The Starseed Mission Podcast

11. Gridwork: Psychic Field Work

EarthStar Academy

Gridwork season is upon us, and Xi is inviting all of her planetary family to join her on her next three-month, cross-continental adventure tour! Today I'll share about my itinerary activating the Dragon Line across America, what gridwork looks like and how I prepare my vessel for my journey. I'll also go into the different aspects of gridwork like psychic, earth grid, crystal grid and etc. :)

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 54:55)
We take a journey through our chakra system and clear major common implantation and distortion, and a deep dive into the specific bars of our prison system within the false matrix.  Mind control frequencies, specific programs of misery, attack on the nuclear family and tribal essence... Bio-chemical warfare allowing for interdimensional possession...

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Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode.

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome to Star Seed Mission Support. We are so excited to be back with you one more week. We apologize for this monsoon rainy season that's happening in our mountain home. It's beautiful. We have had a very dry season, so we very much appreciate the thunderstorms, but the last few weeks has taken out our power and our electricity at the time of our Star Seed Mission Support transmissions and we're like 40 minutes away from steady phone service. We do apologize that we missed last week the land got a drenching. It was so much thunder.

Speaker 1:

I'm still going to have my beautiful friend Marguerite and Don on our Star Seed Mission Support sometime. They were going to be my guests last weekend. They came for a visit. It was brilliant Lots of discussions about dragons and immortality and miracles and beautiful codes landing. So we had some work to do in the local sphere so we could not make it to the Star Seed Mission Support last week. Here we are. I have my friend Shane back on with me. You guys loved him the last time we were on. You're like please bring him back. So here he is.

Speaker 2:

Hey guys, how's it going? So happy to be here. Thank you so much for tuning in every Saturday. We really appreciate it and we are so excited to bring you some jewels, bring you some of that sauce, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so welcome. The topic that we're going in today is so big. My brain is like, where do we start? But I am so excited. I am so sorry for the delay in the Facebook request thing. I just totally avoided that folder of my life for like two years and so I finally have my friend Willow look through there yesterday. So welcome, Kara, I'm so happy that you're here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so about a month ago, when Shane first arrived here on the land at the Earth Star Sanctuary, I walked into his cabin and my crown chakra opened and the galactics were like you are going to be going on a grid work mission soon. You will be gone for three months. I was like what, I love, being at home, I'm not going anywhere. Like there's no way I'm going to go anywhere for three months, like there's no chance. And at this point I should know better than to argue with my higher self, but I still do. Sometimes, you know, and those of you that have read my book, I am star seed. I talked about the seven years of grid work. That really, I think, was my training for the work that is upcoming. So basically, starting from, I think, tuesday night, we are embarking on a three month grid work tour across the continental USA and I'm going to talk about our itinerary in a little bit, because we are going to be stopping in certain places and we're going to be doing ceremonies with the Earth and if you are in the area, we'd love for you to come and hang out. But we are going to be taking our adventure on Instagram. It's funny because I'm going to have to up my Instagram game. Those of you that are up there know I haven't posted in like a month or two or something, but I'm going to try to post every day. We should vlog every day because we have quite a packed schedule. So it's really exciting.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about grid work and you know, I'll just start with how I got interested in this and why I was called to it. I know that you have had that, too, in your life, so I love to hear those stories as well. So, basically, when I first woke up, I was like, oh my God, all the humans are so sad. There's something wrong with this. Like, how can I do something about this pandemic of disconnection and depression and not being in love with life, because to me that's like normal being in love with life and all the beautiful things life to offer. That's normal, that's what it's supposed to be like.

Speaker 1:

And so I went out into the forest and I just dropped on my knees and started crying and all of a sudden I was like, please, earth you know you're this big being like you probably know what my gifts are like tell me how I can help.

Speaker 1:

