The Starseed Mission Podcast
Helping Starseeds Remember our Multi-dimensional Mission, Embody our Cosmic Soul, and Create an Inspiring Life of Divine Purpose Co-Creating Heaven on Earth 🌹
The Starseed Mission Podcast
15. Lemuria: Beyond Amnesia
Amnesia is the field of forgetting that plagues humanity. Is this level of forgetfulness really normal, even for being on Earth? Is it possible that the level of amnesia humanity is experience right now is due to levels of inter-dimensional black magic through the ages?
A huge wave of Collective Lemurian Memory and Primordial DNA is coming online this week, so we're going to catch the codes this weekend together and explore these topics! Together we'll pierce through the amnesia field, find the pure stream of life, knowledge and magic which is the source of all lineages on Earth.
When we intend to fully embody lucidity, and piercing through the amnesia field, we greatly support the ease in which collective humanity can wake up as well. Let's do this family :)
Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 36:08)
We complete this transmissions with another healing and activation ceremony, and today's code has to do with a mysterious part of our lightbody around our heart chakra that was one of our original channels of communication between us and our world. Think Avatar, the movie. I'm excited to explore and re-awaken this primordial part of our lightbody, and attempt to co-create with all of you a Planetary Activation as well for All of Humanity!
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Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hello again, thank you so much for joining me live. Welcome to Star Seed Mission Support.
Speaker 1:Today we are talking about Lemuria, and whenever I think about Lemuria, it moves me right through what I call the amnesia field. I want to talk about that. I want to talk about how organically, originally, humanity is so deeply, inherently, intrinsically connected to the Earth, to the nature realms, how humans were originally created to be able to access all the dimensions of living organisms, of life and all the dimensional realms of this planet. We are meant to be the guardians, the library keepers and it's actually really an honor to be here and so clearly humanity has really lost touch with that, and so I think the reason why the Lemurian DNA and the Lemurian energy is really activating the last week for me personally it feels like an immune boost for humans. So I believe that when we are in resonance with nature, when we are in alignment with our divinity, with our sense of our inner divine being, there's actually no sickness. I believe that humans are not meant to experience sickness. We're not meant to experience disease. The reason that disease is so prevalent in the world today is because humans are not meant to live out of touch, completely separated from our own inner divinity. This is absolutely not normal, no matter what the false matrix wants to say about oh, you go to Earth and you have to forget everything. These are really deep things that we accept as being normal, but it's not. You guys hear me talking about how, when we make children, we can actually pray their souls into our womb and meet the souls of the child before they're conceived and for the years that they're coming into their new bodies, we're supposed to hold space for them, as a tribe, as parents, for their souls to actually complete their incarnation process. And so, because we have completely lost touch with all of that knowledge now, our souls are having a very hard time fully coming into our bodies and still incarnating through the different densities of dimensions of reality and remember what it's like before these new bodies and embodying into them. And so when we connect with Lemuria which I feel many people think when they tune into Lemuria it feels like a civilization. I feel like that's actually nearing towards the completion, the completion of this age.
Speaker 1:So when I think about the story of humanity, I think about the intentions that we, as a collective consciousness, had before material physicality was created altogether. So we, as a oneness of universal consciousness, desire to experience the complexity of our self because we're infinite, and inside that infinity there is, of course, then, infinite potential. So inside of infinite potential, that means we can actually experience ourself as a wide range of life forms, of experiences, of frequencies, of colors, of energies. And so if you imagined, you know even just the amount of natural diversity that we have on our home planet, the earth is really quite astounding just how diverse and how many different forms of life there is. And so in order to create life over time, we really had to start with very simple organisms. And it's funny because on the earth there seems to be this argument it's like, well, was it evolution or was it creation? And it's like, why can't it be both? Why can't an infinite creator think well, I'm infinite, so I can take as much delightful time as I want to create everything, to experience everything. And so we really took our time with this.
