The Starseed Mission Podcast
Helping Starseeds Remember our Multi-dimensional Mission, Embody our Cosmic Soul, and Create an Inspiring Life of Divine Purpose Co-Creating Heaven on Earth 🌹
The Starseed Mission Podcast
21. The Shadow Body & Demonic Forces
Prepare to unlock the celestial codes of the Pleiades Gateway and embrace your true spiritual essence. As we peel back the layers of societal constructs, I guide you through the transformative process of reclaiming your authentic self. Wrestling with the shadow body and personal triggers paves the way to abundant growth, while I steer you clear of those spiritual snake oil salesmen promising instant enlightenment. This episode is a clarion call to all starseeds and awakening souls: dedication and daily practice are your true allies on this journey to cosmic connection and self-mastery.
Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 1:37:38)
We complete this transmission with a powerful aura field repair.
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Hey Starling, welcome to the Starseed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series to help you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multidimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Zee Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's angels on Earth, the starseeds, indigos, dream weavers and lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in heaven on earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode.
Speaker 1:Hey everybody, welcome to Starseed Mission Support. How's everybody doing this week? I know that there's a lot of solar activity that's happening and I love that you guys are telling me where you're tuning in from from all over the world. Thank you for being that pillar of light, wherever you are. I'm so excited that the mothership frequencies are radiating throughout the world and we are coming together in great unity together. And how beautiful it is that we get to be on this beautiful adventure together on the earth during this very crazy time on earth and people are saying they're having an intense week. It has been very intense week I I think that the energy levels are at the extreme level of the spectrum bar, and so we definitely want to take this conversation really easily. Today. I'm probably going to talk a little bit slower than usual and we're going to be communicating about the earth self and the shadow body, which is really the part of us that's been getting triggered.
Speaker 1:I've been having lots of conversations with Starseeds and it seems like everybody is, you know, shadowboxing, but also hearing a lot of shadow work success stories. This week, a lot of people are sharing with me their immediate results when they just go in and they get triggered or they feel challenged and they take the tools that they've gained and they go in and deal with the thing and then they immediately are rewarded with, you know, a new creation or abundance or a new friend or a new timeline that comes in. And so we're getting this feedback from the reality that doing the work really works and there's nothing else that works better than just doing the work. And you guys know that I'm never here to sell you any shortcuts. I have shortcuts to share, but they're not shortcuts. Like I was watching these posts on Facebook where people are like, join my activation and you can just meditate for not even a minute a day and activate your DNA, and I was like, what is this person talking about? While I think that a lot of tools are helpful you know I'm making some um activations and recordings that I'm going to make available for free on on YouTube and everything I know that there's no bypassing the very real work as human beings that we do on a day-to-day basis, and so I'm always really concerned when people are out there selling star seed activations and they specifically use this marketing ploy of telling you you can bypass your work if you follow me, and I just think it's ridiculous.
Speaker 1:And so they're like, you don't even have to do it every day, you know, just buy this activation and you'd be good. And I'm like, like, is there anything in the world where you don't practice and you can become a master of literally nothing skateboarding, riding a bike, playing the piano, becoming a writer, like becoming a scientist, anything at all? It requires devotion, and it's a heart-based devotion, because we love what we're doing so much that it doesn't even feel like work? Sure, absolutely, but anything that we want to get good at requires mastery, and so I have shortcuts to share. I have many shortcuts to share, and these shortcuts need to be applied on a daily basis, and we're going to talk about why it's so crucial and why there's so many people that want to confuse, and I want to use our suffering to trick us into not finding our empowerment.
Speaker 1:I think that the shadow body is a really important conversation, and I think that, through my shamanic training, I have a multidimensional perspective to talk about the shadow body and just the holographic energetic way, so it's not so mystifying. And then, you know, we are going to get into a little bit about how the demonic forces definitely utilize these holes in our field to manipulate people, especially when we were younger, you know, if we had loved ones, I know that a lot of starseeds because you're so bright, you know so many things try to hinder your awakening from a very young age, and so we want to talk about some of those things we may have experienced as a child and even now, people around us whose shadow bodies really allow them to be a channel for, you know, abuse and for just generally trying to wreck your vibe and you know we want to learn about how we can seal our energy field through the clearing of our own shadow body so that we really become unfuckwithable, because our field is so clear and there's only you know so much love radiating through our body that really nothing can take us out of that energy. I think that our conversation is going to get a little bit spicy today, so I'm just taking my time. I can already feel the heat coming in, and so today's conversation is going to be partially about the Pleiades Gateway as well.
Speaker 1:The Pleiades Gateway is my three-day master class, where we spent about eight hours a day in the energy field of this transharmonic stargate. Opening a transharmonic stargate is when certain alignments occur on the earth and in the interdimensional fields of the earth, which allows higher dimensional cosmic energy to enter the planet, and so this particular alignment is when the earth, the sun and the Pleiades are in alignment, and, regardless of you being a Pleiadian starseed or not, most starseeds actually received training in the Pleiades before coming to the earth, and so if you feel connected to the Pleiades, this is a great opportunity for us to call home or connect in with Starseed Mission and receive higher dimensional aspects of ourself. As for a transharmonic gateway, is one where higher dimensional harmonics of consciousness are easier accessible. What this means is our higher self right, our higher dimensional aspects of ourself. We have an easier time accessing those during these stellar gateways, which you know. It's nothing new. Ancient times, you know, we've always tracked stellar alignments and held ceremony during those stellar alignments, and the tricky thing is obviously, in order for us to embody those higher aspects of ourself, what's in the way is the distortions and the trauma inside of our earth self and our shadow body. And so this is why I'm really going to break down why the Pleiades Gateway is going to be so valuable for you guys to come, and you know so many want private sessions, my private sessions that are $233 for two hours and I get to go really deep with one person, but I'm often repeating myself, and this way, over three days, I'm able to relay all the information you might be looking for about the Starseed mission. What is the mission? There's a unified mission of interdimensional rescue or field repair, where we're here to reconnect the earth and the fallen systems back to source, and this is an interdimensional process that is happening through our own DNA. So I'm going to be breaking that information down. This is really just a fast track, because the information that I'm about to share in this three-day masterclass is really stuff that you might have to be looking for out there for years, and I'm really just going to give you the shortcut, right, and the shortcut is pointing at the parts that are resistant or making it impossible for us to access our higher self.
Speaker 1:A lot of people are like you know oh, I don't feel like I hear my guides and stuff. Well, sensitivity training is really what we have to undergo in order to know for sure that we're actually connecting to our higher self and we're not being deceived. And sensitivity training is basically the excavation of our denser light body, which is our shadow body, and so it's all interconnected right. Our goal is to provide you this experience where you access your own higher self, and in our previous Pleiades Gateway, a lot of people were feeling contact with interdimensional beings, these healer, master beings that we work with. A lot of people were feeling the presence and feeling connected to their higher self in a way that they've never felt before. But the way that we do that, in safety, is for me to actually teach you how to do sensitivity training, and this is something that I get asked about. A lot people are.
Speaker 1:Like you know, I was told that I shouldn't go to channeling events and I shouldn't try to connect with my guides, because it's dangerous. Yes, it is, and there are tools that you can use. There are techniques that you can use to gain that sensitivity, to be able to discern, and this relies on your devotion to healing the shadow body. So I am going to dive into this information in this transmission here today. Of course, we're going to be able to go so much deeper in our three-day masterclass, and the reason for that is just that we are going to be doing two or three full-length ceremonies, and the ceremonies are really a space that I want to have contained. We want to feel safe. We don't want anybody that just can come into the field, just like on YouTube, where you know there can be trolls and there can be, you know, extra eyes. We want to have a contained, safe space for ceremony so that we can feel safe enough to open up our energy field to receive healing.
Speaker 1:And so let's talk about our earth self. Let's start with our conversation today. I feel that the greatest hero in our life is our earth self who is the one that shows up to our healing on a day-to-day basis. This stuff, these teachings, these classes, this support that I'm offering, it's really for the earth self, because your higher self doesn't need my help, right, your higher self doesn't need me to teach it things doesn't need me to help you. Remember, your higher self is already connected to source, already connected to your soul's wisdom. And so the reason why we're creating this support and who needs the support, is really your earth self that has entered into this dense field of amnesia, that has forgotten and disconnected from source and from that disconnection, experienced a lot of trauma. And a lot of this trauma it's really difficult for a person to just find because they're hidden in the denser layers of the aura. And that's why sometimes, you know, people can heal for decades and still not find the root, because a lot of the roots of these loops and these traumas are actually in the DNA and in the interdimensional field. Loops and these traumas are actually in the DNA and in the interdimensional field. And so we want to talk about, you know, the shadow body, because it's actually quite a complicated thing.