And the earth actually started talking back at me and she started having me just go to like these local places, like the park and the stream and forest across from my house, and I started just communicating with the earth and tuning into the collective energies and the memory that's held inside of the various layers of the earth's physical and etheric bodies. And through that process, you know, for the last seven, eight years, gained a lot of experience. I had driven across the continent a few times, visited South America and found myself in different stargates by surprise, worked with Sasquatches and fairies and ETs, and all those things are in my book. People really like it, the book. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it, especially if you're into grid work and you're a star seed and you feel like you're waking up and you're an alien and you don't know if you're all alone on the planet. It's called I am star seed. It's on Amazon, so yeah, I'll let you tell your story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so for me, for me it kind of started. I don't know if you guys know Cryon, but Cryon is a channeled being from by a guy named Lee Carroll, and so he just would go around different places and the channeled information it just like really resonated with me and they were talking about these series of 24 nodes and nulls and they would be doing these activations and it seemed to just like I don't know what it was about it, but it just resonated with me so much and like there's 24 locations on this earth where, basically, like cosmic consciousness, cosmic knowledge, comes into the earth and other places where you can do clearings on the earth, and I just felt like that was something that I was meant to do and I have like a really deep connection with all these different places on earth. Like I remember I used to watch like National Geographic and like Aerial America and like all these like channels where there's like helicopters flying over like different locations, and I was like, oh my God, like I have to go there, like I just need to be there. And then I started learning about the crystalline, the different grid systems, you know, like crystalline grid, the Gaia grid, and like magnetic grids and stuff like that, and I realized that you can. You can create impact. You can create impact and with your consciousness, interacting with these grids.

Speaker 2:

And then I read Z's book and I was like, wow, okay, you know, sign me up. Where do I sign up? I don't know where to sign up, so I'm just gonna. I'm gonna look, I'm gonna follow her for a little bit and I watched some of her. I watched some of her like her classes, and then I eventually joined her school and then, yeah, you know, just kind of got connected and we just we resonated about on all these things, and so that's where I kind of my journey had begun and this is kind of like another chapter and I'm really, really excited and I can't wait, all right.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like where I want to start with this is a disclaimer. So when we talk about, you know, being a light worker and specifically being being of support and being of service to the earth, I personally have just encountered a lot of things that are very scary. We are matching colors today. We did not coordinate. I don't know if you hijacked my color.

Speaker 2:

I was wearing. I was wearing red first.

Speaker 1:

You weren't. So, anyway, there's a certain lightness and just the inner knowing of how connected and how powerful God and divine love and our source truly is Right. So, because there is that deep level of connection and faith and assuredness in myself as a being that is deeply connected and in oneness with source, unity that, when I approach these subjects, which are quite intense, I hope you will notice that, you know, is never from an energy of fear. I'm not trying to, you know, create an energy of fear or make you guys think about things that are scary. I'm sure there's things that are not tasteful to start, beings that come from higher dimensions, but it doesn't mean that, you know, we need to talk about them in a fearful way. And in fact, you know, today we're really talking about the solutions, right, how we're addressing these issues, and so if you're someone that have gone through, let's say, abuse or sexual abuse or ritual abuse or anything like that, I just want to say that today's transmission might be triggering and if that's the case, you know you're still welcome to sit through and just tune into the vibration, because you know there are energies that can support us moving out of the victimization of those experiences, and part of that is, you know the medicine that this energy is bringing through. So, if you, you know I'm going to say that everyone should know themselves the best and how they react and how they can handle and process information, and so just take care of yourself. If things are a little bit intense, just click out of the video. You know you can always finish it later, but we are going to be addressing certain things like, you know, pedophilia on the planet and you know, different factions of governments that have their hand in that, and really the metaphysical reasons of why those things are happening and how it's influencing you and all of humanity in a massive way, and how, when we work with the grids inside of our body, inside of our consciousness and then inside of the earth, we can actually have a direct influence on those things and alleviate the situation. And that doesn't mean that, you know, we don't do anything else to help or to stop those terrible things from happening.

Speaker 1:

But there is just a protocol or a step-to-step-by-step process, because we want to have strategy right. We want to approach this situation with strategy and the, let's say, the evil people. They have a lot of strategy, they are very organized and that is how we ended up in the situation, and so the lightworkers and the starcies, you know we have to be strategic as well. We have to understand how the spiritual war is set up and you know how we can arm ourselves with knowledge, with God, light, with our inner connection to divine source, so that we, you know, are charged up and we can actually unite and organize in an intelligent way to, you know, move forward and to dissolve, as somebody is saying, these things on the earth. So it's quite a multi-dimensional process, right, and I kind of go through this in my book as well, where we talk about how you know a lot of starcies and lightworkers, because the earth is set up in a certain way, like, for example, a belief is, you know, in order to make money, you have to sell your soul and waste your time at a job that's like that you don't like, so that you can have money, and the only way you can have money is to do that. But the truth is that you know, when we step out of that paradigm and we start living in alignment with the truth, that you know, money is actually energy, and energy is, you know, everything, and that energy is channeled through our bodies, through our thoughts, through our actions, through our dreams, through our gifts. And when we start operating inside of that, let's say, physics of reality, then we begin to shift. You know, we begin to make shifts in the 3D, and the reason why I'm saying that is that this is actually a really deep part of gridwork, right?

