The Starseed Mission Podcast
Helping Starseeds Remember our Multi-dimensional Mission, Embody our Cosmic Soul, and Create an Inspiring Life of Divine Purpose Co-Creating Heaven on Earth 🌹
The Starseed Mission Podcast
18. Creation Sexuality & Manifestation
Oh My Garden, this is my favorite thing to talk about. Creation Sexuality. The original state and purpose of our sexual energy. We'll take a dive into why disturbing distortions, shame, and taboo exist around this subject in our society today, how that traps you inside of a slave matrix, and how to Liberate and Sanctify your Sexual Energy in order to Co-Create with Source (and save the world).
We'll dive into multidimensional sex abuse, abductions, false hybrid agendas, past life curses, vows, and soul binds.
Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 1:03:50)
We complete this transmission with a ceremony in clearing these imprints in our energy bodies, so you can access your body's Power House, your Divine Creation Sexual Energy!
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Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hi everybody, welcome to Star Seed Mission Support. Star Seed Mission Support. We're so excited and joyful. Welcome to all the people that are tuning in. If you're first time hanging out with us, live.
Speaker 1:This is the one day in the week where we hang out with our Star Seed family all over the world and we dive deep into the most necessary and prevalent and relevant codes and information that empowers us to embody our highest soul frequencies and our mastery, so that we can create abundance, create majesty, create beauty and create the new Earth together. So we have a very exciting, very exciting discussion today, and just before we get into it, I'm just going to real quick say that I have been invited to this amazing online event. It's free, it's called the Return of the Priestess Summit and I have to say that I get invited to these things a lot and when Dawn reach out to me, she's like, I don't know, like a huggable grandma and she might I don't know how she feel about that if she heard me say that, but it's just her energy is so warm, like you can just fall into a marshmallow or something. And so, after we had her call, I just really felt so in alignment with this event, and I post a picture of the. You know those summit events where you get the circles with all of the different heads of the people presenting. Anyway, there's priestesses from all lineages. It's really a rainbow kind of event, and that's what I'm so excited about is that all of these different cultures of priestesses are going to get to present their specific flavor of this unified teachings of divine love, and so the link is just in the description below. My talk was particularly about, you know, taoist sexual alchemy and especially healing multidimensional sexual trauma, which we're going to go into talking about today. So I feel like this is really also me integrating all these codes coming in for our pleidian ceremonies next month. These are the four days of ceremony where we're going to be inside of this ceremony container for all four days over the pleidian alignment, when the earth, the sun and the Pleiades are in direct alignment. This is when the pleidian energy can really shower the earth with this brilliant energy and, as the pleidians are very involved in the healing of this planet, and particularly around the Draco reptilian wars, it's also really relevant that we're doing this sexual healing, and so if you find that this energy is really calling you and that these codes and these topics are really relevant to your life right now, I really highly recommend joining these four days as well. We're going to be doing some massive, massive work together. You can find the link down in the description as well.
Speaker 1:Okay, so let's get into our discussion today. I know you guys are really excited, because who doesn't like to talk about sex? You know it's all over. Humans are apparently obsessed with it. I don't know what exactly they're obsessed with, because you know the kind of sex that they're obsessed with, you know, isn't even 1% of what is possible. And I feel like the obsession is really just, you know, our mind and our collective seeking for that treasure, that thing that is so powerful inside of us. That is the core of who we, and because we don't have any role models, because the society is constantly spewing this disgusting version of it, you know, we just hook onto that and we're like, okay, this is what I'm obsessed with. But really, why is this energy so seductive and attractive? Why are we obsessed with talking about it and expressing it in these ways? What are the taboos that are really? You know, the shame and the guilt and the repression. You know, I feel like these are the things that are at the root of a lot of the issues that we have on the planet right now, particularly things like sexual slavery, human trafficking, and so, as we go in to analyze and to tune into our energy and to work on this inside of our self, know that, as you restore your original connection to your original sexual, creative energy, this is actually directly healing the planet. And actually, you know it's multifold. There's so many dimensions to us and, on the one hand, you know, just doing that work is going to transform the planet, because you will be bringing in the medicine. You're bringing in the antidote or the vaccine to the distortions, to the virus. But as you activate these energies, you'll find that you're actually going to be able to create anything you want. And for those of us who are star season, you know we're on this planetary mission. What is it that we really want? Probably things that are in alignment with you know. We want this abundance to create structures and organizations that are really going to support the healing and the upliftment of the world.
Speaker 1:So highly relevant topic. I love it. It's definitely my favorite subject to talk about. I feel like if I could just focus and teach one thing, this would probably be it. Okay, so I'm going to start with just talking a little bit about the societal programming and the taboos and the danger of repression.
Speaker 1:Okay, so, when you look in the world today even though, when you turn on the TV, you get all of these, you know, barely closed, very seductive and suggestive images just being shown to you in your face, that is being shown in the media, but when you go into society, this energy is actually often shunned, right? So is this double-edged sword, this conflict, where on the one hand, we're being shown, you know, this suggestive and over sexualized image, but then, when you go into reality, you know there's all of this fear and shame around the subject itself, like you can see. You know a bikini dancer on TV, but if you saw that same dancer in the park, you know you would be like. You know there's that, there's that rift Right, so that rift is basically in itself a virus or a weapon, let's say, because on the one hand, they're showing you this distorted image of what sexual energy is, so that you begin to imprint with that, you begin to embody those energies yourself, so that you know, as a child growing up, if that's the frequency of sexual energy you're seeing, then you're going to say, oh well, that's what sexual energy is, and so you're going to express sexual energy in that way, in that, you know, suggestive and degraded and often very yicky kind of way.
Speaker 1:Now then, when you go into the world, in our physical reality because we've seen so much sexual violence in the world you know, men first of all have felt like it's just normal for them to just be very disrespectful with their sexual energy and this has created this aversion of females that actually get afraid to be suggestive, like you know. A lot of girls you know gain a little weight or put on baggy clothes to avoid being seen in that way. So this is a very diseased system. This is a disease that we're seeing in our society, and it was created that way to basically create a slavery prison. And the reason for that is you know your sexual energy in your physical body and you heard me say this 50 billion times but your sexual energy is literally your creation energy. This is how your physical body experiences life, and that is so profound and it should carry so much reverence with that. How we relate to our sexual energy should be the same as how we relate and perceive creation, and that is very sacred.