Speaker 1:People have different simplifications of this and they'll say, oh, you know, it's the ego you just have got. You just got to kill your ego as if humans are just normally these you know rude beings that are spiritually in adept. And you know, these are just kind of immature, superficial ways of perceiving. And once we start to perceive the human being as a holographic, multidimensional, energetic being, we realize that our personality and our energy and how we express ourselves are all the tip of the iceberg of our whole energy field. This is why sometimes, when we are living inside the false matrix, say, you have a job and you have to interact with people as a telemarketer or even as a teacher, and you have to create this personality that is acceptable or societally deemed professional, but maybe you have to express yourself in a way that's totally inauthentic to you and just normally, if you were just free, you would not express yourself in any of the ways that you are when you have to be a professional. And in that way you begin to actually create these artificial personality geometries, as I call them. And then if we have, let's say, you know, one from kindergarten when somebody made fun of us, and then we have another one in middle school when we just wanted to have friends. And then we start to develop these personality traits that are not authentic to ourself and are based on needing validation from others or needing to receive love, and so we give up these parts of our authentic self in exchange for external love. Over time, those things build up and we begin to experience this great separation between our soul and our sense of self, our sense of self inside of our humanness. Yeah, so what happens when the soul and the body are disconnected?
Speaker 1:Here we're talking about the science of incarnation. So in our society, the existence of a soul is even questioned? Right? People definitely don't, especially the scientific community. It's not like they're even spending time in researching how the soul enters the body, how the soul integrates into the body and how the soul exists and intermeshes and connects to the body. These are sciences of bio-spiritual embodiment or bio-spiritual technology, which is what human bodies are, is an angelic, you know, cosmic creational technology, and there were intents for all the little ways that these bodies were designed.
Speaker 1:And this is where I get really nerdy, because, as a geneticist from the realms, this is kind of like the scientist part of my existence where I'm, having intended or followed the intention of human creation, is like okay, we want this body to be able to experience joy and delight and beauty and pleasure, and you know, taste beautiful things and understand what is good for it and what isn't. The body naturally has these sensations designed into it to tell it what is good for it and what isn't, what it likes and what it doesn't like. And really this experience on earth was designated for brilliant, beautiful, tasty, delicious and joyful experiences. Okay Now, because on earth we enter into the false matrix, where the soul is questioned and we don't believe that there is a soul as a collective. What happens is that we created this false matrix I call it the false matrix prison system because it's created to be purely 3d, disconnected from source. It's a prison system for souls that come into the physical, into 3D bodies and, over time, that disconnection because what happens when the soul is not in the body is that there is life force, energy that begins to, let's say, rot and decompress and attract different energies to be able to siphon and basically loosh.
Speaker 1:Collection and loosh is something that you know, it's not a new concept to our community, but most of the time we talk about, in the sense of you know, human trafficking and ritual abuse and we think, oh, you know. Or even these false flag events. We think, oh, you know, they're looshing or collecting emotional energy. But looshing is actually something that happens pervasively in our society, where, you know, when you look at it, most people are existing in a state of unhappiness and anxiety, even if it's subconscious, right. And I want you to think about your own life, where the original state that you're meant to exist in, when you close your eyes, even your body is supposed to just feel like this delightful, expansive field of stars and you're meant to feel all of your cells in this very somatic and fleshy but like abundant and kind of comfortable way. That's how it's meant to feel in our body. That's how it's designed to feel.
Speaker 1:Okay, and once we begin to really heal through these denser layers of our aura and through these places in our body that are perpetuating disease and we're gonna go into what mental illness and what disease is but when we begin to really heal through those things, we start to access this original state, this original orgasmic, joyful, free, sovereign state, and we realize that, in comparison, you know, what has been normalized in our society is anxiety and depression and discontentment, and not unfulfillment, right? People are like, oh, insecurity. Insecurity is a huge one, right? It's a disconnection from your sense of self, where you're like, oh, I don't know if I'm good enough, or I don't know if I'm beautiful or I, I, you know, oh, I, I don't want to take up space and I, I don't know if people like me, all of these little subconscious, don't want to take up space, and I don't know if people like me, all of these little subconscious energies that we have accepted as normal, that our earth self exhibits.
Speaker 1:Right, and this is something that then begins is like when we tune into our field, when we start to meditate and go through subtle energy training, which is essential for any person that's awakening. It's essential why? Because this is how we gain discernment. You guys are asking me how do I know if I'm working with beings of the light or beings in the dark? Well, you have to learn how to perceive super subtle differences in frequency, and when you do that, we realize that we can have so many different layers of energy inside of our own aura, inside of our own body, that inside these layers sometimes there are things that are hiding, and these things are what makes up the shadow body, and sometimes the shadow body. You know, people feel that the shadow body is almost like a part of them. They take ownership and they identify with it. They're like, oh well, being angry sometimes is just part of that person's personality, or being anxious or being bitchy sometimes is just how I am. And I say that actually it's just maybe for a long time you've had this distortion in your field, that you're just used to it and you've really started to feel like those distortions in your field are a part of you, in your field are a part of you. And so let's just briefly break down what kind of things can be inside of the shadow body. Something like.
Speaker 1:I'll just start with this personal experience, which is that, you know, when I was younger, I experienced, you know, some emotional abuse from some person that was close to me and it was really a demon that had possessed this person and it was like, out of nowhere, this person would just get super enraged and they start yelling these things like you know, you're never going to do anything in your life. You should just go die. You're worthless. You know all of these things that, of course, beings that don't want me to succeed would want to say to me, but as a child, these harsh words came at me like venom and they literally just tore holes in my aura. That then allowed these demonic energies into my field. That then created different things like depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, insecurity and these things are what is kind of influencing my personality to feel depressed, right To feel anxious, like there's just something wrong or like I'm just irritated or I just want to be, you know, aggressive or whatever it is.
Speaker 1:These distortions in our energy body, or even other energies like jealousy, greed, all of these things are actually distortions, artificial distortions, viral distortions in our body, in our subconscious, and so what happens then is that, you know, over time, when I started doing quantum healing, I would go back in time and I would scan the field and I would see these portals that are open of these beings literally coming in and building these, what I call the negative alien machinery. Now, negative alien machinery is literally something that exists in the etheric. This is something that I'm going to break down in the first workshop in the Pleiades Gateway, because it's very important, but it's just going to require, you know its own workshop and to string it together in a focused way, because this is why we're here. This planet was, let's say, targeted and it was turned into this a, a loosh farm, basically, right.
Speaker 1:So in the 3D it looks like we have, you know, the government that is doing this crazy stuff. We have the medical system that really doesn't have its best, have our best interest in mind, and we have education system that is indoctrinating our kids, and so, on the surface level, in the disclosure community, we talk a lot about the 3D control system, but what is happening beyond that? We need to understand what's happening beyond that and we need to start tapping into our interdimensionality, because that's actually where is the source of this control system. And so long as we're just tapped into the 3d of it, that's actually a good thing for them, because they will continue to, um, literally do these plays in this theater in front of us. They will literally give us information right, they have this info agents that literally release hidden information so that we're distracted on the 3d play while all this interdimensional looshing is occurring. And so long as nobody is aware of that interdimensional part, they can just keep moving the theater around in the 3d. And and we're never going to make it out of this now all starseeds are interdimensionally inclined.
Speaker 1:That's why you are energetically sensitive, you are maybe a little bit psychic, you know. You have vivid dreams where you feel like there's something more in life and basically, in order for us to actually bust through the false matrix, we need to connect interdimensionally through to our own source, which is the unified source, and then through our individual column, we're connecting and embodying that to that in the physical body. We're basically creating these holes, these portals. That source energy is able to enter into the 3D artificial matrix and then from that place, you know it's, it's that's kind of the level of operation that we want to be in to really make a difference in this world.
Speaker 1:Now, as you can imagine, it's very difficult for me. I feel like I'm almost like a sales agent for doing the work, because there's just so many people out there that are selling instant things and selling you know this and that and you find that you take those classes and three years later you're still in the same spot. Now I mean, I'm just it's like I'm needing to own and really communicate with you guys how important this is, because you know I've gone through a lot of training, a lot of training for the last eight years of my life to be able to play this role, for you right, to be able to be a good way shower and to be able to give you actual information that is literally contracted with the starseed missions to be given. And it's because there's so much crap out there that sometimes starseeds can spend five years literally looking for information and just spinning around in circles and still where they were. And our intention is really to just give you this ramp of being like look, here are all the parameters of our mission. We're here interdimensionally. There are things that we are connected to. There's a universal architecture to reality that you can learn and you can remember, and we can access those levels of our awareness. This is busting through the new age glass ceiling right, and this is really the frequency that the higher selves are transmitting through me of awakening. And just give me a comment if you're feeling that, if you're feeling the transmission of the energy, of the lucidity coming in, because what is lucidity?