Speaker 1:

Because there are, I think, quite a few different kinds of gridwork, and I like to think of it in two major sections. One of them is working with the grids, the body, the physical, the physicality of the energy. So working with the meridians of the body, like acupuncture, is like gridwork. And, you know, working with the energies on the earth, working with mountains and nature and power spots and temples, all of these things are working with the lay line systems or the energy systems of the physicality. And then we have, you know, psychic gridwork, which is really the theme of today's topic, which is when we're beginning to recognize that, because everything is consciousness and consciousness is quantum, right? So now we're tapping into the unity field, this application of unity, consciousness, of all you know, is one, the love one, whatever you want to call it. You know, a lot of things can be very intellectual, and then you're like well, how is this applied? In what way can I apply spiritual knowledge to my life and to to make things better for myself and everyone? And one of the applications of unity consciousness is psychic grid work.

Speaker 1:

Now, this ties directly into a previous conversation we had another day about Hanoi Pano Pano, which I think that is just another iteration or another modality that really is utilizing the same physics, okay, so I think some of you have heard the story, but I just love telling it because it's amazing. The man that brought through the Hanoi Pano Pano prayer, which is I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. His name is Dr Heulann and he, um, you know, brought through this prayer. I think he was actually a licensed psychologist and he went to this like state run mental hospital with like 43 clients or, um, what are they called Patience in that hospital, and he went and sat in his office for three days and did the Hanoi Pano Pano prayer. Now, the reason why this prayer is so cool is that he's really tapping into the quantum unity consciousness stuff.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and when you tap into unity consciousness, you realize that you know there's no separation and that we're actually really all one, we're all source unity. We all exist in this unified field of consciousness and that when you tap into that space, separation is really an illusion, Right, and so this is when we shift out of that duality of you. Know, this is good, this is an angel, this is somebody that's bad. We kind of envelop everything and say, okay, um, I recognize that this is all a part of myself, the reason why this is so powerful, you know a lot of, I think a lot of us are resistant to accepting that that horrible pedophile could be a part of ourselves. Right, it's kind of a terrible thing to to understand and move through.

Speaker 1:

But basically, dr Hewland sat in his own office and tapped into the quantum unity field and took responsibility for all of the pain and trauma and terrible things and and be karma that the patient had. And ultimately, I I believe that, especially with mental illness, that is almost always a being that you know, has not been shown how to address our karma or our pain, body or distortions, and because there's in our society, nobody has been taught the tools to process those things. Um, it drives us crazy, quite literally. So, basically, then, dr Hewland walked out of his office in three days and all of the patients were released from the hospital because he literally healed them all. They were all healed by him just sitting alone in his office, taking responsibility, right, expanding to the unity field and bodying that creator consciousness into a higher dimensional reality.

Speaker 1:

And so when I think about that story and I think about all of the other things that are happening on the planet, like, if we are capable of healing 43 people in a mental hospital in three days, what else are we capable of doing through the application of this psychic technology? Basically, right, an intention that we create with our consciousness? Um, and so in the last few days have been really quite intense and the energies has been coming through because I feel like the last four or five years, the children and the human trafficking and the pedophiles and all that stuff is very prominent. You know that's a huge issue that, once you come into lucidity about that, is really quite hard to forget it, right, because, um, these energies, um, these energies that um are, you know, created through human trafficking. You know millions of people being enslaved and abused on all of the. You know pedophilia that goes on in the churches and all of these things. You know they leave an imprint in the lay line system. Uh, I personally know for a fact that you know these secret societies, and maybe this is something that you can speak to better, but a lot of them had knowledge of the lay lines, right, had knowledge of power places in the planet, and that's why they put their thingy there on the super power spot.

Speaker 1:

And now what happens with the lay lines is that the lay lines channel consciousness, right.

Speaker 1:

And so originally the lay lines were created to be kind of a central, uh, telepathy, um, almost like an immune system where at certain evolutionary moments in time, the angels or our higher selves, or God or the sun, whatever you want to call that force, can just usher in, you know, an impulse of activation or evolutionary impulse, and that literally will impulse the whole planet and all the living creatures to evolve into a next, um evolutionary state of our consciousness. Until you know, we're literally in the vibration of heaven on earth. And so this lay line system then, you know, was hijacked and overtaken by these factions of beings that decided to basically change it into a mind control technology. And how they do that is by anchoring these um reversal spaces or reversals, the Catholic um, you know, shame programming and the sexual abuse and all of those things, and that literally creates this offense that keeps humanity from being able to receive the evolutionary impulses that are coming in from the sun. So I'm going to pause.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean you, uh, yeah, I mean uh, you, you give a really good explanation there.