Speaker 1:We revered and delighted in every little move, in every amoeba and single cellular organism we created, and then into the different levels of plant life, the different water plants and flowers and little swimming amphibious beings, and so I feel that Lemuria was a time when the plant life has been created to a certain extent. And I'm already seeing there are trees, there are swamps, there are grasses, there are flowers, there is moss, but there's not yet any complex living life forms. I'm seeing bacteria, I'm seeing amoebas, all sorts of kind of primitive life forms, and already, though our angelic consciousness, we were coming in and coming into the trees, coming into the different living organisms, coming in as elementals, as fairies, as silks, as clouds, and so a lot of us that remember those fractals of ourself. It might be easy for you to transform and to remember yourself as a tree, or to remember coming into the tree and seeing how memory, how water, moves through the trunk of the tree and actually carry memories. So these are kind of the experiences that we were having in the beginning of the Lemuria Age, and we're beginning to imagine what a divine form is going to be like.
Speaker 1:So I see that we had very energetic form. I would call that. It feels very etheric, it feels like there is green and yellows and it's very much like an energetic outline of human bodies, and we're just beginning to experience what solidifying in a form might feel like. We're not fully informed yet, and so in that time, of course, the things that we were really learning is about ecological genius and how life co-creates and work together, because in order for ecosystems to support even more complex creatures like animals, we will have this deep understanding of how universal creation and reciprocity works. And so when we were incarnating in these energy bodies and inside the plant life and in the water, we were really learning and studying and meditating with these energies of just deep love for creation and appreciation and just awe of how amazing and beautiful nature really is, and remember that at that time, when we're beginning to solidify into form, the skymothers would also come in and begin to sing into the reality. And I particularly very much remember those songs, because a lot of those songs are being channeled right now today. They're the same songs that are being sung and when I feel into, really what was happening is that we would sing and pull souls down into matter, into embodiment, into incarnation, and so that's still kind of what we're doing today.
Speaker 1:So I feel that the Lemurian energy is coming up as a activation, because it's coming into remind us that there was a time when we were just very pure and innocent and unified creatures that respected and just. You know, there was no ounce of separation between us and the natural world. And I believe that there is so much more to this beautiful planet than what the quote, unquote scientific community wants us to believe. The false matrix has been wanting to indoctrinate us into this belief that souls don't exist and that nothing is sacred because you know they. If we were deeply connected to the ancient lineages of this planet, we would not be standing for that Right, we would not allow them to desecrate all over our beautiful divine planet. And so I feel that this energy is coming into, unify us, is activating this frequency of unified earthling, earthling consciousness. And this is something that we can experience no matter what planet we have also incarnated on, no matter what solar system or other universe. You know this is a level of union, of unity that Angelics, you know. We feel this level of unity no matter where we are, because they were in oneness with the universe.
Speaker 1:So, um, so far, all right. We are activating this Remembrance of our primordial Connection to the earth because we are being called to activate the correct response. So in the new age community, you know, people say, oh, love and light, you shouldn't get angry about anything. But if some random alien comes to my house and threatens my family and Tramples all over my garden, the correct reaction to that is anger. Right? You don't just let people trample all over you and, you know, destroy what's dear and sacred to you. So we have all been programmed to basically be formats To allow the government or whoever else to destroy our planet, destroy our connection to our Own sense of divinity inside, and this is just absolutely not okay. And so, in order to activate the true sense of righteous masculine energy of protection and creation and strength. In order to activate that in alignment with, you know, love and divinity and whatnot, you have to be reminded of really what it is that we are protecting.
Speaker 1:Why is the natural realms so worthy of our attention, worthy of our focus? And it is because, you know, the earth is a living library of very many Genetic Lineages from all of the universe. You know, I believe, that every beetle, you know, every water bug, every different kind of flower, has composites of living lifeforms from planets all over the world I mean all over the universe. And so when you begin to look at nature Through that lens of really recognizing just how amazing it is that there is so much diversity here, you realize that this is something that is a worth standing up for, it's worth protecting. And so as we're tuning into that energy, then we begin to feel kind of the somatic elemental levels of trauma that begins to emerge out of the energy and physical bodies.