Speaker 1:There needs to be reverence in that right, and so when we bring up these topics immediately, we can see that there's a lot of different filaments of that program that are deeply embedded in human consciousness, and it requires for us to really dive deep into what those things are in order to liberate ourself from the confines of that. So, for example, if you're walking outside and you're kind of nervous and you're checking around, you're like is anybody going to jump out at me and attack me? Do I need to, like, shut myself down and hide my beauty? Or even if you're scrolling on Facebook and you're looking at women and you're like, oh, that lady is sexy, or whatever, like, are you mindful of how you are engaging and interacting, and maybe even co-creating, with the fallen matrix, right? So we're going to go into that a little bit more.
Speaker 1:That is the most human and present and 3D layer of the sexual trauma. The next layer up would be people that actually have experienced sexual trauma, which is actually highly rembent, right. Almost every woman that I personally know have been sexually violated in some way, and this would involve physical body as well as energetic healing on that front. Now then we step out into the multi-dimensional sexual trauma which is also rampant on this planet. This is beyond just the programming that you receive from the MK ultra frequencies in the TV but interdimensional abductions and a lot of these experiences are actually very common in the star seed community, because these beings, specifically, are after source energy and they're after dimming of your light. And so if you have gone through all of this healing but there's just still something very distorted and freaky inside of your vessel, then this is probably what you're going to be looking at.
Speaker 1:Okay, now, after we talk about all of that, we're also going to talk about inner hieroscamos today. So you're inner, feminine and masculine, and you know, checking in with the relationship between those two forces is, again, we're talking about how our internal alchemy, our internal energy, the frequencies that are held within our vessel and our unconscious this is the reality that we're actually creating, and so, in that regard, you know, every time you create a traumatic relationship or you're inside of a relationship where love is not reciprocated or the other person is, you know, maybe unavailable, all of that is a reflection in the reality to show you maybe something is out of distortion inside of your body, especially if we're creating the same kind of pattern over and over again. So we have a lot of content to get through today. As you can tell, I'm very excited and passionate about this subject and you know I'm very candid about my personal experience in this, because I do feel like being very open and vulnerable with my own experiences is often a really powerful way that, you know, people feel safe and comfortable in relating to their own experiences, and so, yeah, so you know, I grew up in the world and I was molested when I was little and then, you know, consequently experienced a lot of sexual trauma in my in my life.
Speaker 1:And when I started waking up to this, I realized that every time I tried to create something, the energy would just leak out or it would not actually come into fruition. Like it's almost like I get this amazing idea and then I'm so excited about it and then it just fizzles or it literally just gets stuck and I feel like I get bloated. I'm like you know, I have this amazing idea, I just want to burst something into the world and then I hit something. Or maybe somebody says you can't do that right, you're not good enough, you're not ready, you don't have what it takes, you don't have money, you can't do it. You know, some force comes in, or even sometimes, as myself. So all of those are examples of when we have blocked up or leaking sexual energy, because when the sexual energy arises, you know that is the life force that we can put into creating.
Speaker 1:And so oftentimes now, after having gone through the deprogramming and healing and, by the way, I'm nowhere close to being completely deprogrammed I go through this kind of stuff every day still, and this is really something that requires community to work through, because when it's just you, you're not. You know you're not coming into the experiences that you need to have to actually resolve certain things. Right, you need like those, you know we're talking about relating here the sacral chakra, the flow of energy, and so you do need a community, or just people that are on the same wavelength, that are doing these deprogramming work together, and so this is why it's relevant. Right, we are the people there's 150 people here right now and we are the people that need to get really honest with ourself and present with how pure we are experiencing, our love and our awareness and our presence. And then, as we begin to co-create and share with each other, things are going to come up right, cause that's just part of the process.
Speaker 1:You know, I think when I was in the past, buddha straight up told me that this round is not just about people getting enlightened instead of their body. It's about communities coming into enlightenment together. Because, you know, for a lot of reasons, but one of them is that, you know, without the community, without the people, without you know, all of these energies that are here together, we won't be able to see the distortions that are still inside. And so the reason why all of these distortions are here is because if all of us are fully embodied in our Creator power, meaning we have cosmic energy flowing through our sacral chakra and our root chakra, and it's like right, and we're all like, yeah, we're millionaires, like there would be no cabal, we won't have created this new world, it will be empowered in our true sense of ourself.
Speaker 1:But we don't have that yet and, in fact, the false matrix and cabal keep throwing these curveballs at us like, oh, the government's going to come and save us, or these aliens are going to land and they're going to take us to some other planet where none of this shit is happening. It's like we did not come to earth right now just to leave and get saved by ourselves, like we'd make no sense. So all that is to say it's time to integrate and be like look, we are the ground crew, we're literally the aliens that are here to help this planet. Right, I can't see you guys, but just raise your hand and do the jazz fingers. If you are an alien here on the planet and you are here to transform this place, okay, it's you, it's me, it's all of us and the most important thing and this is a place that is really targeted the most Because, for a star seed, we're very open. We've always been connected to God, to the higher spirits, to spirituality and to our love.
Speaker 1:Right, but it's the lower half of our body that's really gotten the brunt of this 3D reality, this 3D matrix, and our soul had a really hard time processing and getting really into the nitty-gritty. Maybe this is why you didn't really hang out with certain people in high school or understand the attraction to watching reality TV shows or whatever it is. There was always a part of you that was aligned to this higher energy, and so now it's about bringing that energy down into the lower chakra, particularly initiating this fire that we have, this fire of creation, this beautiful energy that we have to create life. We can create life, you guys, and I don't just mean you know we get to create a baby, even though that is the most beautiful and profound thing, but we can literally create timelines, realities, centers, books, courses, whatever it is that you want to create that you know you're here to create.
Speaker 1:It's just that maybe that sexual energy, due to the repression, due to the societal programming, due to the fears, have really been locked away, and, again, that is why the distortions are there, right? They basically created this slavery system by distorting and siphoning human creativity and sexual energy, and so that means, then, liberating our sexual energy is the first and foremost important thing that we need to do in order for us to be on our mission. Okay, so some of the things just for an example, right, this just keeps wanting to come in because I think is the most relevant. It's like okay, and like what I'm about to say might be like shocking, like you might not have like thought about this before, or might be like is that taboo? Is that like should you be ashamed about that?