Speaker 2:

Um, and I think the troubling thing is that most of these um, uh, most of these sites are traditionally and historically like really spiritual, um, really um, like really special places on the earth where a lot, of, a lot of deep spiritual evolution has happened and they've been kind of hijacked and and so, um, it's, it's kind of a tragic thing, because these things are are sacred to humanity and and they, they should have remained sacred to us and you know, so that our, our kids and our kids kids could go and and spend time there and receive the gifts of, um, you know, get touched by God and the.

Speaker 2:

You know the it's coming back. But there we just have to be really clear and really understand that um and just very elusive of of what happened, so that we can do something about it and and bring things back to um, a harmony and uh and a balance, so that you know we can, we can go to these places and we can get, can get touched and um, yeah, it's, it's uh, it took a long time for this to occur. You know, this isn't something that happened overnight and and so, yeah, we'd like it's going to take a little bit of time to to uh bring back into into a balance, but we're definitely going to do it. So we got this.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. So, Jeremy, thank you for initiating the uh process of getting into a little bit more of the practicalities. So I'm feeling like, um, these are experiences that we can apply our superpowers to right. So when we're first waking up, we find that, you know, we can sense energy. Or we find that we've always been really sensitive and, in fact, because we were so sensitive that we actually started to numb ourselves or dumb ourselves down so that we wouldn't be overwhelmed with feeling everything all the time. And so when we came into this planet, you know, our light body and our DNA had already encoded in it these light technologies, these abilities to sense hyper sensitive information or hyper subtle energy. And because, you know, we went to school or whatever, and the energy was just so dense and dull and jagged, um, that we've had to create defenses, right To really numb ourselves.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's why a lot of star seats end up doing drugs or different kinds of things at an earlier age, um, really to try to turn those superpowers off. So if we spent, you know, 10, 20 years in the false matrix trying to turn our psychic abilities off, it's probably going to take us a little bit of time to reverse that process and I'm getting into here is that, you know, when we tune into the energy of the planet, there are very many different layers and so, on the one hand, there are super high energy, you know, liquid, golden, ecstatic, blissful, original creation consciousness, uh, vibrations coming in, um, and you know there's a lot of turmoil and confusion on the earth plane in the 3d and while, um, a lot of people are saying that there's going to be a bifurcation or separation. Separation or the bifurcation timeline never really made sense to me, right? Because even if all the star seats live in the forest and all of the people lived in the matrix, you're still going to feel them all because we share a planetary consciousness, we share a planetary body, and so, yes, on the surface level, it looks like it appears as if there is a bifurcation, because in order for the star seat and the light workers to be truly online and truly, you know, walking in their power, you know millionaires, you know able to just clean up the ocean, grow a bunch of trees, build all these healing centers that heals all of humanity, like we literally have the power to do that. But in order to do that, we have to come fully online, and in order to come online fully, it might look like we are leaving the false matrix, when we're really just creating sanctuary around ourselves to fully come into our power and our activation. And once we're fully activated, you know, we're probably going to just turn around and stare the beast right in the face and say, all right, we got to transform all this. Right. It's going to be really fun because we'll be in our creator empowerment, and there's nothing more fun to a creator than destroying what's not working and creating something more beautiful and in resonance with our highest joy. And so, with all that being said, we're kind of in the step where, you know, doing something about the planetary reality. It's not just this simple thing, right, we have to really restructure all of the parts of our consciousness and all of the things that we've experienced on earth so far, all of the things that are normal, all the things that we, you know, felt like the reality was true was everything that was true in the reality and all of us. Those things have to be crumbled and destroyed so we can come into the truth of who we really are. And sometimes that could really feel like you're going crazy, because your sense of reality is dramatically changing from the status quo or from you know the false matrix, but also then realizing that it's really actually the first step.

Speaker 1:

And Ruben says that's when the beast looks us in the eye and says now you're ready, congrats, you have graduated. Precisely, I love that, ruben. So I think that Ruben is bringing in this energy that I love is like what is there for us, right, we can be so focused on. You know how we got to save the world and this thing's got to happen, and blah, blah, blah. And I think that there's so much fuel in acknowledging what the earth experience is bringing you on a soul level, right, the highest level of creative potency and joyful experience of transmutation and growth and evolution. All of these things are like the highest treasures to your soul, and that's why all of your souls were so excited to have this opportunity to be here on earth, right, because we're getting a lot out of it. It's really like Jedi training, creator training, to a level that you're not going to get too often in a lot of places in the universe.