Speaker 1:I Want to go back to talking about the elemental body, because our own elemental body, the one that never really loses touch and never disconnects from the physical reality, I Like to think of the elemental body almost as a layer of our consciousness or a part of our aura and Our elemental body is this. I feel it as this innocent and pure part of us, almost if you imagine or perceive your body as a Very advanced, beautiful flower, right, it's like this vegetative Plant, like biological, biospiritual organism. So when we begin to perceive our body in that way, we realize, you know, sometimes you can be like, wow, flower is so beautiful, or this plant, you know, it's so cute. We realize that same energy for our body and the energies that was activating in the Lemurian code is that in the Lemurian time, because there was just pure Ecological balance and reciprocity, there is Nothing that is lacking, so the ecosystem provided for everything, right. So if you are, say, a blade of grass, you had oxygen and soil and water and the Sun. You, literally, your whole experience of the universe is that you are provided for, you are held your wanted and just by existing you are expanding the universe. It's amazing and it's true. It's like you know, we think about these unique jungle flowers. You know they literally exist to Be that unique, beautiful Aspect of the universe and so just by existing, just by being in creation, they are not only worthy of all of the support, all of the nutrients, all of the sunlight, all of being, you know, cherished by the Whole universe. And this is what our elemental body is meant to experience.
Speaker 1:When we're connected into this, this elemental part of ourself, we have this very pure and delightful relationship with life and this is the frequency that is activating in this Lemurian DNA Activations. Right, because these are the feelings. When I get the code, I get the feelings and the images and this helps my body remember and Activate those feelings. Because, you know, in our current reality we feel the opposite of those things Unworthiness and fear and scarcity, feeling like the reality is evil and it's out to get you feeling like there's some Jealous and angry God that constantly judges you. So, through connecting in with the primordial Gaia energy, we begin to get to the root of Restoring those distorted energies and it's like our body can begin to reset to being in the truth, frequency of being a infinitely wanted child in an ever-expanding, abundant and benevolent universe. And then imagine existing in that vibration in our body all the time. That's what it's meant to be like on this planet who?
Speaker 1:So the other thing that is coming through about the Lemurian activation is this idea of unity. So we've all heard this term. You know divide and conquer, and of course, even in our Community people are like oh well, you're a true there, or you believe this, or you're an anti-vaxxer or whatever. You know they love to label people and how we're different, and so the Lemurian energy reminds us that it is a kind of a mother, a Mothership, mother frequency, a mother lineage. So no matter if you are of Taoist descent or Egyptian or native, or you know Polynesian islands or Native American, you know your teachings Come from the one source that was originally experienced in the vibrations of Lemuria and beyond, and so when we tune into that, it helps us come into this unity of recognizing that you know there is one pure stream of truth and that is love and the Sacred divinity of creation. And when we realize that, we realize that the spiritual war that we have in our world right now, it's really simple. Right, our mind wants to Cling on to these stories and take sighs and blame someone, but the most important thing that we really need to do is to remember our Togetherness and really what unites us, which is our spirit, our spirit that is made of all of the same thing, divine light.
Speaker 1:So when I say elemental body. I'm referring to this Frequency of consciousness that the body experiences, that the body is, you know, on its own. So to me it feels like it's a very somatic and Childlike and innocent and pure frequency. And this is really the part of us that is, you know, most easily deceived by the false matrix. And one example I like to use a simple sugar. So our body has developed over Millions of years that eating fruit it's good for us, things that taste sweet is good for our body. But then you know, we have white crack sugar and the body is literally tricked by its own biological Intelligence to be fed on toxicity. And I feel like this is deeply connected into you know. You know, even pedophilia is like the distortion and the degradation of the most innocent part of us. So this is reaching into the levels of degradation that we're experiencing as a human collective. And when we talk about these things, when we hold this energy together and when we hold the medicine energy, when we bring in the antidote, and right now that antidote is this frequency of unity is wanting to come through our heart, so much to truly feel it, to feel this love and joy and innocence and perfect arightness of being alive.
Speaker 1:We're gonna take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back. Hey, angels, it's me again, ze Earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for Starseeds a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other Starseeds and Lightworkers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team.
Speaker 1:The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Starseed Mission podcast.
Speaker 1:Let's now get back to the show. And so there's a lot of emotions arising because this is our body and our consciousness coming home, coming home to the very lucid yet simple realization. And it's the energy of you know, that coolness in the breeze after it had just rained, and it smells very clear and everything is calm and everything just feels like it's all right, and there's a lot of parts of ourselves that may have spent a long time away from this energy, away from this place and this energy. It helps me feel a lot of compassion for humanity, because humanity has been tricked into living away from that vibration of home, of being loved, of being nurtured and held by our planet, by our mother, and this is a very traumatic experience all on its own. And so, when we begin to channel these frequencies of connectedness, of unity, of the magic and awe of the natural realms, and begin to remember who we are as a humanity you know our sacred role in the ecosystem of the planet, what we once experienced so profoundly in the Lemurian age, and some of us feel a heartbreak for having lost that. But the truth is, it is inside of you and you are the keeper of that vibration. And that vibration is asking to be activated, and not only just activated but expressed fully in your every breath and every movement and every step and every interaction with the world around us. And this is what dissolved the curse of amnesia.