Speaker 1:Lucidity training is another thing that our team talk about a lot. Lucidity training is something that is essential to the starseed because we need to be 100% awake. We can't be 20% awake and going out there and trying to do things, because we're always going to be co-creating with the false matrix if we're not 100% awake? And what is being perfectly lucid? Yes, we do this in my school lucidity training, the sensitivity training, this is all stuff, you know, when they told me they're like, they're like you're building a star being training facility, and this is what it is, um, and this is what we're going to be doing in the pleiades gateway over the three days, is all of these? It's a, a process, right, it's this going through a layer of our amnesia. And you know, in order for me to be able to transmit this vibration of lucidity, I've had to do a lot of work, a lot of excavation, a lot of experimentation, and so that is actually what is valuable. That is, the value that I'm offering to you is all of the time that I've devoted to this process, and so I think that this is an important thing, because in the, obviously I can't just show you my resume and be like this is where I went to school, I went to harvard, you can trust me, or whatever it is.
Speaker 1:You know, it's like, um, shamanic training. Um, it's like shamanic training. It's like, you know, a lot of people can say, oh, I'm a shaman, and I do believe that there are a lot of people that are on the shamanic path at this time, because shamanic healing is what's needed. Shamanic healers are what's needed on the planet, and so many of us that have gained mastery in past lives and have access to interdimensional shamanic skills are here. But for the most part, you know, people bypass the training part, and I just want to say that, you know, training looks like training like a professional athlete, and this is literally what I've been doing for nearly a decade of devoting my whole life to this training, and this is what I'm offering to you guys. Is this true school of mastery? There is no fluff here. There's a lot of shortcuts, but shortcuts you have to apply, and what we really want is for you to be lucid.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's go back to lucid. What is lucidity mean? Right, what is existing lucidity? And I know that, even now, you know it's easy to slide into small levels of amnesia, and so lucidity is like okay, if somebody says, hey, what's your life purpose? Right, your response is going to match how lucid your conscious awareness at all moments. Right, you should be ready to answer this question. Your soul should be right at the forefront of your consciousness and is perfectly aware of what your mission is.
Speaker 1:And so let's say, if somebody asked me, well, what's your mission, what's your life purpose? I would probably say I am here to bring in the restoration of the architecture of universal consciousness through the liberation of humanity from the artificial prison system, which is also a louche factory. Right, this is kind of an extreme thing to say, but it's what is Right. Extreme thing to say, but it's what is right. And so that is a level of lucidity that I'm existing in all the time, which allows me to create solutions from that place. It doesn't mean that everything I create is that intense. You know, what I'm creating could be for muggles, but when I intent and when I connect to that level of clarity, I'm actually existing as my source self, because that's how my source self would understand the reality and complete lucidity of the situation.
Speaker 1:Now, lucidity is something that is cultivated over time, right? And lucidity is really what starseeds are looking for. When starseeds say, I want to know where I'm from and I want to know what my mission is, what they really want is lucidity. And oftentimes they're given this watered down answer like you're here to. You know love humans and you're here to spread love and all that stuff when really there are. It's kind of like if you're on the police force and this is what it is, we're cosmic, galactic warriors of God. And so if you're on the police force and you get handed a dossier of your next mission and you open it and it just says, go to this neighborhood and you know, do your best, or something right, it's not very helpful because usually missions are very specific and our mission is actually quite specific.
Speaker 1:Right, there are so many aspects to this mission. There are dimensionalities of understanding that we have access to, and this is really what the Galactics are wanting to share, and we're going to start in the Pleiades Gateway. This is a briefing, right. The first workshop is a briefing of what we call the Christos Realignment Mission. The Christos Realignment Mission is a unified mission of the angelics, the starseeds, the 144,000, the indigos, whatever you want to call it, these beings that really feel this deep spark of God inside that is here to reconnect everything, to source and restore all fallen geometries of consciousness. And when we begin to perceive in that perspective, we realize that the distortions of consciousness is at the root of the things that we want to eradicate in the world.
Speaker 1:So if we want to be eradicating, you know, pedophiles and human trafficking, but if we have no understanding of the interdimensional source of those things, and I guarantee you, you know, pedophilia is not a natural expression of cosmic consciousness, right? So many? You know pedophilia is not a natural expression of cosmic consciousness, right? So many of you probably have a lot of questions about that, you know, like, how come God is described as loving, but you know, and God is also pedophiles, right? Again, these are.
Speaker 1:This is there's confusion, conflicting understandings of different new age? Um, what I'm trying to say here? I'm trying to say that the new age, a false awakening matrix, has really taken universal concepts like unity and oneness and distorted them to confuse people, right? And all of a sudden we have people parroting things like oh, you know, pedophiles are a part of the unity, and so you know we need to just accept that or something. And so you know, I bet there's a part of you that feel resonant with that and a part that feels not resonant with that, right, and so we can break that down and understand that we can perceive things from different person, different dimensionalities, and things that are true on one dimensionality doesn't mean that they're equally true on a different dimensionality. Maybe we need to restructure our understanding depending on which density we're in and the physics that are existent in those dimensionalities.
Speaker 1:Okay, and there's been a lot of different things that's occurred, right, and I know that if you're resonating with this idea that there is a universal completion and there's a complete restoration of universal consciousness and genetics and the reconnection I mean, it's about bringing home. I'm not saying that we need to just destroy pedophiles or whatever. This is about bringing home. But in order to bring home, we can't just be delusional about it. Right, we need to understand the mechanism of how consciousness operates, how holographic consciousness operates and how you need to position yourself. What skills and what level of consciousness and embodiment and actions do you need to take to participate in that with knowledge and not delusion. This is lucidity.
Speaker 1:Delusion is when you believe something but you have no knowledge of the mechanism, of how that is, and so that is a very dangerous place to be, and that is the mechanism that the false awakening new age utilizes to trap people. They just say these beautiful things that make your soul kind of make the spiritual part of you resonate with it, and then they keep you in the superficial fluff that's like all is one, we're love and you know, source loves everything and all of those things are true And's no substance and it doesn't actually help. You know what your steps are right. So we want to bring in this real knowledge and we want to bring in the information that actually supports your human self and beginning to access these higher dimensional aspects of yourself. I know taking a one minute activation is not going to help, because it's about your internal experience that is built over time and there's so many layers. You know it's like. I know that I took the fast track. I took the fast track and I had a lot of help track and I had a lot of help and even then right, even then it took a lot of effort to go through, because this mind control system that we have in the new age, I mean in the world it's complex.
Speaker 1:I mean let's just break that down for a second, because now we're going into the second workshop in our Pleiades Gateway, which is all about the shadow body and the different kinds of mind control that we've really actually accepted as normal. So, for example, the most important one, and Darren says it's like showing someone a cake with no recipe to make it, exactly because they don't have the recipe, because it's fluff. So the things that make up the shadow body is what our second workshop is going to be about, and here we're really talking about the specifics of matrix programming. Now this is really information that can't be channeled. Why can't it be channeled? Because the galactics are not here down on the ground.
Speaker 1:Okay, so who's going to be able to figure out the specifics of the mind control programming? Is a galactic scientist that's here on the ground? That would be me. I've spent the last eight years dissecting. I know that I'm going to be writing textbooks about spirit-centered psychology, because this is the stuff that I literally just nerd out on all day long in my clients. I'm scanning their field, I'm figuring out what the mind control systems are and they're so deeply ingrained into our multi-dimensional body to the point where just you know either thinking that is normal or is really too scary to look at. I know this firsthand, right Growing up in our society.
Speaker 1:There's just so many things that have been programmed into the society as normal, and this is all mind control. Patriarchy is a mind control virus. So you know, for example, in the earlier times, when men went out and did the work and when females stayed at home and took care of children and this was the societal program who came up with that program? Did that program actually evolve naturally? No native american tribe lives like that. Okay, there is no natural state of humanity like if you put a bunch of humans on a mountain or if you just perceive humans that live in nature. That is not a program or a software operating system. That is natural. So then we say, well, who came up with that? We know who came up with that. It was the cabal or the. You know the gray aliens or whoever that you perceive as being. You know the controllers of this world and you know, of course, it's all a part of the same system. The people that are in the 3D are just the minions of that interdimensional being.
Speaker 1:We're going to take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earthstar Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back. Hey, angels, it's me again, z Earthstar. I just wanted to let you know about our anywhere. We'll be right back on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on Earth, and so much more.
Speaker 1:You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We try to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator. You might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver. And to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other starseeds and lightworkers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary gridwork ceremonies with me and the Earthstar team. Healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earthstar team.
Speaker 1:The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way, and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings, and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, starling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Starseed Mission Podcast.
Speaker 1:Let's now get back to the show. And so now, how does that influence you? Because you might think, well, I don't agree with that ideology. But then if your parents or your great-grandparents and your great-great-grandparents actually were fully immersed in that societal dogma, then it's actually ingrained in our holographic being, and so this is why we then have a hard time expressing ourselves. We naturally, the women, will naturally be overgiving, right? So many women don't know how to receive love and receive support, because we're literally programmed to be the submissive ones, to serve the males, and this is again, not something that you decided with your mind, but something that is in your holography, something that is in your genetics, in the subconscious.