Speaker 1:

And so, with that attitude of curiosity and playfulness, we can go into the places inside of our body where we're not feeling that excitement and when we begin to address those lines of energy and you know, a lot of you are going to find that because our body is completely united or in oneness with the planet, it might look like our feet, you know, is like even gravity is holding us down all the time. Right, gravity is actually a force of communication. So if you feel into gravity through your heart, that's your direct phone line to collective Gaia consciousness. And so we realize that. You know, when you begin to go in to do the inner work, your inner distortions and your inner pain and all the things that you have suffered in your life begins to dissolve into the planetary pain body. Right, and that's when the real test really comes in.

Speaker 1:

Right, because we are here to be vessels of divine love, that infinite force of infinite power. Right, when we are truly just a complete, open vessel for divine love and we're so inside of that vortex, because it's our body, and we're feeling that force and how powerful and how brilliant and how perfect that energy of our collective higher self, aka God, really is. From that place that energy overflows into the places that is needed, or that, those places that need healing, because divine love is the ultimate healing force. And so we will find that as we begin to move into those spaces, right, and this is an internalizing, because in the disclosure community, oftentimes, you know, we can really sensationalize a lot of these horrible things like, oh, these people in military bases and rescued these kids, and blah, blah, blah, like let's, you know, sit that Clinton's on fire or whatever. You know all those things, and it's like externalizing this energy and taking our attention away, taking our power away, taking our energy, you know, outside of our self, when the process of you know going within and going through the shadow energies inside of our body, and it's multi-dimensional, right. And the first, the first thing is that when you do that, when you begin to clear the fields and the fear from your own body, you are directly also doing that for the Earth's body. Right. And the second part of that right, the first part is already quite amazing. This is why we do the grid work. We do the grid work inside of our body right, and we learn the skills and we anchor the love to a point where we can interface with greater and greater levels, we can transmute with ease and joy, greater and greater levels of distortion and bondage. Right. And then the second part of that is that as we begin to do that, we will come into greater energetic potential and embodiment of our self, which means that we're going to be able to embody higher realities of creation mechanics, which means that we're going to be able to generate a lot more energy to be able to do things in the 3D out in the world right. So it's kind of a double thing. We're going to take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earthstar Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey Angels, it's me again, ze-earthstar. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for Starseeds, a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full-spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other Starseeds and Lightworkers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earthstar team.

Speaker 1:

The Mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes you heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to Earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's Earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Starseed Mission podcast. Let's now get back to the show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So it's honestly, it's so remarkable how this works and it can be counterintuitive to people that are just being introduced to this concept, but it's like, you know, the universe is holographic, so that means that when you change your vibration, it actually ripples throughout the entire universe, the entire creation and so like, do not underestimate what you can do for the collective within yourself and the more that you take responsibility for. If you feel you have the capacity to do that, then, like you are so powerful and you are doing so much good. You are literally answering prayers by just healing yourself and, you know, when you can click into that consciousness, it really just changes the game, it really changes the way you look at life, and if being in service and answering the call of being in service resonates with you, then like all the power to you, you know. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

It's an honor for you to be on this earth to do this work, and so I wanted to get into a little bit of like the physics, because it's kind of like a tree, you know, and it's like a holographic tree and it's like a holographic tree, and so what that means is it's kind of like a tree within a tree within a tree, within a tree. So the universe is like a huge tree, and this is like an ancient myth that many religions have not talked about. And then within that tree, there's a galaxy, and the galaxy is like a tree. And then within that galaxy is a solar system, and that solar system is like a tree. And now we get to the earth, and the earth is like a tree. Okay, but then there's you, and your system is like a tree.

Speaker 2:

And so when you heal yourself, you're actually healing every layer outside of yourself. So you're healing the earth and you're healing the solar system, and then the galaxy, the universe and the creation. And so you are so sacred and you are so, so precious in this reality. And not only are you going to heal the rest of the world, like, not only are you going to help heal the collective, but you're going to heal yourself and you're going to feel so much better. You're going to feel so, you're going to feel so much vitality and your gifts are going to come through and you are just going to be on mission, clicked in doing what you came here to do. But you know, through helping yourself, you help others, and it's really powerful.

Speaker 1:

You have to like I just hold the mic like up to my live.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's yeah, because it's a cool short distance mic, you know. So you just kind of look up to your face.

Speaker 2:

Okay, not my face, no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that about the tree. Yeah, it's like the microcosmic, macrocosmic, fractal reality where everything is connected, and so that means that inside of your being you're actually carrying all that is, and that's something very profound. I want to address something here. Jeremy says so the more that you unplug from the false matrix programming, the more your higher vibrational gifts can be accessed. And I think that, while that's true, I actually want to flip that right. I would say that the more you connect in with your higher vibrational self and your higher vibrational gives and create space, prioritize time to that process, the easier it is and the quicker it is that you're going to unplug from the false matrix programming, because it's about the vantage point that you're addressing issues right.