Speaker 1:The curse of amnesia is a complicated subject. The amnesia field is what keeps humanity asleep, and there are very many layers and parts of this, but I like to just simplify and put it all in the same frequency because on some level, you know they're all working together and in the same way to keep people from realizing who they are. So some of these things include different levels of seals in our light body, different leaf systems that were implanted since birth. You know the belief that there is nothing beyond birth and death, that there's no such thing as a soul. All of these things, they're very subtle and sneaky curses that keep people from remembering or realizing their divinity. Because if they believe that they're just this insignificant body that you know and that's all there is, of course they're also just going to, along with that, subconsciously believe that they're not sacred and that they're not divine and that nothing is sacred. So they're really being tricked into separating from the most sacred and profound part of ourself. And so when I look into the amnesia field, there were several things that really deeply ingrained.
Speaker 1:This Parts of it has to do with these families, these bloodlines that have decided to steal esoteric knowledge In our recent cycle. This really started in Egypt, and you can really tell how. You know the weapons that are being used against humanity right now as mind control technologies are all stolen. Technology, the sacred tools of the ancient ritual magic, like sound and frequency. You know sound frequency is meant to open stargates in our consciousness and allow us to travel dimensions. And now you know, through radio and through MKUltra performers, the sound frequency is being used for the opposite. This is the reversal. So these bloodlines have decided to keep metaphysical knowledge to themselves. Why they use our collective light technology, our own angelic technology that is inherent inside every physical body, to imprison us.
Speaker 1:And so when we reach through that, into the Lemurian age, we pierce through the amnesia field and remember our collective unity. And our collective unity is a field of energy where we remember how joyful it is to be together. It's simple. We remember the simple joy of being together, of sharing, of sharing in a magical experience of just existing, of just reveling in the delight of existing in this beautiful place, learning, creating, playing. And when we first tune into this frequency and begin to pull it into our body, it can be painful, you can feel like pains, intention, but this is part of the activation right. We're reaching out through our heart, through our psychic senses, reaching through time. And when we ourselves break that, when we ourselves break the amnesia field, we break the collective curses actually, and it makes it a lot easier for everyone to wake up. And so, for those of you who are tired of yelling on the internet, this is a way, more powerful way, it's actually when you begin to embody collective unity, when you begin to feel that quiet love and appreciation for life and humanity, we begin to break the spell. And sometimes that's the hardest thing to do because that requires for you to break all the spells inside of you, and sometimes that's painful, sometimes that's difficult, but because you have chosen to awaken at this time, it means that you have everything that you need inside of you. You have your family in the other dimensions, you have your experiences and skills and knowledge that you have gained in your past lifetimes and you have the love of the infinite unity consciousness inside of your heart.
Speaker 1:One more thing that really wants to come through today is this idea that you know, if we understand that we are source consciousness. You know there's actually a very scientific way to experience that is being able to experience yourself as the cosmic consciousness that flows through all things. This is a very experiential feeling. It's a very deep and profound experience when you literally feel like your consciousness is inside of everything and is the same consciousness that is inside of you. And this is the true meaning of ascension is that your consciousness is ascending in its experience of itself as the cosmic unity, divinity, and so the more of that energy you can embody well in a physical body, the more creative power you have as a creator being. And so there's actually really no use in yelling on the Internet, because if you're in a vibration where you yourself are not in complete embodiment of the things that you're saying, you're basically just, you know, burping in the air, and people will respond to your frequency because you're just talking about ideas. But if we all actually really focused on embodying our creator self, we can actually bend this reality right. We begin to become the master architects of the fabric of reality itself. And all of this was much easier, obviously, in a less dense reality.