Speaker 1:Like I haven't had this situation in the past where somebody comments and they're like well, I'm aroused, like should I be ashamed, like I'm aroused in this circle, and I always say you know, these are the frequencies of life that are flowing through. You should be excited. I feel like people should live life excited, right, that's what it is when you're aroused, is that you feel life force flowing in. Now, it's what happens after that. That's the most important.
Speaker 1:You recognize that this creative cosmic energy is activated. That's actually really good, because a lot of people that have been traumatized, they have a hard time even activating that energy. So for you, if you have this energy and it's aroused and you feel excited and you feel the sexual energy, you're actually really lucky, okay. So it's especially important for you to understand how to move that energy to best be of service to yourself, to your community and to this world right now. So, for example, you're walking down the street. The current normal thing is if you become aroused, you instantaneously hide it. Right, it's one or the other. You shut it down, you hide it, or you can't call somebody and there's no other like. Those are the two kind of normal or accepted forms of behavior. Now what?
Speaker 1:if this is just my crazy thought, because I actually just exist in a state of arousal for the most part, this is how I create, right. So actually I find a lot more pleasure in creating things than actual sex sometimes, because for me, the ability to channel this cosmic energy into form, this is like the gift of being a human right. So when I'm creating even if it's just building my website or writing my book or dreaming or just brain dumping I'm in a state of arousal and I like to say that I get wet and I feel this ecstatic energy and I pull it up. Now there's a reason why your hands are connected to your shoulders and that is connected into the heart chakra because we create with our love. Right. When we have these inspiration is because we love the world, we love people, we love the planet that we go in. We channel this creation energy to perpetuate life, and so I think, in the highest form of civilization, we should have a civilization of people that are liberated, that are aroused by life, that feel no kind of anything towards sexual energy besides recognizing it as the highest sacred source of creation that we get to experience inside of a human body. Now, I know that can be a bit of a stretch and it's going to require some reprogramming, right? Because in our human society you know when you feel that attraction, you immediately want to jump in bed with them. But in my experience you know, having had a lot of X's, nine out of 10 times when you feel attraction towards somebody it's not because you're supposed to jump in bed with them.
Speaker 1:It could be a whole bunch of different things. For example, if you have been sexually abused and your abuser was a certain frequency, you could have the resonance and the distortion of their distortion inside of your body, and this is how then you are attracted to people that carry that same resonance, and this is actually how we attract abusers back into our life in different kinds of ways. Right? That's one example. Another example is, say, you have a trauma and then somebody else also has the same trauma. Now, when you come together and you're attracted by that resonance, you can actually do a lot of good work together by being that sacred mirror, by recognizing that you both have this shared trauma, and you can move through it together. Right? That's the second example.
Speaker 1:The third example, which is really common in the spiritual community, is you find this attraction towards somebody, but it's because your souls are encouraging you to meet, because there's something you need to teach each other, there's something you need to co-create on, there's something that or there's information that you need to exchange right, so that attraction energy is literally just your energy being pulled towards something, and you know, the people that you know sometimes comment and say well, I feel attracted to you, or there's sexual energy arousing. Like you know, I am a priestess, and priestess is our channels between realms, and so what we're doing in the session is opening up a portal to cosmic creation energy, and so, actually, you should be feeling elated, you should be feeling activated. Now what we're inspiring us to do is to take that creation energy right up into our heart and cause the cosmic soul self coming right down into our heart, and now we're ready to create right. So I feel like this is obviously the most interesting thing about like living on the forest with community, because these are the energies that are starting to cleanse, because inside the false matrix, you have all of these walls that are built around you that keep you from truly connecting with other people.
Speaker 1:All of these beliefs and all of these societal norms you know particularly. You know male-female relationships, these beliefs that you know, oh, males can't ever keep it in their pants and that means you can't ever have a guy friend, or you can't ever be just friends with a guy, because you know guys are pigs, or you know, if a guy wants to be friends with you, you just want to in your pants, like all of these little subconscious belief systems, are actually distortions because, as I'm saying, you know, in this clear, in a clear communal space, in a clear society, everybody recognizes that everybody else is a divine and beautiful creator being and so everybody should actually be aroused or elated or activated by each other. And this is actually how we co-create together, by consistently inspiring each other into our best self. You know, activating these energies to co-create. This is how all of the major ancient civilizations existed. Right, when you look into the African tribes or the Taoist communities, the women's were bare-chested because the understanding that you know these female vessels, they create and they channel cosmic, infinite creation energy enough to actually bring a being across dimensions. Wow, that you know. The women, if they are free to be themselves, if they're free to channel these energies freely, then they can nourish the land, nourish the people, nourish everyone, and they'll be abundance. And I believe that this is why there's poverty in the world because it's just not enough creative life force that's flowing through humanity, and so we have this sense that there's not enough life force, and so we're creating this reality where we have this belief of scarcity. There being not enough is because our creative energy is not allowed to flow and is being limited, and so there's actually not enough creative energy to go around, as it is right, so I'm dropping bombs.
Speaker 1:Today, somebody says we should not be sexing with anyone and everyone. It is sacred, it's true. When you transfer bodily fluids, you are also transferring spirits, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. But this is also true with, you know, just being in intimate space, you know you're sharing energy, and this is what I'm trying to get at is that you know sex is not the only way energy gets exchanged, and right now in our society, it kind of is like you're either kind of connected to people or you're having sex with them. There's like no, in between there's no understanding of what the other possibilities are. You know, even in these and I'm my parents are married and they don't really have any other friends really, so they're just together and there's all sorts of wild stuff that comes out of that kind of thing.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, trying to get at something's here. So, anyway, I feel like co-creation is probably the most exquisite and brilliant thing we get to experience, and that comes with the territory of you know, respect and really seeing the other person as they are, seeing the other person as who they are on a soul level, so you can truly respect them and revere them and see what they have to offer. And when everyone does that for each other, we are pretty much rid of all of the different kinds of distortions we have in the world, honestly. Anyway, so we're going to go into multi-dimensional sexual trauma. So this is something that I want to just kind of step into tenderly.
Speaker 1:And somebody said what if you're that one rare gem who spiritually contracted to sex with everyone? I love that you brought this in, okay, because I need to say this there are such incredible creatures who do embody this ability to become a shaman that works with sexual energy, but in order to actually do that, there are so many initiations that you need to go through, because the level of integrity that you need to be in in order to actually offer that to other people is extraordinary right. This is the ultimate mastery of that energy. Because, again, when that sexual energy comes in, it could be very seductive, it could be very rousing. You're like, oh, I just got to go and have sex with something.
