The Starseed Mission Podcast
Helping Starseeds Remember our Multi-dimensional Mission, Embody our Cosmic Soul, and Create an Inspiring Life of Divine Purpose Co-Creating Heaven on Earth 🌹
22 episodes
22. False Light & New Age Programs of Deception
This week we explore discernment, false light agents, and the new age class ceiling. We're going to take a deep dive into some juicy topics around this like how mind control is perpetuated in the "spiritual section of the false matrix", the sne...

21. The Shadow Body & Demonic Forces
Prepare to unlock the celestial codes of the Pleiades Gateway and embrace your true spiritual essence. As we peel back the layers of societal constructs, I guide you through the transformative process of reclaiming your authentic self. Wrestlin...

20. Psychic Protection
The most repetitive theme of my reality at the moment is Psychic Protection - due to mass numbers of people waking up, the energetic terrain we are in on Planet Earth is that the spiritual war is at a head and many are feeling under "attack".&n...

19. Sovereign Money & Dragon Creation Knowledge
Discover the profound shifts on the horizon as the Dragon Layline System activates, promising to recalibrate our societal and monetary constructs. Together we'll explore the powerful role of Star Seeds in ushering a new age of healing, educatio...

18. Creation Sexuality & Manifestation
Oh My Garden, this is my favorite thing to talk about. Creation Sexuality. The original state and purpose of our sexual energy. We'll take a dive into why disturbing distortions, shame, and taboo exist around this subject in o...

17. The Root Chakra, The Earth Self & Disintegrating the False Matrix
Our consciousness co-creates our reality, and unfortunately for most of us born into the false matrix, our subconscious is filled with artificial programs which perpetuate the planetary enslavement system. Even if one may be “awake” in the cons...

16. Gridwork: The Amnesia Field
I'm starting a Gridwork series! Since being on my journey I've gotten so many emails and comments from you guys asking for more specific tips on performing Gridwork - so for Starseed Mission Support for the remainder of my Gridwork Journey, I'l...

15. Lemuria: Beyond Amnesia
Amnesia is the field of forgetting that plagues humanity. Is this level of forgetfulness really normal, even for being on Earth? Is it possible that the level of amnesia humanity is experience right now is due to levels of inter-dim...

14. Money, Wealth & the Great Reset
Our society is going through a rebirthing process that many are feeling the negative impact of. This week on Starseed Mission Support we talk about money, myths and distortions around money, the importance of building intergenerational we...

13. Gaia Consciousness
Omg I'm so excited for this one, it's probably my favorite subject of all the themes in this series! The amazingness of our beloved Gaia and the United Web of Living Consciousness that we are a part of. Having been severed from this consciousne...

12. Jesus, the New Age & True Krystic Ascension Path
Excited for this conversation today because I've been receiving questions from you guys lately about why so many seemingly influencers and famous new age thought leaders end up "going back to Jesus"... There's often a black or white undertone t...

11. Gridwork: Psychic Field Work
Gridwork season is upon us, and Xi is inviting all of her planetary family to join her on her next three-month, cross-continental adventure tour! Today I'll share about my itinerary activating the Dragon Line across America, what gridwork looks...

10. Walk-In Souls, Kryst vs. Anti-Kryst & Soul Trafficking
Ok, this week's Starseed Mission Support will be a whole smorgasbord of things that are relevant to our mission right now... chuckle. It's an intense time on Earth and in all of our lives. With 2024 around the corner, I can't wait ...

9. Soul Mission Contracts (Starseed & Indigo)
Waves of the Starseed Mission, and individual soul mission contracts. Am I A Starseed and What Is My Mission are the two most commonly asked questions I get, this week we dive into the multi-faceted Starseed Mission, and the wide array of missi...

8. Clearing the False Matrix Control System
SOUL, or Universal Creation Energy, is the most valuable essence in the cosmos. That's why there are so many freakin' programs keeping you from accessing yours, and even making you believe SOULS don't even exist. By diving into thes...

7. Original Divine Human Genome
Today I'm going to talk about what Ascension means and feels like to me. I'm going to tell another very personal story which taught me instrumentally about Ascension, which has significantly shaped the ascension experience in my life.&nbs...

6. Artificial Intelligence (Spiritual Perspective)
To me, artificial intelligence isn't just technology, but also literally Distorted or False Consciousness. When creation occurs out of alignment with the laws of universal oneness, the result of those creations reflect the level of consci...

5. The "Real" Galactics & CIA False Light
This conversation today is inspired by my Real Life (not only etheric and psychic, but physical and human) personal experiences with real galactic guardians, the avatar babies yet to incarnate, and higher dimensional spiritual masters who actua...

4. The Negative Reptilian Overlay
My conversation about the reptilians today is from my own perspective as a cosmic angelic geneticist. What the negative aliens and reptilians have done on this planet is far worse than any horror movie. However, this story is beyond holly...

3. True Galactic Frequencies
Lately I’ve been seeing many posts on social media around the legitimacy of starseeds. There being SO MUCH dis-information and false light agenda out there, many of you are becoming disenchanted by the possibility. The thing is, thi...

2. The 144,000, Armageddon Mind Control & Timeline Anchoring
Who are the 144,000? These are the Starseeds, Indigos, and Lightworkers, whose souls carry an intact Spark of God, with advanced or activated DNA templates. Or simply stated: if you're awake at this time and you know you are here to...