Speaker 1:Now, the subconscious, I gotta say, is another virus, right, is another program, because, where I come from, there's no such thing as a subconscious, because we're in gnosis and sovereignty of our energy, 100% of our energy. We remember who we are on a soul level. We have the records open of who we have been, and our knowledge, and that's what we're meant to bring to this planet. The amnesia is totally not normal and that's something that has been normalized as well and that they'll tell you. Oh, you know the earth, it's meant to be amnesia, you're meant to forget everything and it's going to be really hard to remember. And you know, while you're here, you don't know 90% of what's going on in your own body, because it's the subconscious and that's what's normal Right Now.
Speaker 1:This is absurd. It's absurd because when you subscribe to that belief, you're actually giving away the responsibility. It's like, oh, you know, oh, oh, I'm depressed. Well, must be the subconscious. Nothing I can do about it. Oh, I am lazy, and you know, oh, oh, must be the subconscious. And just how, um, just just how I'm programmed, like it's, I guess I can't do anything about it.
Speaker 1:And it's like, when you begin to excavate the subconscious, you realize that, okay, if an interdimensional species of ets were trying to hijack human consciousness and steal and parasite off of human creative energy, of course they're going to tell the humans that there's a subconscious and 90% of their energy. They don't know where it goes right. And so we're diving into the holography of the control system of the control system, and the only way that we can truly excavate the subconscious and bring it into consciousness and step fully out of amnesia is by knowing the technique and skills to go in. And you know, it really helps to know what you're dealing with, right, a lot of people are say. A lot of people say, oh, you know I'm getting attacked, or oh, you know, I think my blah, blah, blah, and it's like you know they're with the awareness I never say I'm being attacked, because that's really directly giving my energy away to something and saying I'm not a creator being that has absolute sovereignty over my field and other things outside of my field can influence me and on some level it can be true. But once we reach this place of mastery over our own energy body and we no longer have this subconscious that we're totally unaware of, so we can give away the responsibility of our sense of self, then we realize that everything comes back to our own shadow body and it sucks.
Speaker 1:Okay, it blows. Why does it blow? Why does nobody want to do this level of work? And why is my work hard? Because I feel like I'm an advocate, like I'm selling deep inner work, because we're all here to liberate humanity. Right, our mission is to liberate humanity, but when we realize how deeply embedded the programming is okay and how many layers and how much devotion these negative beings have put into the control system, it's delusional to think that without the understanding of the interdimensional energy that we're going to liberate humanity. Because in order to heal, in order to support humanity, you're going to need understanding of the mind control, you're going to need an understanding of soul fragmentation, you're going to need an understanding of how the soul enters the body and how the false matrix keeps the soul from embodying completely, so that when a person comes to you, you can actually help them with those things and no amount of delusion or anything else is really going to help besides knowledge and awareness and understanding and skills.
Speaker 1:Okay, why is it that some people do a healing? And you know people are like oh, I didn't feel anything. And you know, when we do a healing, we're going through layers and layers past lives, traumas, distortions is because of this training that I've gone through and this is what I'm here to help you access as well, because your raw talent is something that is yours and in order to turn raw talent into something that is a repeatable and a skill that you can count on. That's where practice comes in. That's where practice comes in right 10% raw talent, 90% diligence. And so you know, for all the healers out there, I know that I'm here to support, you know, and taking us to the next level of really bringing through the next level and the next phase of the world's best healers.
Speaker 1:We're not here to just rub energy around like, oh, I'm channeling energy, I think it'll. I hope this works. I don't know where the energy is going, but I think it's doing something, because I love you right, beginner level healer, and that's totally okay. And what this world needs are skilled people, and that's totally okay. And what this world needs are skilled people.
Speaker 1:If you're here to be a healer, if you're here to heal and support humanity and liberate humanity and support them, these are understandings and lucidity, training and skills that you need. And so we just get fired up about this stuff because you know, there's nothing like having real results. You know, imagine just going to work and you're working with people and people are just having like revelation after revelation and by the end of the session, they feel like they're connected to their higher self and they feel like they're connected to God, possibly for the first time ever. I mean, it fills up my soul and I just want all of the healers, all the starseeds, to experience that. That's really why I'm just totally, you know, gung-ho about this stuff.
Speaker 1:So one thing I want to say about the shadow body is that you know, these distortion fields influence people, and so, once you have lucidity, it's impossible for you to judge humanity and say, oh well, they're so stupid that they're just falling for the TV and things that they tell them. Well, once you have interventional awareness, you realize that all the humans have literally been groomed for thousands of years to participate in the false matrix, right? And so, with that awareness, you realize that, okay, no amount of judging humanity is going to get my mission done to liberate them. So what is necessary? And then you realize that we need to actually fully activate ourself so that we're creating source connected solutions that are full of creativity. Right, and also the training, the ego training, is another thing that we do in the school. Ego training has to do with. I mean, this is the stuff that they used to teach in the mystery schools, like the real temples, right, about aligning with the right, motivation and creating the traits of mastery, right. All of these things are things that we can train and we can in-train our body and our consciousness and our mission.
Speaker 1:So then we realize that we really have a complicated situation on our hands. And this is really when we realize the shadow body of the collective right that most people are just mostly not in their bodies, and the mental health, um, the medical system is there to validate itself. So somebody is depressed. They're like, oh, it's okay, just take this pill. You know, nobody says well, maybe you're depressed because you live in a society that's just completely devoid of meaning and depth and soul, which are things that human beings need to be healthy. Human beings need divinity. It's part of our matrix, as part of our design. We need that connection to source or love to thrive, and so of course people are sick, of course people have disease.
Speaker 1:When we say dis ease is mental illness, what is mental illness? I've discovered that mental illness is a byproduct of soul being disconnected from body and soul being tethered to a body that's existing out of alignment with our nature, with our inner nature and with our external nature, with our divine nature, right, Our internal nature of divinity and sacredness and holiness, and also with the external, which, you know, nature also includes interdimensional connection to our higher selves and God as well. All those things are natural to our human being, and so when we have a society of people that exists in disconnection from what's natural to them, they're going to get sick and they're going to have sicknesses that look like mental illness. And, of course, it's very convenient for the false matrix to just create this medical system that then validates itself and says oh, you know, this is normal, lots of people have anxiety, take this pill, you'll be fine. Um, and so we're gaining this awareness that there is an interdimensional war that's happening and there are literally interdimensional beings that have created this whole system to loosh off of humans.
Speaker 1:Okay, and so in order to create solutions for that, not having psychic awareness open and not having your multi-dimensionality working is kind of like going out onto a battlefield blindfolded, with no weapon. And that's kind of how I feel about the lightworker community sometimes, where people are like I'm here to bring in the new earth and I'm here to liberate and heal humanity, and then there's been no practice, no training, no knowledge, and we're just spreading love and light. And when I'm really tuning into it. It just feels like we're getting pummeled, screwed right. We need power, we need resources, we need activation, we need knowledge in order to eradicate this force, or we're just going to get our ass handed to us because we're on the battlefield blindfolded and with no weapons.
Speaker 1:Right, that is just the level of lucidity and clarity and intention that we're bringing to the Pleiades gateway. We don't mess around. We know how much growth can occur. This is a beautiful gateway that always gives me so many activations and gifts, but we need to actually know how to create the right environment to receive, and so I actually like these feels so much better than just doing one-on-ones, because, again, I have to repeat myself 80 billion times because most people have the same implants and the same trauma. I mean, we all grew up inside the same false matrix and so, believe it or not, most people have the same traumas.
Speaker 1:Now, in the personal sessions, obviously I'm able to scan your field and also tell you about your soul, but most of the time I don't get to do that because most of the time we just end up doing the car wash because people haven't done enough clearing to access the higher self. So this is a shortcut, right, my one-on-one sessions are $233 and I have raving reviews. But you know it's even better to be in a group field because the group field amplifies the medicine and we get to spend 24 hours together and I'm able to transmit a lot more information and, you know, process a lot more healing together in the field. So let me just pull up the. Okay, so we do talk about the.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I mean, this is really a um how to say, condensed version, right, obviously, in order for all of these things to be fully integrated, my school is really created to break all of these things down and it is going to take three years to go through all of the things. But you know, hopefully by the time you come out of this thing, you know and you could definitely go through it faster. I'm just saying the energetic integration of everything is probably going to take about three years is what they're telling me but hopefully by the time you come out of this, you know you are an embodied master healer that knows exactly what you're doing, not only just on people. If you're not, if your role is not exactly to be a healer, you're still a healer because you're here to heal the interdimensional matrix of the fabric of the universe through your embodiment. And so all starseeds have that same mission. Even if you're not meant to express as a healer, you're still here to heal the architecture of the universe. And in order to do that, you have to do that inside of yourself and then from that place, whatever you're inspired to do art, music, teaching, healing, whatever it is that your higher self is inspired. And again you're going to have this expanded source level creativity to create solutions that are out of the box, solutions your current human self can't access because you're just not a vibrational match for miraculous source created solutions. But all of that again is going to require the integration and actually bringing your galactic starseed soul into your body.