Speaker 1:Now the mastery of sexual energy come in, not getting the rousal, but actually when you're in that state of, let's say, lust or passion, can you still actually control that energy and move it into the heart, can you still work with that energy without leaking it, without wasting it, without going into lust? And I haven't really seen that many people that can embody that level of mastery. I would love to see it. I know that there's lots of people in the spiritual community who are like I'm a sex shaman or whatever. But just to say that there's such a high level integrity that needs to be embodied there because it needs to be completely in service to other right, meaning you recognize that this energy is flowing through your vessel. So at no point should you actually go into the lust if you're inside of that experience.
Speaker 1:And right now I am just seeing a lot of people that are running before they can walk and not moving through their initiations and not doing the purification, and then going out there and saying I'm a sex shaman. Actually, recently just had a psychotherapist get handed. Their community came together and said you have to stop practicing this because you're not an integrity and at this point I haven't seen that many people who are. So I encourage you to. If that is something that I mean, it's not something that you choose to do. Shamanism really shows up and chooses you, and when it does you choose whether or not you're going to follow through with the initiations, because you always have a choice right. So it's not like you get this download like oh, I'm a sex shaman, and then all of a sudden you're going out there and having sex with people.
Speaker 1:It doesn't work like that, coming in with a heat there, just saying I'm watching you and I'll be so happy because you know what. It's weird that just came up with recently. It's God rod. When the God rod is activated, there is nothing more valuable on this planet right now, and I believe that because you know, as we're saying, that wombs can really channel in cosmic creation energy. When you look out there, how many women actually do have a completely healed womb, like we've really just been trampled by the machine. You know, even through.
Speaker 1:I'm going to start talking about past life experiences with priestesses and how even a lot of priestesses have been just had terrible rituals done to them, particularly to steal their sexual energy, and, for the most part, you know those shamans and those people that claim that they have embodied a certain level of mastery over the sexual energy. They're still out there siphoning women, and so that is just something that I cannot allow to continue, and so I have to just like say it like this so if, then, you are somebody that really wants to work with this energy, then start to notice it, start to build a relationship with your sexual energy, start to pull it up when it comes up into the heart and pour it out into your hands and see what you can unconditionally give to, unconditionally nourish right, and after a certain point, you come into a wholeness with that. We're going to take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back. Hey angels, it's me again, the Earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for star seeds, a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETS, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seeds and light workers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team.
Speaker 1:The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians and our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes you heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings, and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission podcast. Let's now get back to the show. All right, so I'm going to go into the multidimensional sexual trauma because I don't want to ramble at you guys forever, even though this is really fun.
Speaker 1:Okay so some of the most relevant multidimensional sexual traumas that I see are abductions, greys, seitas, reptilians I won't go into it too much because I don't want to just talk about it. We're going to go into the healing around it and if this is something that you are really working through or you're really resonating with, I just highly recommend you coming to our four day ceremony next month, because you know these and you're going to. You know I'm going to pull in the energies. We're going to have a little ceremony after our talk today, but the energies are really amping up the galactics. They're they're not joking around anymore Like we're here to support it, and so we can accomplish so much with these different dimensional levels of healing if we focus at it, on this gateway for a few days. So, again, if you're somebody that is, you know, needing the support at this time, you're going to be able to get what you need in the group healing container and is even more powerful when there's more beings together. Actually, I've experienced so.
Speaker 1:Some other examples are you know the ancient priestess hood and I talk about these in the return of the priestess interview that was recorded. You know the witch burnings. They were really a front, the things that happened to the priestesses, because, once again, priestess energy is cosmic creation energy, right, and that I was looping back. Now I lost that train of thought where the God rod is the most valuable thing, because when you are in alignment and when you are actually pure source love energy, you have the ability to restore life to the womb. And then what you're doing is actually, you know, really supporting a woman in her healing with your sacred sexual energy. And once you have, you know, that's just one of the things. When you haven't activated God rod, it is you can just literally create anything else too. But you know, for a man to truly support a woman in that way, it's profound at this time on earth, particularly because you know the woman's energy has been siphoned and tortured and hijacked and stolen and degraded for so long. Right, and you know I feel like we're going to go into this with the hieroscamos.
Speaker 1:But at this point you know I'm not here to point fingers at men or whatever. I just think that is time for us to really work together, because it's not even the men's fault. This is just the system. Like the violence and the demons, or whatever you want to call them, they came in and they programmed the men to be violent towards the women, when in nature, men love women because women are the source of life. So, you know, in community, the men support the women, they love the women, they protect the women. Right, this is nature, the natural template. And so, you know, even though I have been raped and all these terrible things have happened to me and they were men that did it I recognize that is not all of men.
Speaker 1:That's the problem and this is also a huge issue in the society right now. You know my little brother. He's 15 and feminism is apparently this whole hot topic in their school and these 15 year old girls are saying kill all men. It's just like the whole other side of the spectrum. And what we really want is for men and women to come together in sacred reverence and co-creation. And this is what we're talking about, you know. We want to get to a point where we have our inner highers gamels on fleek. We're going to get into that so that by the end of our ceremony together, you know, we're really feeling whole. We're feeling like we have forgiven, we feel like we have come home and come to the home of our own power, so we can go out there actually be a healing force and not a continually segregating force, right?
Speaker 1:So you know, back to the ancient priestess hood, the fall of Egypt, the fall of Atlantis, the fall of whatever civilization you want to call it, every single one, pretty much they're all related. This terrible thing that came into the planet happened now at the same time, and you know what was the most valuable, what's the strongest force of life force they can siphon, is priestess energy. And so you know these witches, also known as women, who are connected to their intuition and to the medicine of the plants and to their own sexual power and their own creativity. They were burned out of the stake, and I'm sorry because the church or the cabal had to come up with an excuse to be societally allowed to basically hijack and kidnap and human traffic these people, and so I've had countless sessions with women. You know who were witches, who have been burnt at the stake, but for months before that they were enduring horrible torture, black magic, abuse, all trying to hijack and steal their creative energy before they actually get burned at the stake, and the society is just like, oh, they're just witches.
