggle that accompanies the everyday tasks, which can easily lead to burnout.
But here's the good news: it doesn't have to be that way!
Join me every week as we explore the everyday issues that affect us and prevent us from living the lives we truly desire. Together, we'll delve into our passions, values, and dreams, taking small steps to cope with the madness, enjoy the precious moments, and find fulfilment within ourselves!
Being Mum Tribe Online Facebook Community
View Behind the scenes content - https://ko-fi.com/amandaforsey
Hi there, I'm Amanda and I'm a super busy mummy of four young kids under seven and two of them are autistic. I'm from Northern Ireland originally. So apologies if I speak too quickly or you lose me an accent. I now live in sunny Kent in the UK with my wonderful yet very energetic children, my long suffering supportive husband Duncan, and my adorable dog Monty. This podcast is my way of connecting with other mums who are wondering what happened and how time got away from them. Maybe like me, you're feeling restless and a little stuck thinking that you'll never get the time to do the things you want or don't even know what those things are anymore. There is a real struggle in dealing with the same daily mundane tasks like laundry and dishes, the ones that need to be repeated over and over again. And they leave us feeling frustrated, unsatisfied, unfulfilled, and even unappreciated. Kids don't say thank you for the clean clothes, do they? As mums we have endless to do lists and it really easy to become overwhelmed and burnt out. Even if we do have some free time more often than not, we don't even know what to do with it. So we can't be surprised when our spirits are a little drained and we don't make the time for ourselves. Luckily, I have learned it doesn't have to be this way. Join me each week as I delve into an issue that might be causing you stress and keeping you from living the life you truly want. I'm going to tackle all the different aspects of motherhood that affect us on a daily basis and keep us in repeating negative patterns and habits. I'll be encouraging you to figure out what you're passionate about and where your true values lie at this stage of your life as a woman and as a mother. I'm going to talk about different ways to create a positive mindset and nurture our mental and emotional well being deal with perfectionism is a big one I struggle with banishing mum guilt so we can actually enjoy the moments when we take them relaxation techniques to deal with anxiety and stress and help us cope in the madness. things we can do that will excite and recharge us and many other ways of nurturing ourselves or practising self care. And taking some time for yourself, you can create an overall happier life balance for you and your family. As you can imagine, it is an ongoing journey. And my curiosity and love of learning new things means I'm always finding new tricks and new ways to make my life easier. And to help me remain calm when the kids are doing my head in and trying my patience. It wasn't until I had kids that I learned patience runs out. So if like me, you're a mum who feels like you've lost yourself and are overwhelmed with motherhood and all it entails and you want to find your joy and your spark again, then you're in the right place. By taking some time to silence the daily noise and exploring some easy fun and creative ways to find ourselves and our focus. We can renew our energy to find out what lights us up again. Let me tell you how you can press pause on the overload and turn down that noise level of the endless demands and the distractions of daily life. I want to let you know that you don't have to figure it out alone. As women were told we can have all and you can I promise. It's simply a matter of figuring out what having all means to you.