Speaker 1:And so the first ceremony, the first two hour healing ceremony we're going to do, is about the shadow body restoration. This is when we're clearing out outdated personality structures that we can literally just take the energy and literally melt it back. We do this in session sometimes and people are just like, wow, I didn't realize it's that easy. But quantum healing there's just so many applications to it and when you're in this powerful healing field, so many things can happen. So outdated thoughts, patterns and beliefs, childhood time, coordinates of wounding, sexual distortions, parental wounding portals, psychic attacks of when you're a child, interdimensional abductions all of those things we're going to go into the healing of and, of course, soul retrieval of fragmented parts. These are going to be what is the focus of the first healing ceremony are going to be what is the focus of the first healing ceremony? Now I'm going to do a healing ceremony next weekend here on YouTube. That's what's going to be for Starseed Mission Support, so you guys can experience what is like inside of this medicine field.
Speaker 1:You know, people feel like they're on ayahuasca. People feel like they're literally on a medicine journey and the reason for that is, you know, we're literally channeling these master healer beings, and the great thing about channeling these master beings is that you know, in the, in the matrix, a lot of distortions can come in through facilitators that use ayahuasca to gain power and stuff, and so when you're working directly with the energy, you're working with the pure spirit. There's just a pristine, pure energy that we're accessing instead of, you know, any distortions that you might encounter. And at this point I feel like on the planet we're getting so light and holographic People really don't need a lot of the plant medicines and even though they're great I think plant medicines are great it's hard to find a good facilitator. But at this point on earth, you know, we can access these frequencies. We can access these frequencies and connect with these plant spirits and receive healing the same way, simply by working with light and sound.
Speaker 1:So the second ceremony is going to be really interesting because we're going to be clearing out the light body and this is going to be an advanced light body activation. So there's many artificial seals and implants that has been placed on the planetary body and on the collective human body to block higher dimensional energy. So if you've been meditating, you've been doing your work, you're doing everything and you're still just not connecting to your interdimensional energies. It means that you just need to get your seals cleared, and this is something that I end up doing over and over and over and over and over again in my private sessions. And here we're just going to create space. We're going to clear all of the seven J seals, the Templar seals, the Zeta seals and other seals that I've discovered, and it's really just going to be a light body rewiring that's going to actually allow your body to access higher dimensional energy. I can't stress how important this is and how it's radically changed my life. You know, when I got this done, it just amplified my healing energy by so much. And there is going to be a workshop where I, you know, explain where these came from, why they exist where they are, and you know, we are going to teach you how to continually clear this, because they are, um, in the planetary body. It's going to take a critical mass of people who have these seals cleared to clear them from the planetary body.
Speaker 1:Now, this is another thing that's hijacked in the new age right, where people are like, um, yeah, critical mass, you, so many are awakening, we've hit critical mass. But what is the critical mass that we need to get to? Is it just waking up out of the 3d, like, oh, you woke up? We need a critical mass of people that are awake, or do we need a critical mass of people that have an activated template, that are actually excrete or accreting source energy? Excrete or accreting source energy? Right, and how do we accrete interdimensional a source energy? By actually accessing interdimensional energy and opening up our field. Thank you so much, liz, for posting the link there, and so, yes, we're going to break down these things.
Speaker 1:Now, the way that the galactics plan this is really meticulous, right, it's not by accident, and you guys are going to find that I'm just a really detail-oriented person. I hate going to a conference where everything is just a mess and there's no intention and they just got a bunch of speakers that are famous and they're just, you know, drinking or something. Yeah, so the anyway. So you know my events. They're totally intentional. Every single little thing is part of the process. The whole event is one single unified ceremony. So the reason why we can't just do JCL clearings is because there's all of those shadow body clearings that we need to do first. There's all of those shadow body clearings that we need to do first. Once we do the shadow body clearings, you're actually going to be able to clear the J seals, and then, once you clear the J seals, you're actually going to be able to activate your DNA, access your higher self, and so that's why the three ceremonies are positioned the way they are, and the workshops are really there to give you the mental understanding of why we do things.
Speaker 1:And let's see what else we have on here. I'm just fired up. I mean, this is like the most exciting stuff Light body. So then we, you know, talk about cultivating virtues and traits, right, this is like if you're looking to step into the next step. You're like I've been in the new age community, I've been doing all the fluffy stuff, it's just not getting me results. Well, what gets your results guaranteed is devotion to a path of mastery, and I know this from having trained as a professional pianist, because, you know, when I was um five years old, um, so yes, I run beyond um 15d energy, so this is like connecting to our rishi avatar energy, because I actually come from outside of this universe, so I have access and I've worked very hard to train my physical and etheric muscles to be able to channel this energy. That's why my healings work, that that's why this space feels so good, is because I've really put in the work and I just want to inspire as many people, because there's no greater investment.
Speaker 1:Right, when I was five years old, my piano teacher told my mom that I shouldn't go to school because I was too talented of a piano player, and so I basically became a full-time professional piano trainer or trainee. I was training to become a professional piano player and then, when I was like 12 years old I had this world-class pianist teacher and he told my mother that if I trained with him for four more years and this is training like playing scales, right, working up our muscles, really like getting agility training all the trainings and when people hear people playing piano they're like, wow, that's so beautiful. Now what went into just learning that one piece is like 10 years of training, right. And so I actually did not choose to follow that path. I did not want to become a professional pianist, but I know that I had to go through those experiences as a young person because I needed the understanding of training, what it is to become a professional. And I think that in the new age community, in the awakening community, there's just no regulations, right. So it's like anyone can just become a healer and start offering their services. And I think that in the new age community, in the awakening community, there's just no regulations right. So it's like anyone can just become a healer and start offering their services, and I think that's great that people want to help, but where is our standards of care? And I know for me, I did not start sharing my gifts until I received very clear validation from my team that it was time. So for me it was when I got this tattoo and it happened very synchronously, like extraordinarily synchronously, and I'm not going to tell the story because you guys can read in my book. You know all the stuff that's happened.
Speaker 1:But the Pleiades Gateway is happening November 19th, 20th and 21st during the Earth, sun and Pleiades Stellar Alignment, and this is a major gateway that's always changed my life. Every single time it happens, the primary alignment actually happens in May and the secondary alignment happens in November. And again during these alignments is when you can connect to interdimensional energy a lot easier. And this gateway particularly is called a transharmonic gateway, and transharmonic gateways is when interstellar energies open, particularly to give you access to higher dimensional consciousness energy. So there's different kinds of Stargate openings. That's what this one is and that's why, for this ceremony, we're particularly focusing on bringing in a higher dimensional aspects.
Speaker 1:Now, that's what this is about. It's about helping you connect to a higher dimensional aspect and helping and initiating a walk-in process. What is possible during this gateway is for you to make contact with a higher dimensional self and start the process of pulling that into the body. And we can't just do that without skill, without awareness. So that's why the first two days are focused on the earth self and all the things that we have to work through in the earth self, because when super high energy energy, super high frequency energy, enters the field, what happens it's when we start purging. Right is when we start going through the crap, when the soul energies were like oh my god, we love now if we were super clear.
Speaker 1:I mean, I've just been in just a crazy creation mode. People around me are having a hard time. I I've just been, like you know, in ecstatic joy, not saying I don't have hard days. You know, I've definitely also purged a lot, but you know it's this is you start to see the hard work pay off at some point. I promise okay, yeah, and so let's see if there's anything else that we want to share here. Oh yeah, um, okay, and so, oh, yeah, and I've also uploaded the preparation files. It's actually really great if you guys start preparing now.
Speaker 1:So on the landing page of the event, I posted three super high frequency sound fields that I made particularly to help you guys prepare for this event. So I recommend everyone doing the meditations 30 minutes to an hour every day, and the more you do it now, the better your experience is going to be during the gateway, because the sound fields are going to help you start to clear the density. Now, right, you're going to prepare, and this is something that I really support all of my private clients to do. I send out this preparation file for people to do these meditations for at least a week or two before their session, because half the time during the session, I'm just hosing people off and, yeah, but it's kind of a waste of my skills because we don't get into anything fun. People want to know their higher self, they want to know where they came from and I'm just they're hosing off their field. So, really, this is a energetic shower and energetic bath that you can do before the event actually comes, and I find that this is really helpful. So you can literally just go on there and choose one of three. There's one that is focused on clearing the aura, there's one that's focused on clearing sexual energy and there's one that's focused on DNA activation. So you can literally just look and tap into which one you need that day and really do it. Really do it every day and you're going to have a really great time.