Speaker 1:So I'm speaking to those of you that have that just getting punched in the stomach. Right now. You know you're like, oh okay, like yeah, I'm not going to hide from this anymore. I know that's happening to me. I know that you're not alone and that it's time for you to reclaim your power, right, I know that you might be scared. I know that the last thing you want to do right now is to express yourself freely again, I know. But you're not alone and we're here to support and we understand. You know what that's been like and it's still not only possible, but it's going to feel so good for you to reclaim your power, reclaim your womb, reclaim your voice.
Speaker 1:And again, you know, this isn't just for women, you know, even though it's easier for me to connect to women because I'm in a woman's body, I'm married, I have beautiful men around me and you know, this is really something that I want to bring in some energy that's going to support in the activation of the God rod. Right, the God rod does not want to hijack, it, does not want to violate, it, does not want to degrade, it doesn't want to just sit in the corner and be a creep. It recognizes itself as a pillar of God, a pillar of divine creation. It respects and reveres itself as that. And so I'm really really just inspiring, like, if you guys are like I'm getting aroused.
Speaker 1:Good, I need you to be alive, I need you to be excited by life and I need you to channel that energy right into your heart and go and nourish the world with it, go heal a woman with it, maybe not just straight up. Right, have tact, okay, don't approach a woman and say Z-Earth, our dealer told you to do it. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. All right.
Speaker 1:So, for all the God rod carriers out there, inspire you to look into semen retention. But again, you know, cycle the energy right, and I've actually heard that it makes sense that it's not good to retain your semen forever. It's actually enough if you can have three injaculations, then you can actually ejaculate and you have actually recycled energy back into your body and not have lost the life force energy. Okay, a little tip for you. Okay, you guys ready for the next topic? I'm going to be talking about the inner hieros game os, and this is where people are going to get triggered because we want to blame your ex, we want to say that person did this thing to me. You guys like that, welcome to the temple where we honor the womb and we inspire the God rod. Yes, there's only aligned, lit, alive, beautiful, divine humans here, every single one of you, and we're coming back into our power. Can I get a hell? Yeah, or let's say, heaven, all right, so we're going to dive into the hieros game os. Okay, you guys ready?
Speaker 1:There's a lot of bad information out there about the twin flames. Right now, you guys and I literally see tens of thousands of people that are out there looking for their twin flame and creating highly traumatic relationships and then basically staying in them, even if they're abusive, because they believe they're with their twin, which is hilarious and really sad. As hilarious because it's just so far from the truth, right. It is really sad because all those people are trapped away from their true power. And so we want to talk about hieros, gammos, the union. Okay, and this is nothing to do with anyone outside of your own body. This is everything to do with these two energies, these two forces of creation. You know the yin and the yang, and in the yin yang, you see that there is a yin inside the yang and yang inside the yin. They're never separate, they're always merged, they're always together. And so when you have the inner marriage is when your inner feminine and your inner masculine are both unified and working together and in love with each other. And I'm going to give some examples of how this happens.
Speaker 1:Okay, because even right now, in the spiritual community, there's this polarizing force where you're like oh, women, you're supposed to be a goddess and you have to look a certain way and be really feminine. And men, you have to activate the divine masculine and be really masculine, and then dig didn't the dirt or whatever. And you know I've been doing client sessions for the last two weeks. There must have been 20 clients and the inner masculine showed up in every single session. Now I work mostly with females, okay, sometimes the inner masculine is like on the other side of this giant canyon and I'm like girl, where's your inner masculine? She's like I cut him up and I ate him, or you know I fired him, or you know he's actually out there running around doing something crazy and and she's feeling abandoned and neglected. And these are energies that actually you can tune into your body and check in with, and here's how you can tell if you are in alignment.
Speaker 1:Okay, so basically, I feel like the feminine energy is the inspiration, is the one that is free, is the one that is creative, is the one that is free flowing and it's intuitive and it's really freedom, is a big part of it, where it's just this really free flowing energy that can be inspired and it responds the moment into the reality experiences. You know the central and the pleasure and the senses of the reality. Pitting my cat it's got a little pine pine needle in his butt, okay, anyway. So, and this goes for the men and the women. Okay, everybody here has the inner feminine. This is the energy, the emotional, the sensitive, the patient, the spacious, the part that feels like there's infinite possibility I can create, there's creativity, there's energy here, infinite possibility, right? And then each and every one of us has the masculine energy inside of us. This is action, productivity, structure, intellect, and so, for every single one of us, these two forces have to be in balance in order for an inner masculine and inner feminine to be in sacred union. And that's when the two forces actually merge and they serve each other as they're meant to. And you're actually high-risk animals, and only when you're in that reality are you going to actually create an external partner who can love you in a good way, in a way that completely respects and fulfills you in every way.
Speaker 1:Right, because you know a lot of my clients who are women. They come to me with all these complaints. They're like my husband, he's like this and he doesn't do that, and I can't ever get him to blah, blah, blah. And then I'm like, okay, well, do you hold those energies for yourself? Do you treat yourself in those ways that you're asking this other person to? And they realize that actually the person that has been telling them that they can't write that book, they're not good enough, is actually themselves, right? And you know, as a woman, this is an energy that makes more sense to me, like I hope that somehow you can translate that into your world, male beings, because, again, these energies are existent in our bodies and they are our creative force as well, right? So, for example, oh, there's something else that I really need to say just came in, okay, okay, I'm just going to take the detour, okay, and the greatest thing that I discovered in the last little while? That just totally blew my mind.
Speaker 1:So, you guys, your sexual organs are actually closer to your root chakra than your sacral chakra. That tells me so much about the benevolence and the loving nature of Creator. Because Creator, or our higher self, or the angelics, you know really just this higher, more expanded version of ourself. We created these vessels so that we could live in them and experience, and we decided that we wanted this experience to be pleasurable, right? That is why the Pleasure Center is literally in your root chakra, the chakra that is connected to the physical reality and is how you perceive reality.
Speaker 1:Now, when you look at your life, you know I say, well, how's life? What do you feel like life is? What is your immediate answer? Is it life is ecstatic, life is pleasurable, life is abundant, life is beautiful? Or is it life is hard, life is full anxiety, I don't have enough money, making money is hard, right, all of those beliefs about the reality is what's inside of the root chakra and what's actually really built into the root chakra is your pleasure center, and so you can immediately understand that this reality, these physical vessels, were created for you to experience the ecstasy of life and you begin to transform. You know it's like if I say what is sex? And if you say you know it's drippers and it's a jerk off, then, like you know that there's some rewiring for you to do and there's no shame in that right, it's not your fault.