Speaker 1:

So if you're in your you know, a little 3D human self that feels small, feels unworthy, feels disconnected, feels resentful of our parents you know all of that it's already feeling so small and then you give them this giant mountain of healing that it, you know, believes that it has to do, then you know they're going to get overwhelmed. They're going to say, well, I don't have the tools or the power to really heal or do anything about that. But if we zone out and tune into these higher parts of ourself that are connected to divine love and that original source God, light, energy and just see how that, you know, literally overrides and begin to clear and heal and restore all of those things that seemed so. You know big in the past and it's like you know a lot of you are from. You know different dimensions, other planets, and you know we come in with such a strong spark of source consciousness. That's why you resonate with the word star seed and that's why you're listening to star seed mission support is because there's a part of you that's always felt like you were different and it just couldn't really put your finger on it.

Speaker 1:

Now you know when that feedback, when this video is kind of saying to you like you're not crazy, you are someone that carries a greater level of divine light and divine love inside of you. Now it's your job to really cultivate and create a garden around that seed so you can nurture that seed every single day. And in that way you begin to zoom out and realize that you are connected to consciousness much greater than your human vessel, much greater than even just this planet. And if you were to zoom out into even the solar system and look back at the earth. All of a sudden, the situations and the darkness on the earth don't seem so big, because we've really grown out into the bigness of our being.

Speaker 1:

And I like to say that all star seeds are at least three times over qualified for the job that they have on earth, because this is our failsafe right. We all pick jobs that were easy for us to do, so that this was just going to be a dance through life, but the thing is that we actually have to fully remember what our gifts are so we can utilize them and dance through this mission, you know, in so much fun, and I think that Shane and I are going to have a lot of fun on our journey. Is there anything we're going? What?

Speaker 2:

Whatever you want to add, but you gotta Okay. So, like this, yeah, just like this. Okay, I'll try to remember. But yeah, I mean like just touching on, yeah, so picking back on what you were talking about, like we all are so massively capable of doing, of conducting greatness, of conducting like miracles, and the faster you believe in yourself, the faster you are going to push yourself into joy and believing in your ability to live in joy, because some people don't even believe that it's not like a belief in their system. They don't even, they don't think that's possible because of the trauma.

Speaker 2:

But you can start rewriting that within yourself by just stating truths to yourself. Okay, did God want me to be not happy in this life? No, that doesn't make any sense. Okay, and you know if, because, if that wasn't like a truth that you held dear to you, then, like, it can actually start to rewrite the way you look at life if you just start telling yourself truths like that. Okay, if God wants me to be happy, there's probably a destiny for me, you know, and that's another thing. Okay, so then I, If there's a destiny for me, that means I should probably find it okay and that means I probably can find it, I'm supposed to find it. And so if you just have this honest seeking inside you for that, you move, you quickly move yourself into a place where your vibration is curious, it's open, and when you're curious and open it's so much easier to be happy, it's so much easier to invite joy into your life. And so the faster we believe in our capability and the faster we believe in ourself, the faster we can move into joy.

Speaker 2:

And then this is how we get to this part of just being in joy. You know, like, when's the last time you scheduled something into your calendar, if you use a calendar? Or like you know, like most people just go to work, go home, you know, make food and go to bed or whatever, make time for the things that make them happy, and so it's just really important to do that. Or else it's just you know no. Or else, like you know, you just kind of go into a tailspin and like a negative tailspin and it's sometimes really hard to get out of that and it just creates like a like dominoes start falling where you aren't tapping into your destiny and then you're it's harder to fall into that joy.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, just believe in yourself and and you know, believe that, you know your joy is actually a prerequisite to to getting there, and like, how amazing is that joy? Joy is a vehicle to your destiny. Then, like, where did I, where did we learn that in school? Why, where was that in the curriculum? I'm sorry, I don't see that in the syllabus. Sir, you know, like we we need to. We need to start rewriting the way we're looking at life so that we can open up the doors to these things and and and living in that vibration, because it's way more fun and way more awesome.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, on that note, obviously I think that, um, good work is something that it's kind of hard to talk about, and we are about to head out on three month journey and I we're going to be sharing a lot of that journey with you guys. I think, I mean, I I've just caught a glimpse of like the information that we're going to be bringing through um when we're out there. So if you guys want to follow us on our journey, just go ahead and connect with me on Instagram, um, because I think that's where I'm going to be posting you know, more regularly, I'm hoping every day. I'm going to try to just make you know a little live stream every day on the air star sanctuary. Put the handle in there and I'll be posting stories and stuff. You guys want to follow me through the journey? I'm also going to be posting the itinerary. So I'll just briefly speak the date so that people that um, if you're in those areas or around those areas, please come, because we're going to be doing um ceremonies on the land and all of these places. Um, and I think I'm only going to be doing one event with somebody. The rest um will just be like open access, free events for you to come and join us in ceremony.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to be in Mount Shasta, um around the eight eight.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to be there from like August six or seventh to the ninth or something like that.