Speaker 1:Why is it that some people. Why is it that some people have a great experience and some people are like I didn't feel anything is because there's density in the field that's not allowing us to perceive interdimensional energy. So that's also why, you know, people believe everything they tell them on the TV because their field is so dense. And that's also why, you know, when we have this awareness I know that you know I'm going to start to make, you know, really tricky medicine for the masses. I'm just going to make sound frequencies that bypass their mind and start to work interdimensionally. And I just going to make sound frequencies that bypass their mind and start to work interdimensionally, and I'm going to use certain things as backdoors, like healing eating disorders, healing depression, healing anxiety.
Speaker 1:I'm really excited to take all of this awareness and sneak into society right To do the work that I came here to do. There's nothing that makes me more excited than the idea that I'm going to do. There's nothing that makes me more excited than the idea that I'm going to bring these higher dimensional healing modalities into human society, because that's what we're here to do. I'm here to help humanity heal. I'm here to liberate humanity, and so in order to do that, I need the awareness and the skills and the capabilities to be able to do that. And you're right, darren, it's totally not work at all. I mean, I work. You know, sometimes I work 12 hours a day Making these soundtracks, writing books I'm writing like five books simultaneously Because, yeah, it's like there's nothing that makes me happier than just feel like I'm on a mission and it feels so good in my body.
Speaker 1:I'm just giving birth to new earth and all those things feel so good and this is how our mission can feel like when our field is clear, our soul is in our body, we know what we're doing, we got the lucidity and bam bam we're creating all day long and we're having a great time and that what we want for our star beings. We won't settle for anything less and that's what we're here to support our community in doing. Where's the music healing that will help us prepare? So once you have your ticket, it's going to have a link to a landing page where the recordings of the event will be made available, and so you can go on there. And it's already. Preparation files are already there. You can go in and just take a look and you can get started immediately.
Speaker 1:So a lot of people ask me about recordings. If you can't tune into all the lives, I would recommend doing as many of the ceremonies live as you can and then you can catch up on the workshops at a later time. But you know they're obviously still going to work through the recording. I also recommend, if you can't tune in live because of your time zone or you're working or whatever it is, you can just leave a glass of water out on an altar and you can just tell the water please collect all of the energies from the Pleiades, gateway ceremonies with Z, and your water is just gonna collect all the energies. And so when you're watching the recording at a later time, you can just, you know, sip the water, watch the recording and you'll catch all of the energies just as if you were tuning in live. So let's see.
Speaker 1:Somebody says can you explain Christ consciousness and keeping clear of demonic entities when opening channels? So christ consciousness is what we're describing as actually 12d consciousness and there is actually energy that's beyond that in this, in the avatar field. Right, we call it christ consciousness because Christ means divinity in form. Okay, divinity in form. And so why that pushes demonic consciousness out of the way is because when you bring that divinity of your source into your body, everything else needs to get out of the way. Right, it's God that God is the most powerful force. Divine love is the most powerful force. And so when you start to bring in 12D creator consciousness into your body, demonic entities and energies begin to clear out. Right, that's the science of it, but there are actually energies even beyond that in the creator field.
Speaker 1:I think that one of the reasons why jesus is very popular is because he embodied and reflected to us what a 12d avatar template looks like, what a 12d avatar embodied template can do, which is the acidic powers that begin to embody qualities of god, qualities like omnipotent right, all, all possible, anything's possible beyond physics, all knowing right, all present, ever present. All of these qualities of God is you know really what we begin to embody when we expand into greater, greater level of ourself. So when we begin to connect in with our 12d self, we're really you know. This is what Jesus meant by saying you know you're gonna do greater things than me. Is that work? We, every single human being on this planet, has a 12D template. There are beings that have templates even beyond that on this earth at this time, because we're really here to pull a lot of people along, and so we needed beings that were extremely advanced to come in and embody an even greater DNA template than Jesus, beings like Babaji, who, you know, had just. You know, there's even more extraordinary stories about these masters that have access to these abilities and really what it is is our embodiment, our making God matter, christ. This is the meaning, meaning, the definition of Christ is making divinity matter or physical.
Speaker 1:That sentence was strange, so I hope that answers your question about Christ consciousness, and obviously that's why our space is safe. I can explain to you that I understand scientifically what creates the field. Now I work with energies from the sound field and beyond. So let's think about this Avatar consciousness is 12D, and then we have the Tribeca fields, which is the founder flames those of you that connect with the blue flame, the gold ray and the magenta these are from 13 to 15D, which the Tribeca founder rays are. Now, beyond that, we have the sound field, which is pre-matter, before material manifestation, where there is just God consciousness, right, the universal force, and so those are the energies that I work with.
Speaker 1:It's taken me many years to be able to hold those energies in a field and, again, that's why my sessions work, that's why these spaces are immaculate, that's why it's actually, you know, impossible for any being to be in the field, because it's like, you know, it's God, it's divinity, and that's the stuff that fires me up. It's the stuff that fires me up and I mean, this is like the Jedi stuff that I, it's like we are meant to embody. It's not me, I'm just reflecting at you what you're here to do, right, not settling for this wishy-washy. You ask your spiritual teacher about chakras and they give you this watered down. You know, we want to know how chakras work interdimensionally and how they create reality. This is the stuff that we can explain, because we are an interdimensional scientist that has access to our memories and we have embodied that inside of our body. And this is what you are here to do also, and we're just here to reflect what it looks like when we bust through the glass ceiling. We're like, yes, I'm here to be a pro. I am a pro, my soul is a pro. That's why you're here. You were called onto this mission, because you are a pro at something Absolutely 8,000%, and it's okay to accept your power, it's okay to step into that. It's okay to not know right now in your human self and just know that there is this ramp that is built for you and you can find all those things. You guys, okay, I just want to know if it feels like I'm nagging. Does it feel like I'm nagging Because that's not what I want to be doing? I just want to. I just really want to inspire because I'm fired up, right like I'm just really excited, and so you guys, let me know if it feels like I'm nagging or if I'm just fired up because I like. That's like a feedback.
Speaker 1:Somebody's asking about 5g towers. Now, the pleiadians actually have been. It's like we have the power to rewire and override 5G frequencies. But again, it's not about being delusional. Where you're like, okay, I'm doing it, I think I'm doing it, it's like how much energy are you accreting from your DNA? Is a scientific, measurable frequency and amplitude, and amplitude, how you amplify your energy is by creating coherence in your field and embodying higher and higher dimensional aspects of yourself, so that you're embodying qualities of god. Okay, and so absolutely take this as a training tasha that you have the power to override the 5g tower and actually to reprogram it to emit other energies, and just don't be delusional about it. I know that it's going to require a little bit of effort okay all right, I'm happy that almost nobody is anybody saying I'm nagging.
Speaker 1:I was just looking for the one person that's like Z, you're nagging. I'm like it's like a roller coaster, like I'm just having so much fun. You know, I know how good it feels like when I see a starseed who's like, oh, I gotta work my matriarch's job and I don't know what my skills are and I don don't know what. You know, it's like it hurts my heart Because I'm like man, we could be having so much fun. I'm having so much fun and it wasn't always fun. Sometimes it's really shitty, but it's like we can always even perceive the shitty moments as fun and then we're really good, you know, anyway. So I'm really just inspiring everyone please come out to the pleadies gateway. It's like my heart is in it. My heart is in this. I'm like, oh my god, look at this beautiful thing that we have to experience. We've made it for you. Please come, because I know that is going to bring so much value into your life. And I'm working on this because you guys might notice that I wasn't able to talk about this event like this last week and I had this insecurity in my field that made me scared of like telling people or because I didn't want you guys to feel like I was selling you something or something like that, and I was like no, like I need to find the value, which is this is something that's very valuable and it's going to bring you a lot of joy and it's an investment in you know, your spirit and in your embodiment. To spend three days in ceremony with our cosmic family and, of course, to also value. It's like me starting to value my own skills because I I worked really hard. I worked really hard to get to this place and I still work very hard every single day, because I know that I'm here to actually experience miracles and the potential of my dna template and every single person here in this field is also here to do that.
Speaker 1:And I'm excited when we can all just be generating resources. And then we you know a lot of people are like I want to create a village and it's like we've been saying we're gonna buy land together for a decade now. And why can't we do it? Because we don't have money. Why don't we have money? We hate money, we don't want money, money is evil and it's like okay, so do we want to buy land to start a community, or do we not want land? Because at this moment in time, that's just the reality. We need to accept the reality and realize that energy um, that money is energy and you know, just so you guys know I I am very good with managing money. I will apply this money into very good causes, absolutely. And, yeah, I'm just really excited to share that time and space with you guys.
Speaker 1:I'm really happy that I got to break it down, because it's very technical. It's hard for me to articulate what it is exactly. I mean it's a contact experience, but that's not what it is exactly. I mean it's a contact experience, but that's not what it is exactly. It's a healing ceremony, but that's not all it is. Either it's a Stargate alignment, but that's not what it's only is, either, and so we got to talk about all the components of it, and so I'm very excited, very excited.