Speaker 1:You know I discovered porn when I was 11 because somebody in my household left it on the computer and that was the beginning of the degradation of consciousness and it took a long time for me to rewire my mind. Because you know I have clients and you know this happened to me as well where you start fantasizing about. You know, painful and violent situations which clearly you would not enjoy if they were real, but somehow the programming has hooked into your pleasure center and your nervous system has learned that those images are what's pleasurable. So now you have to rewire those images and know that respect and reverence and divinity, those are the things that are enjoyable and pleasurable. And this is the whole whole, the inner workings, the dark side of the moon, of the ascension process, okay, the stuff that nobody wants to talk about. And that is why pornography is so bad for you, because it's totally just program your mind to degrade this ancient, powerful force of creation. That's crazy. So I'm just gonna touch in with the inner feminine and masculine a little bit more and then we're gonna go into our healing. And I know we're running a little bit long today.
Speaker 1:I'm really just passionate about this. I really feel like if everyone was living in alignment and living in liberation of their creation energy, that we would just be in a totally different world, and so I want you guys to know that, even if you do have these distortions or these traumas, like I love you, I think that you are a perfect, divine human being and that you just went through some shit in the false matrix and you know we can fix that real quick. You know we, as soon as you remember who you really are, you just got to project that godlight right on that and it's like actual soundtrack of what happens. All right, yeah, and so you know, be gentle with your friends and don't shame them, because porn is literally made to be addictive. And I've actually dismantled, you know energy harvesting stations in the astral plane that are literally just hooking into millions of people that watch porn and just siphoning the sexual energy right into the fallen matrix, and it was built to do that. So an innocent human being stumbles upon that, you're just hooked. There's webs, right, and this is again the stuff that we're gonna be focusing on clearing. It's just, you know, I can't do this for everybody one at a time, and the galactics are like we can contain everybody in a bubble and clean this up. So this is what we're gonna be doing Next month you can find the tickets in the description box is the Pleiades ceremonies over the Pleiades in Gateway and there's a lot of galactics that are getting ready.
Speaker 1:You know people are having very ayahuasca like experiences in these ceremonies and for the most part, we only get to die for one hour. Now imagine if we're doing that for three to four hours for four days. Okay, it's gonna be deep, it's gonna get in there and you're gonna feel like you had an energy shower and you're ready for your mission by the end of it. That's what I'm hoping. So we're really going all in. We're doing our energy bench presses every day, because we're here for this and we're not going to back down until this planet is transformed.
Speaker 1:Okay, so one example that wants to come in for the inner, higher scamos is that, for example, you have this amazing idea, right, and you're like I'm gonna write this book and then either you immediately reject yourself and you're like oh, no, I can never do that, or I don't have time. You know I, I don't know enough yet. Or you actually tell it to someone. You're like hey, I want to do this, what do you think? And they're like no, you shouldn't do that. Or maybe they laugh at you or whatever it is. The reality just rejects you, right?
Speaker 1:That is a clear sign that the inner masculine is not an alignment and a different thing the masculine can do is saying you know, I, I have to work, I have to do this thing that I don't like to do in order to make money, because the masculine, then don't trust the feminine. It's not trusting in your innate intelligence and your intuition to be able to create and support you in a way that is an alignment with who you really are, something that actually you really enjoy doing. So the inner masculine can be, and this is ancestral, you know. Just think about our parents and how they might be working so hard and they're like, oh, you know, I have to work really hard to make one penny and it's so hard. And so the masculine can really get into this hero complex where he's like, shut up to all your feelings, like I gotta make sure that we're alive.
Speaker 1:And so when the feminine actually has this brilliant idea, the masculine just actually immediately shuts her down, and this is an inner process that happens, right? So the correct pathway for this energy to flow is that actually the feminine. This again for all of you guys out there, this works for you too, because your inner feminine energy is supposed to be the energy that you know, because the feminine energy is connected to God, connected to spirit. In this way it's just, it's not that male energy is not, is that the feminine energy is just the void, the universe, nurturance, the creation energy. So it's just, and again, it's like males have this energy as well.
Speaker 1:Right, I'm saying the males and the females, no matter what kind of anatomy you have, your feminine energy is the one that is free and infinite, one with the cosmos, one with God, right? So the feminine is going to receive the inspiration and this will be like oh, I think I want to do this. And there's this flowering energy where you're like, you're excited, I'm going to create this now. Then your masculine energy is supposed to come in and say how can I help you, how can I create the structure, how can I get this done so that we can experience this thing that's coming in for us? And so this is the natural process.
Speaker 1:I know that the, the divine masculine energy, is the one that is receiving a lot of deprogramming and transformation at this time. I've just seen that, like it's like when I have sessions, people usually have like very similar patterns at specific times, and this is just the thing that happens. And so the last two weeks has all about, has been all about the inner masculine. Again, we're not saying men are dumb, men are stupid, we're saying the inner masculine has received a lot of programming inside the false matrix, in both men and women, and that when the masculine energy begins to trust in the inspiration, in the emotions, in the excitement, in life itself, it recognizes that it's here to serve, it's here to support, it's here to give. That's what the male energy is here for, and you can see how that has been totally reversed right when the male energy begins to take and violate and destruct instead of responding to the feminine essence to build and to support and to protect.
Speaker 1:So, again, these are energies that are inside of our own bodies and really recognizing how that creation works for you, like when you get a really good idea, are you creating space for yourself? And you know, honoring yourself as a creator being? How do you treat yourself, how do you perceive yourself? How do you, you know, throw flowers, petals on your path to really hold space for yourself as a divine creator being? Whoo, so we're gonna be again doing that together. I think that's why it's gonna be such a powerful experience, because you know I'm really hoping that, like the men, show up for this, because you're really important part of the process. You know we can't have the complete spectrum without you guys and you know, once we have the male beings and the female beings, all integrated with our inner feminine, masculine, and we all respect each other, each as a whole, creative, being game over for the elites. Seriously, you guys, that's, that's just what it's gonna take.