Speaker 1:

And then we are headed up to um Helena, montana, for about a week and then we're going to head down through Colorado and we're probably going to be around Boulder slash, colorado Springs. My favorite place to land and do ceremony in that area is Manitou Springs. So if you're in Colorado, we're going to be there, um, probably, um at the tail end of August and the very beginning of September, and then we're going to be in um, uh, hot springs, arkansas, for about a week. And then we're going to be in Asheville, north Carolina, for about another week and a half and then we're headed up to um Vermont, which at this point is going to be like the last week of September that we're going to be there, and then we'll head down through um Pennsylvania, um and Washington DC for probably like the first week of October, and we're going to be swinging down through Atlanta the second week of October. Then we're going to be swinging through Houston area, um, down there in Texas, um, probably then head home.

Speaker 1:

So that's our general itinerary. I'm going to type that out and put it in the description box below. If you have land anywhere, um also going to post a screenshot of our flight path by flight. I mean drive, um, because if you have land, specifically where you are wanting to build community, where you're wanting to build, you know a higher vibrational situation, um, we would be happy to come out and do an activation for your land and your community, If it's, you know, kind of en route, so you can reach out to us and, um, we're really excited. Anything you want to add to that.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, that was uh endiclimactic. I thought I was going to make a sound but it didn't. Um, but yeah, I'm super excited If you guys want to come out, uh and and say what's up. Uh, that would be amazing, please do. Uh, don't hesitate. We love people, and we love people with good vibes especially. So, um, you know, bring those good vibes and uh, we're going all over the place, so I'm sure there's there's a lot of you that will be en route and close. So, uh, stay tuned, stay posted and uh, let's do this thing, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, on that note, um, let's do a little guided meditation, practice healing session, like we used to do. Um, Terry, the only place we're going to be in California is basically Mount Shasta, um, for just a few days. Um, and yeah, um, do you want to lead the practice?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, I'll just um put in a little background music for you, okay. Okay, amanda, I'm going to text you on Instagram. Okay, a home is in New Mexico Yep, northwestern New Mexico, all right, okay, so I'm just tuning into the field. I feel like the energy that's wanting to come through today is around the heart, around the heart and, you know, connecting in with the earth's heart, and I feel like, um, yeah, that you know this whole whole situation that has happened in the last year or two with the virus or whatever it's been, this huge attack on, you know, community and of our heart and all of those um can almost just like cry because we've been separated and we've been kept apart and we've been isolated and we've been, like um, almost made to fear each other, and this has been something that's been heartbreaking for the earth and it's also just an amplification of energy that was already present in humanity. And so I feel like there's an energy coming in right now of you know, really strengthening our hearts and the love that we feel in our hearts for each other, for the planet, for human beings, and then even connecting in, you know, with the earth and the love that the earth holds.

Speaker 1:

And someone says, can the earth contain such brilliance? And to that I say, if you have seen the earth for who she truly is, she's pure brilliance, right, all of the scintillating fibers of life that she gives birth to. You know, in such grace, in such patience, that is the force of nature that is present on this planet, and all the flowers and all the creatures and all the drops of rain. And so really I say that it's the humans that are coming into appreciation and almost matching of that original vibration of life, because the earth is connected to that right. The earth is originally just in union with the vibration of living consciousness itself, or God or her source, or whatever you want to call it, the unity field of everything.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm going to move through an energy that really opens up the heart, I'm going to heal the wounding that's creating the walls that make us fear each other or judge each other or compare and compete in all these viruses that keep our hearts insular. And I think, more than ever, it's so important for us to come into recognition of the power of our love right, because we have really come here to Be vessels of divine love. So I invite you to just get relaxed and breathe and do a little singing and go through a process, and we love you so much Right here for the star seeds on this planet. You're not alone and let's get this thing. Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 4:

Okay. So let's really slow down here. It's really connect in. Let's send our cord to the earth, connecting into the crystalline earth and new earth. Feel yourself being supported.