Speaker 1:There were other things that I wanted to talk about, the demonic forces, but I didn't want to freak people out. Somebody says money is not energy. You nuts unsubbed. I love that. It's so funny. So you know, I feel bad for that person because like it's like it's like this paradigm right, where people are like. People are like oh, money is evil. And it's like, when I connect it in with the spirit of money and I've talked about this before that it's really this hijacking of divine, feminine creation energy. Okay, because we're talking about creation energy and, yes, people that have um used money on this planet have used it in a bad way, right, but also it's our current form of currency. Now, when you understand cosmic creation mechanics, like I don't really like I'm only saying money, because that's the currently societally commonly used money. Now, if you want to work with humanity, you're not going to say I'll trade you. You know my healing services for apples. It's like you can just buy apples with the money. It's kind of this like convenience thing that everybody is using. So when I connect thank you, patty, exactly, I'm just going to highlight this right here Um, yeah, when I connected um with money, she was this, like Lakshmi, goddess energy that felt trafficked, right, she wanted to be with the lightworkers.
Speaker 1:She's like please, let me be with the lightworkers, because what are you guys gonna do? Like, really, if you guys had a million dollars, what are you gonna do with it? You're gonna feed the sick and the homeless. You know, create healing and love in the world. You're gonna create permaculture, you're gonna steward land right, you're gonna go and do so many good things. If you had a million dollars, if somebody came to you and was like here's a check for a million dollars, are you going to say, no, I don't want that. Okay, but here's the thing Creating an integrity is something that is so important to me, actually, and so that's why it really sucks when somebody is like unsubbed money's not energy, you're nuts, because you know clearly their consciousness is not really ready to access, like true interdimensional creation mechanics teachings, because that's really what we're talking about. Right, how you think, how you move your body, how you exert energy in every waking moment of your life is really important.
Speaker 1:Now there's so many people in the new age um community that you know I you know I'm not gonna name any names of people that are like I'm teaching about ascension, and then they just do really sketchy shit in the back and they make a million dollars and you're like, okay, so what did you do with the money exactly? And you, you know, did you do anything of service to others? And it's like no, well, it's like what are we talking about here? It's like, in order for us to come into empowerment, we have to heal and do ego training. Ego training is something that we undergo. Healing the inner children, right, getting grounded, aligning our motivation All of these things are things that we go through consciously and are taught through our team.
Speaker 1:My team has been, you know, guiding me through these processes, and this is really what we teach in our school. So that's why we don't actually teach creation mechanics until the advanced levels. That's why the reason why we don't teach the advanced creation mechanics, which most people will call manifestation right, because what we want to make sure we do is healing the earth, self healing the mind control, healing the holes in our field, gaining understanding of our multi-dimensionality right, that's what's in the beginner and the intermediate classes. And so, by the time, because, look, my ancestors are all about creation mechanics, these are the Taoist masters, right, they understood how to move energy through their body, to shift reality at will.
Speaker 1:Now, I'm not gonna just go ahead and tell you the secrets, because I don't, you know, it's like you don't just go to the monastery and go okay, give me, give me your most advanced teachings, I'll take them. Right, it's like, well, you know, you kind of have to go through the steps and make sure that you understand the building blocks right, go through the ego training and the human self healing and then at a certain point you're going to be in a vibrational place to be able to receive this multidimensional teachings and there's a whole. This is where we get. I don't. I was like we're really building a mystery school here, and mystery school is like sometimes people say I'm building a mystery school and I would see those websites and I would be like, hmm, this is a mystery school, but when I tune into it there's nothing of substance. Now, what is a mystery school? It's something that guides and teaches and holds the secrets of creation, and these are knowledge and teachings that want to be shared with people at this time.
Speaker 1:But there's this level of entitlement that can happen in the new age community where you feel like, oh, you know, you can just buy this class and all of a sudden you can be an Ascended Master and I was like, okay, the teachings are available. Sometimes I've had to, you know, kick people out of school because it's like this consumerism ideology just takes people over sometimes, where they're like okay, I paid you $89 and that means I can be rude to you, like where's my downloads? And I'm like all right, are you approaching my ancestors to get teachings or are you trying to buy your way out? Or what's happening here? Okay, so this is very interesting. It's very interesting to witness these things unfold in in our community. Because, yeah, like you know, even with the pleiades gateway on the preparation page, you're gonna see that what we want is to approach you know things that are worthy of our respect, with respect, with the right angle, with reverence. If you went, went to one of these ancient sages in a monastery and you're like, please teach me the ways, but you came with an attitude they would just send you home, right, and it's not different now, just because we have the internet and there's a lot of people that will say they are here to teach you things and you just gotta try to figure out what they actually know.
Speaker 1:And so, anyway, is funding space tourism helping humanity? You don't know, I don't know. I'll just stay in my lane. I'm gonna stay in my lane. I'll tell you guys what I want to be, um, investing in. I know one thing that's calling forth is the star children. There's star seeds that are young, you know under 10 years old or 15 years old that are really needing spaces that are safe for them to explore themselves, and so I want to build, you know, a hogwarts like private school that will be able to create that safe space, because these children, they have so many gifts and their templates are so beautiful that it's able to create that safe space, because these children, they have so many gifts and their templates are so beautiful that it's going to help the world for them to have a safe space. Another thing that I want to do is, you know, investing in permaculture studies and things like that, because you know what we want is to support people and you know a lot of this is not about doing it for people, is about showing people why it's good for them to do it themselves. Right, because all of humanity gets to co create the new earth together. It's not just about us doing it for them.
Speaker 1:The third thing that I want to work on is, you know I'm building this app that basically my intention is for any human being to go on the app and play this series of sound frequencies that's going to completely deprogram them. This is kind of my this is totally my secret, secret um joy project, because I can just get so nerdy about it, and uh, anyway, um, those are the things that I'm working on and that you'll be directly supporting um, while I support you in your healing process, and that's what reciprocity in the new earth is all about. And so question, um, and so question, oh, okay. So, for example, clearing the dna imprints from the jab. So I'm actually working on a free package right now to support people who have either had the sickness or um had the jab, and so I'm.
Speaker 1:This is taking me a little while. So what happens? Um, and I'll actually I'll play one of the supporting sound healings at the end of this so you can get a sensation of the field, okay, but basically, what I do when I'm making my sound frequencies is that I'll activate this holographic awareness and I'll choose sound frequencies that correspond with certain octaves and densities of energy, and then I will imprint an intention into the sound. And so for this transmission and this sound field that we're creating to heal the jab is a little complicated, because there's so many aspects that we want to bring in, for example, deactivating nano and clearing nano, teaching the body how to distinguish what is organic and what isn't, and so I'm creating this free class and package of sound healings for the plague. It's just taking me some time to create, so that's also something that you know I'm working on, but, uh, anyway, uh, I'm gonna share with you guys one of the three, one of the three um sound healings from the preparation files and, um, yeah, um, can we pay for the prep files? Hmm, maybe, um, send me an email. Send me an email, and you know, because they're really a part of a bigger series and I don't really want to be releasing them yet. I just wanted to apply them because they're really helpful to this process.
Speaker 1:Okay, so the one that I'm about to share with you guys is let's see which one wants to be playing. It's going to be the aura repair chamber. So the aura repair chamber is basically a source field, is a sound field frequency that is coded to clear distortion and trauma, layer by layer, from the layers of highest priority. The frequencies are coded to only work on your field if it has permission, and it's coded to only do things that are in alignment with your highest love and joy, and so this is actually something that I put on if I'm ever feeling a little bit weird or if I have to clear something, or if I'm feeling, you know, psychic impressions that are triggering a part of my field and reaction into fear. And so I'm going to play this for about 10 minutes and, yeah, you guys can definitely please give me feedback on if it works, because this is like me, mad scientist in the cave, right, I'm coding these sound frequencies and they they work for me, so I want to know if they work for you as well. So let's see if I can upload this video. Let's see download.
Speaker 1:Darren says what do you feel about teachings like muji, that you don't have to heal anything, just be present? So I actually went into this um in my chat. That's called the real galactics and cia counterfeits, I think. But it's a great question. What happens when you're being present in meditation is that shit's gonna start coming up. So I don't really understand what he's saying, or unless he's saying, just be present and don't meditate, right? Because what I'm saying is like what is the natural state of your aura? What is the natural state of your soul? It's God, it's divinity, it's source, it's expansion, it's joy, it's creativity.
Speaker 1:So if you're not feeling those things consistently in a stable way, then it means that there's things that's blocking you from your true self. That there's things that's blocking you from your true self, okay, and so then, when you begin to get present, as in the source of your consciousness, starts to come to the forefront, that part of you that is pure source, divinity. It's going to start to overshadow and just shed light on all the things that are blocking that from just being your experience. So you know, part of it is then realizing that. Oh so, be present through the shit is like accepting that you're a slave and that you, unfortunately, you don't have access to your source self. Unfortunately you're not God right now and you're just going to have to accept it.