Speaker 1:Whoo, so we're lit today. We're gonna get ready. I'm gonna take a little break just for a couple minutes, if you have to go to the bathroom. Whatever it is that you got to do, we're gonna go into our healing around this, these things that we just spoke about. I'm gonna address, I feel, in the field, probably restoring certain geometries around pornography. That's a big one. And you know, inner male domination, it's all inside. It's all inside. And if you're a woman and you're like I'm a feminist, whatever, and your inner mask lens out of line, girl, you're gonna get nowhere with fixing this. We all have to get back into our innocent and loving nature, because hashtag divine god rod, yeah, and you know what, once the haro scamos come in, you know every single person that you meet will respond to that energy and will love you and will recognize you as the beloved right. You're not going to have abusive energies inside of your field, because those frequencies are no longer existent instead of your body. And for all of you that are like why don't men in my life never do this and they never watch dishes and whatever. Blah, blah, blah. I mean this is for real.
Speaker 1:Like in the womb healing course that was channel last year. Like Cara was saying you know it's all inside, you need to take responsibility for all the energies. And so one day I saw that the dishes were piling up and I was like about to get mad. You know this, the thing that you know wives do and Cara was like. Cara was like no, like you. You got to stop because scan your body for the vibrations inside of you. Where you feel like you don't deserve to be taken care of, where you have to do everything yourself, where nobody can help you. You're all alone, nobody loves you. You know all these little, different, little things that are creating the reality in the moment. Right as I went in, I literally just addressed all those energies that were manifesting this reality and I came into my living priestess presence and, I kid you not, the whole house was sparkling clean the next day and I didn't have to say anything.
Speaker 1:And this happens all the time with women that take my class. They started off with like you know, they're like, oh, like men are so much like this and then now they're like men are flying out of the woodworks to support them and help them, with no self-serving desires. You're like it's all physics, it's math, it's energy. Right, men or men, feel fulfilled when they feel like they are co-creating, they are giving life to a creation. They don't feel fulfilled when they have to go and take from you, where they feel like there's not enough life force energy. Right, when we're open, when we are in wholeness, this energy is just naturally flowing through us and the whole universe responds to the original template vibrations.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, seems like I started rambling again, but I really wanted to take a moment and do the healing, so let's do that. I'm gonna stop rambling now. I love you guys. So if you feel like this video was potent today, please go and share it with your friends, and I will do more of these rambles on my old Instagram account and I promise I'm not gonna turn into some social media person. I'm just gonna be myself. I promise. All right, family, I'm gonna take a minute, drink some water and then we're gonna go into our healing.
Speaker 1:So if you want to get comfortable, if you want to lie down, um, let's get it close this window. Um, it's Mary and Jesus here. Okay, I forgot to have a cup of white food. It's cat. I'm also just gonna put a link.
Speaker 1:Let's see here, mike, yeah, I'm gonna put a link to the four-day session next month here as well, because, once again, I just really want to know what happens when we go in for four days, because I see what happens when we go for an hour and some incredible healings can occur. And so you know, when some of these deeper clearings like if you've been dealing with some of this stuff for years it really requires a focus, right, because we can go layer by layer and then if you go one layer and then you leave, then you might have to go through some other layers again before you really get to the core of the trauma. Now, if we're focused for four days, then we just keep chucking at the trauma. It's really gonna make a huge difference. So if you're feeling called, I posted the link in the comment section and I really hope that, if you are needing this medicine, that if it's calling for you, that you create that experience for yourself so that you can receive that.
Speaker 1:We're currently researching in-jaculation in the house. Woo, all right, fam you ready, let's go. Woo Woo.
Speaker 1:Woo, welcome back to the Galactivation Chamber. We are so excited to be here with you to support in your mastery and your healing, in your path to wholeness. So get comfortable and start breathing into the body. Slowing the breath, slowing the energy, slowing your thoughts. Expansion in your spirit.
Speaker 1:We'll begin by lighting up the heart and feeling gratitude, as gratitude can at times be the energy of exchange and when you are in gratitude, you are open to receiving, and so fill your heart and your body with the sensation of gratitude for yourself for creating this experience, to your ancestors and your healed ancestors, who shares with you their wisdom and gratitude for the angelic and galactic team for sharing their presence and their energy and their medicine with us, and gratitude for the Creator for being an infinite, unified, divine vibration of love that nourishes us in every moment. As you're feeling your body with this vibration of gratitude, or opening up our field, allowing for the sound vibrations to enter and even move into the densest part of our body, and just continue to breathe for a while, Ah Breathing down into the lower belly, expanding the belly as you inhale, Exhaling, releasing all tension, all fear.
Speaker 1:Inhaling into the lower belly, filling it up with the light of your soul, Exhaling release all resistance, all the stories. If there's any place inside the body that is hurting, that feels restricted, breathe into those places and allow the sound vibrations to move into them. Breathing into the core of yourself, into the core essence of your soul, Moving your awareness up into the soul star chakra, about 8 to 12 inches above your head. Breathing it up with the light of the sun and tuning into the vibration of your own soul's essence and to bring that divine light, self vibration of your soul, pull filaments of it, just these thin threads of light down from the soul star into the body, into the places where your light body might need that energy. Higher self. Galactic team we're commanding for an activation of all sexual trauma distortions, plan control, programming, negative alien implantation and energy siphoning technology, Activating those is.
Speaker 1:May your opposite is merge together with each other with the Christ opposites of the levels. Bring in all the necessary Christ opposites to remove the occupants themselves, Clean up demons, thought forms, soul fragments, personalities of other people, etc. On the first three levels, then all levels for all beings in the resonance of this field, if it is in their highest love and highest joy and highest soul embodiment at this time でその上級従までは丐の形されてき欲し骎おしこみあげる.
Speaker 1:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, hi yourself. Galactic team commanding for a complete clearing of all outdated cords and attachments, open energy portals into negative realms or past lovers, commanding for a complete clearing of all of these in all dimensions, in all of time space, in all parallel timelines. Turn all afraid. Soul fragments from parallel timelines oh.