Speaker 2:

Grounded. Let's send a little bit of love into Mama Gaya.

Speaker 4:

And allow yourself to feel Reciprocity of that love. Allow yourself to feel her send love back to you. Okay, oh, going to open our crown Chakras to bring golden Christ source light. Let's bring that, oh, refinie, crystallizing this cold energy. And so we are cultivating this golden Christ energy into our heart, allowing it to build. It's a very simple practice. We're fine.

Speaker 4:

You'll be able to feel the building up of this light, of this Christ light, this love within your heart. You'll be able to feel your heart begin to burst with love. Oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, bringing in connection to our source of all living, original divine creation, connecting in with our angelic galactic team and our highest source connected aspects of self. We are requesting assistance in the clearing of any heart walls and the washing away of any pain that is stored in the heart center. We're intending for only the vibrations which are in alignment with each person's highest love and highest joy to come through at this time. For any pain of separation, any trauma, any fear of others, fear of life as a human, fear of shining our light and being seen, fear that our love or lead us into danger. Just allowing the source light that's pouring through your crown To wash through the heart, releasing all misery and agony, pain and separation, allowing the original vibration of divine love to overwrite this space. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1:

So allowing the sound vibrations to draw out that Inner, most core part of our heart, that vulnerable, raw, childlike, playful part of our being, of our humanity. This part has been shut down and told that it's not allowed and it's wrong and all of these things were so long. But Allow these source vibrations to reach into that innocent, original, beautiful, pristine place inside of your heart and allow the sound vibrations to draw that innocence and that playfulness and that Gnosis of the enjoyment of life, gnosis that divine love and joy and the enjoyment of life is our legacy, it's our inheritance. Part inside of us that has that pure relationship with a greater part of ourself, that God present, that child place inside of our being that came deeply connected to that place of divine love. Oh, I'm gonna allow that part of yourself to be free to play in this field, to feel at a hole. Oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1:

As we're cultivating this vibration of the original heart star Crystal in the center of your being. That is your original inheritance as the being of divine creation, go ahead and send a stream of that brilliant, loving energy right into the heart of Gaia, the heart of the crystalline new earth. Oh, see how the core of the earth, the heart of the earth, is creating this magnetic field around the planet. Oh how, as we flood this magnetic field with the original, pristine vibrations of God, love in delight, original creation and joy, this energy be amplified in the Magnetic, magnetic, magnetic field around the earth, enveloping all of her children. Me yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, whenever you're ready, just come back to the space but bring that playfulness, bring that love with you. This is the place that we are meant to exist and it's from this place that we restore planetary consciousness. So I just want to answer a couple questions here. So, if you I'm seeing some of you have land that is on our route, so you want to go ahead and email me, I'm gonna put my email right here. It's also in the description box below at jmailcom. So we're especially wanting to work with land and places that you know are intended to be a living pillar. So if you are on our route and I'm gonna be posting that map in the comment section, but maybe I can find it, but yeah, there's my email and if you feel that you would like for us to come and do some land activation, we would love to do that. If you're on or close to our route, I'm gonna post the map here.

Speaker 1:

If you want to donate to our cause, that's so sweet, I can put our working. So this is a PayPal link that you can use if you like to donate to our journey. Thank you so much for asking. I'm not. That's so sweet and I'm gonna be posting these links down in the description as well. So we're just really excited to work with land, work with land that people are stewarding. I think that's what's like bringing me the most joy right now. So definitely reach out if you would like for us to come out. So, on that note, we will soon be communicating from the road and next week, for Star Seed Mission Support, we'll be in Shasta.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we will, so excited. Please join us, however you can, virtually, in person. We're doing thing and we want to do it with you too. Please and thank you and have a great day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just want to say real quick that, like what I like to do when I'm out, you know, for these good work ceremonies start happening is I bring my looper, I bring my portable PA and we just pass the mic around and we loop like everybody's sound and light languages into the looper and it gets crazy, like every time, because I believe that you know, it's the people that are gathered that are working with the land and everybody's bringing their codes and the sound vibrations are direct transmissions of those codes. And so in all of those marked places on the map that I put which is not the little white dots but the big white dots that are labeled we're definitely gonna be doing, you know, those portal opening sound transmissions and everyone that is gonna be there are gonna be doing this. It's just so fun and so, on that note again, email me um and we love you guys so much.

Speaker 1:

We'll see you soon. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the star scene mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and lightworkers, and the amazing healing containers and horses we host, please go to earth star dot academy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on instagram or youtube at earthstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the star seed mission podcast.

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