Speaker 1:And I mean, I felt the exuberance of what it feels like to truly be in unity with source, with God, with my source of self, okay, and some other things. You know, going to Vipassana, these teachers saying misery is the foundation of the universe and it's a part of life. And of course you know who came up with that. I don't know. You think you can think about that, you'll figure that out. So I think his teachings is that everything is phenomenal and that you are the seeing of it all. So, like any subtle emotional energy cannot be you as it is seen. I've I just like that that literally hurts my brain. I have no idea what that means.
Speaker 1:It's like and I feel like I feel this way about a lot of really mental teachings, um, about like non-duality, and it's like I I believe in non-duality, I believe in source unity, but sometimes like non-duality, and it's like I believe in non-duality, I believe in source unity, but sometimes like non-duality, like I would rather go from non-duality, so non-two, to wholeness, to infinity, to all. That is then to like one dimensional, like everything's one. So don't have preferences and don't be alive and just, you know, you know, be, be in the shit. So, anyway, I definitely agree with not reacting to shit, right, we? We're sovereign, um deciders of our fate, and so we can choose how we respond and how we react to things. We can exert our energy and our personality. We're free to express, we're free to feel, we're free to experience ourself as source divinity, and so I mean really just about how it makes you feel.
Speaker 1:I feel like a lot of spiritual teachings are very patriarchal and I just I'm not about it.
Speaker 1:I'm just about Source being this brilliant, holy divinity that we are and everything that's in the way of us experiencing that can be released and can be transformed so that we are experiencing ourself as our true self, which is Source, divinity or Christ consciousness. And, as you can see, this is a great conversation. There are so many spiritual teachings and cults and philosophies that literally just keep you, try to keep you, from that very simple realization that you are source and you are worthy of joy and you're worthy of experiencing a life that's beautiful and full of pleasure and full of joy, right, all it is. That's actually super simple. So, on that note, thank you so much everybody for tuning in live and I'm gonna play, um, this aura field repair track for just a few minutes, and I would love for you guys to let me know if this works for you, right? So, uh, yeah, I'm really excited to get that feedback because I'm really happy. Take a deep breath, I'm going to go ahead and stop recording.
Speaker 2:Ah, ah, ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah, ah, ah ah.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the Source Field Aura Repair Chamber. This sound field is charged with many layers of intentions for multidimensional healing, energy, body repair and soul body restoration. Let's begin by breathing deep into the body, connecting to the innocence of the body, intelligence, relaxing into the sound field, feeling comfortable, cherished. Your body is relaxing, relaxing, your energy field is relaxing expanding.
Speaker 1:Your mind is relaxing, so relaxed. Relaxing, so relaxed, breathing into your heart, lighting up the heart star. Allow your heart light to permeate your chest. Know that in this field, it is commanded that only the energies of your highest love, joy and soul's evolution at this time may transpire and assist in your field in any way no-transcript.
Speaker 2:¶¶. I'm going to take a deep breath. ¶¶.
Speaker 1:I'm going to take a deep breath ¶¶. I'm going to take a deep breath, okay, hey guys. Yeah, you kind of get into this like really deep space and then you're just like I know all right thank you for, uh, receiving that little ditty there and also for giving me feedback.
Speaker 1:I'm so happy that you guys enjoyed that and it's a really powerful track if you can really lie down and take time with it. As a meditation guide, I mean, it's a field, so when you're meditating it can really amplify your experience and you can get more done inside of the field. And so, um, yeah, I always love hanging out with you guys so much. I love you. If you feel like you know, you know a starseed in your life that could really benefit from starseed mission support, definitely go ahead and just send these video to them. Let me start with the starseed mission, which is on the channel and, um, yeah, I love you guys so much. I have those in full length, um downloadable videos. Um, for those of you who are participating in the pleadies gateway, I will be releasing these tracks at a later time. I'm just not going to be releasing that right now because I want to complete this series that I'm making, so right now, they're only available really to support people that are going into ceremony. Um, hi, stephanie, welcome. Uh. So right now, no place. If you want to come to the star, uh, the pleiades gateway. The link is in the description box and you know you guys are gonna have such a great time. It's just gonna be like christmas. Like I'm really a proponent of creating new holidays, you know, screw halloween and easter. How about the pleiades gateway? Because we're aligned with the pleiades and that's when the star people celebrate. So it's gonna be. It's gonna be christmas, um, right, it's going to be. It's going to be Christmas, right, it's just star seed Christmas. What do you want the most as a gift? Your soul, like. What else do you want? I don't know, I just want my soul. It's like Christmas when I get my soul parts back. So I'm exploring a calendar as well, cause I'm exploring other gateways, because all the gateways have like a different personality and different things happen, and so I'm exploring the Andromeda alignment and the Arcturus alignment and, you know, orion alignment and all these different alignments, and I think it's going to take me a few years obviously because you want data from many years to figure out what the characteristics of the gateways are.
Speaker 1:But I definitely just pay attention to cycles in my own life and the Pleiades Gateway is one that always brings me craziness, like one year I was discovering this like ancient Pleiadian light technology on like sacred Cherokee land. And this is before I knew that there was Cherokee people there. And then I met this Cherokee elder, like on the Pleiades gateway, and he was like you're a star person, I know you because I'm a star person, because I'm from the Pleiades. And then he like basically teaches me how to build a star lodge, which is like a specific kind of hot, a sweat lodge that's specifically built to connect with star people on the Pleiades gateway. And he didn't know it was the Pleiades gateway, but I had just learned about it and I was like this is crazy. And he told me his whole story about how his people came in these massive ships and the Pleiadians dropped them off and he's got this huge connection to the star people. And of course then the next year or the year after Kara was born, on the Pleiades Gateway and once again this major gateway alignment where so much soul growth. And this is not just like, oh think I'm feeling energies, you know, it's like profound soul shifting depth and stuff, and so that's what we're interested in. We're interested in stuff that has substance, that carries soul, that makes us connected to like the profoundness of being a human, and that's the stuff that I'm nerdy about human, and that's the stuff that I'm nerdy about. And I guess that's the stuff that y'all are nerdy about, because you nerd out with me every week and sometimes I'm like I can't believe you guys are just nerding out with me. This is the best ever. I'm glad I didn't have any friends in high school and I didn't sacrifice my sense of self, because now I get to meet you guys and I get to resonate and nerd out with you guys and that's the greatest.
Speaker 1:Let's see how important is it to live at ground level rather than high up in an apartment building. For grounding in your home, I have no idea. I have personally never lived in an apartment building. I don't think I could do it. I have terrible sleep when I'm like at a hotel, and what I usually do if I'm staying at a hotel or something is that I would basically establish what I call a safety zone or a Q zone. These are things that we also teach in our school. You know it's not something that I can just like tell you how to do, because you know it's kind of like how a car mechanic can't just tell you how to build a car. It's like it takes components, but basically what I do when I'm in public is I'll just create a safety zone in the space and then I'll send a grounding cord down into the crystalline core of the earth and out into deep space. So I don't think I could live.
Speaker 1:You know we're about to possibly go somewhere and I don't think I could actually, you know, stay anywhere not on the ground. I usually get an Airbnb. Hopefully I get to stay in the ground. I don't like to be up there, but you know you can definitely just send a line of copper from your floor down to the ground. You know you can. I mean, there's no limitation. You can be your God self anywhere you are. It doesn't matter.
Speaker 1:Your body is a biological thing that has reactions. You know, when you say gravity, like you know for now, unless you're an activated avatar and you can fly, which I think we can but it's like I'm not going to be delusional and just jump out a window now because I'm not there yet, and so it's the same thing. Like I know that my physical body is influenced by physics and so there are things that I can do for short term, and I personally don't like to live in an apartment. If you're in an apartment, there are definitely things that you can do, though, to make yourself feel better. If you're in an apartment, there are definitely things that you can do, though, to make yourself feel better. Right, there's always solutions, and if you're creating, you know it's just preference and whatnot.
Speaker 1:But Tasha's talking about a grounding mat. That's a great thing. I've lied on those and I just kind of take a nap. It's like they're so great. Earthing pillows are great, yeah yeah. So people are going to be able to buy the healing tracks. They're just a part of a series that I don't want to release them on their own. I want to release the whole series, because they support different systems and you know they're not really complete. They're just supporting the pleiades gateway and serving a purpose, but I don't really want to put them out there yet. I'm not ready, um, but they will be made available at some point and just making a whole bunch of them to be a series so I can support, you know, different things that might come up. Having plants excellent. Indoor plants are great. I love indoor plants. I love them. Okay, I love you guys so much.
Speaker 1:I love you guys so much I'm excited for this journey that we're on. I'm so happy that you guys hang out in the mothership and I know that it's nourishes me. The vibrations come through, they are nourishing and I'm so happy that they're nourishing so many around the world this time and I love you. I will see you guys next week. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the star scene mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of Starseeds and Lightworkers, and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to earthstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at earthstaracademy. You can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at earthstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Starseed Mission Podcast.