Speaker 1:Higher self-galactic team, we're commanding for a complete clearing of all imprints, distortions from past lovers, from AI, from pornography, from television, from all negative sources in all dimensions and all the timelines. Commanding for a complete clearing of all overlays and distortions in the multidimensional body. As those systems and networks are cleared, may the light body be restored back into his original divine template, opening the gate of life. Higher self-galactic team, we're commanding for a sourcing of all imprints and memories, whether they be experienced or inserted, of astral abuse, abductions, experimentation. Commanding for all of these imprints and these traumas to be cleared completely from all dimensions in all of time and space. For all soul fragments that may have been taken or lost in the multiverse, for them to be returned in this now, for them to be loved and cleared with the love-light of source and return to each body through their higher self and the high heart. Commanding for a complete clearing and closing of all open negative portals and the cleansing of all of the waste product of biospiritual abuse. Commanding for a complete clearing of all of these energies from all beings inside these fields, from all dimensions in all of time and space, from all parallel selves and timeline realities and all of the genetics. Thank you, all right, our final command today is for a complete clearing of all entities or parasitic beings. We're going to bring up all the contracts and agreements that we might have created, consciously or unconsciously, which gives permission, access or gives away the ownership of our body, mind, spirit, energy, sexual energy in all dimensions and all of time and space, and all parallel timelines. We're commanding for a complete dissolution of all of these timelines and all of these contracts and agreements which are not in alignment with your highest love and highest joy. May all those contracts be cleared from all dimensions and all of time and space and may all negative entities that are of the parasitic nature be cleared from your body and the field as well, in all dimensions, in all of time and space. And so it is, thank you, breathing into the body. We're actually going to do one more clearing of all patterns of repression, shame, guilt, disgust, all repressive and negative emotional reactions or judgments around sexuality, sexual energy or other distortions of degradation. We're including the programs of degradation in there as well. Just commanding for a complete restoration and clearing of all of those lower nature frequencies and commanding for them to start to transform and restore back into their original source, divine template and just allow the vibrations to move through your body. May there be peace and joy and respect and reciprocity and union and ecstatic bliss and co-creation and pure love. Unify the feminine and the masculine energies within and for those energies to be in union with source and the divine love that permeates all of creation. And may that union reflect outwards into the whole world.
Speaker 1:Alright, guys, I'm not gonna say much, but I'm gonna be here for a little bit because I'm gonna give people an opportunity to just be with the energy and to soak it in and to return with grace and patience. Just take it slow. It's raining, it's raining and just asking for each person's higher self to oversee the process of all of the clearings commanded today to their completion. If it is in alignment with each person's highest love and highest joy for the higher self to oversee these commands to their completion in the time that is highest and most comfortable for each person. I made the shifts that occurred today that in alignment with your highest love and joy. May it be permanent. I'll just pull in some gold and energy into the field to support the integration and I'll just hang out here for a minute and let the field settle and let everybody a chance to return. There's so much love here for us. So if you're feeling called, or if you're intrigued, or if that was really beautiful and powerful for you, again I'm really wanting to get as many people inside of this healing chamber as I can. If you're enjoying us for the Pleiades alignment next month, four days inside the Galactivation Chamber, what's going to happen I don't know, but I want to find out. And if you're feeling called and resonant and you know that this medicine is for you, then honor yourself and treat yourself and come and hang out with us for four days over the Pleiades gateway. The link is inside of the description and I'll put it in the chat box as well. It's going to be lit. Y'all so lit, yeah.
Speaker 1:And for all of you out there that are resonating with the Priestess energy, definitely go and check out this free Priestess summit. You know it's literally Priestesses from all over the world. I'm literally so excited for it because you know there's all of these different mystery traditions from all over the world. But I have a feeling that we're going to find a very prominent unifying force. So the gateway is going to be offered online Again. Here's the link in the chat. Anyway, all the links are inside of the description box as well and we are just super excited and getting all these upgrades, having the codes come in, spending a really interesting couple of weeks getting ready for All of these original codes of the Priestess hood of the temple, and you know how we do we go deep. So we're really excited to get to experience this together and get to open the gateway for the planet.
Speaker 1:So I still feel like there's some people are, the medicine is still quite active, so I'm just going to wait for a little bit longer and keep the field open for a little bit longer. I seriously love you guys. So it's actually not available in person because we need to be all over the world and also the land here is just not set up for people to visit at this time. I wish that I can get you guys out here, but there's no toilets. Everybody be like in my house, and you know I really need to be focused when we do the work, and so unfortunately, we're not going to be doing this in person this year, but, guys, soon. I'm working really hard every single day to anchor this temple here so you guys can come and experience. The energy is on my priority list is number one. So so the free summit is return to the priestesscom, and I just put it in the chat box as well I am now galactose tolerant. That is so funny. I love it.
Speaker 1:Welcome to all the first timers. I'm so happy that you're here. I'm happy that you have found the mothership, that you are in the home frequency of the star seed mission. I know that there are a lot of fake galactic federations out there, but you know we are out here, we are here with you, we are here to support you. We are the hands and feet on the ground, we are the ground crew here to transform this planet with love and grace and in style. And so welcome to all of you that are joining us, and I am hoping that you are feeling nourished by the field here. We love all of you so much. Just excited to be here. Y'all I can't believe you guys all came down here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we're going to be building some crazy sound healing things here. I can't say too much about it right now, but it's basically going to just be this massive spiral that is going to be next level. I promise you that the land and the galactics are very clear. So it's not in person, it's on zoom. Okay, you guys, it's live on zoom. So you're going to be able to attend from the comfort of your own home, which is really good, because we want to create the field all over the world. So there's a video that is last week's video. I talk about how the galactics are actually landing this light technology, and we're going to be able to jump timelines individually and for the collective, and so it's actually really important for us to all be in different places on the planet so that we can hold space for the planet. So, yeah, it's going to be four days in May, may 18th to the 21st. It's going to be online, and the shamanism school will open again in August, but it's going to officially start in September.
Speaker 1:Don't underestimate the power of the galactic energy, though, because the light ships they are all over the world, and people literally have very extraordinary ayahuasca like experiences that include weeping and literally throwing up. So, even though it's on Zoom, at least you're going to be in the comfort of your own home. There were people with buckets, which is always a vision that I've been shown. The frequencies are going to be more and more powerful and more and more potent, and so, yes, they're going to be recorded, they're going to be sent out every day, and so you're still going to be able to follow day by day if you want to do that, or you're going to have the recordings.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I'm just really excited about it and I hope you guys enjoyed this conversation we had today about my favorite subject. I hope that you take everything that was transmitted here and just take it out into your world and really be aware of your own energy and how you treat yourself, how you talk to yourself, how you honor yourself and how you relate to your own sexual energy as if it is the most sacred and powerful force in the universe. Because it is so, I think that we're feeling good and complete. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will see you guys next week. Love you Seriously. We love you.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Star Seed Mission Podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and light workers and the amazing healing containers and horses we host, please go to Erstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at Erstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Star Seed Mission Podcast.