Speaker 1:Many of you spent lifetimes training in this, materializing things, and so in some ways I feel like I've been given this task to transmit these energies of healing. I feel like these energies are medicine, and I'm going to share another medicine code with you guys today. Like I said, I'm really quite tired. I am getting all these downloads and I couldn't really sleep last night, so I do hope that the transmission actually came through clearly today. But I am really grateful that you're all here hanging out and that we are, you know, still bring in the frequencies to be activated in our light body. So just one more time we're going to bring in the frequency of just being absolutely held by life, almost like that memory of existing in a space where there's nothing wrong and in fact there's everything right, and every movement, every smell, every song, every vibration, it's all beautiful. And we remember that time in the membranes of the earth when all there was was sacred reciprocity, that of life interweaving and life inter-exchanging and endlessly nourishing and cherishing each other. And to know that truly we still do exist in that template of the universe. I'm pretty tired, but the energy is definitely coming through, so that's good. So I'm going to allow that energy to continue to come through. I'm going to play.
Speaker 1:This code is about nine minutes long and, of course, again, I would love to get your feedback on this. So just let me know what you experienced. So, basically, you want to take the code into your third eye, just breathe it into your third eye and then breathe it into all of that, breathe it into all of your other chakras, and then after that, you can close your eyes or you can look at it, whatever it is that you feel like doing, and just allow the sound and light frequencies to work as magic. You should feel these frequencies of medicine begin to come in to restore all the genetic and multi-dimensional energies which are not in resonance with your original divine human template. Thank you so much for tuning in, and here we go.
Speaker 2:Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I am okay, what I was saying was that I'm quite tired today and so we didn't do a group clearing.
Speaker 1:But that code is really quite medicinal. I did it with my group this morning and you know I was really definitely feeling it working through my multi-dimensional body. So you are definitely welcome to replay that. The longer that you play it, the more layers it goes into, and it's definitely coded to clear. You know all sorts of things like black magic, interdimensional interference you know things like that and it's a super high frequency code so it's able to get through those dense fields. But sometimes it could take a little time. So I'm so overjoyed to bring in these codes from Lemuria today. If you miss them too, just rewind and listen to the recording.
Speaker 1:And you know, sometimes it's hard to be the sensitive one that carries such profound memories of this peace and divinity and sacredness. You know we could feel a lot of pain and nostalgia and sometimes it's easy for us to maybe just numb it out and forget. But the earth needs us to remember now. The earth needs us to activate and remember what it is that we're here to you know, protect and be a guardian of. And it is not just the earth but creation and life itself, and how profound it is to to be alive, and so it's recommended to listen with your heart, because it's really a frequency that we transmit. We speak words, but it is really the energy that comes through, and the energy this week is of purity. It's of pure nurturance and being completely held and cherished by all of life and that deep, deep space of cooperation and unity that is actually our human nature. Our human nature is to be together, is to enjoy each other, is to love each other, and so we're reclaiming those sacred, gentle, vulnerable parts of ourselves and, as we are able to breathe those energy through the places in our body that are are in resistance or needing to protect that innocence from the world, just remember that this is actually our greatest weapon. So I'm sending you all so much love and I'm hoping that my galactic team takes it a little bit easier on me this coming week with the middle of the night DNA activations, because I would actually really like to be more energetic and to provide, you know, more of a collective healing session in the coming week.
Speaker 1:Somebody asked me more about seals, so I actually wanted to talk about, you know, our multi-dimensional anatomy and implants and things like that this week, but the earth really wanted to bring through these codes this week, so we'll probably talk about that next week. You know the different kinds of seals that exist in the interdimensional body, specifically things like the jojovian seals, the zeta seal um, I call it the harline seal and the reptilian overlays that we have in our tailbone all of these things that are in our light body that keep us from channeling, basically, source frequency through our body and being able to experience ourselves as the divine beings that we are. So, yeah, just write a letter to my galactic team and tell them to take it easy on me this week so that we can get into that stuff next week, and I'm sending everyone so, so, so much love. Thank you so much for tuning in today.
Speaker 1:If you're feeling resonant with these vibrations and if they're supporting you, send them to a star seat that you know, that you know could use the support, that it is looking for this vibration to be supported and held, and you know, just to know that you're not crazy. All right, I love you, family, and I will see you next week. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the star scene mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and lightworkers and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to earthstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on instagram or youtube at earthstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the star seed mission podcast.