The Starseed Mission Podcast
Helping Starseeds Remember our Multi-dimensional Mission, Embody our Cosmic Soul, and Create an Inspiring Life of Divine Purpose Co-Creating Heaven on Earth 🌹
The Starseed Mission Podcast
13. Gaia Consciousness
Omg I'm so excited for this one, it's probably my favorite subject of all the themes in this series! The amazingness of our beloved Gaia and the United Web of Living Consciousness that we are a part of. Having been severed from this consciousness by the artificial matrix, most humans live without any awareness of the levels of magic and majesty this planet truly holds.
Today we'll talk about the original frequencies of Gaia, what humanity's role as sacred guardians and caretakers look like, and how to restore our multidimensional biology to once again oscillate in multidimensional communion with our Mother Planet!
Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 35:40)
We complete this transmissions with another healing and activation ceremony, and today's code has to do with a mysterious part of our lightbody around our heart chakra that was one of our original channels of communication between us and our world. Think Avatar, the movie. I'm excited to explore and re-awaken this primordial part of our lightbody, and attempt to co-create with all of you a Planetary Activation as well for All of Humanity!
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Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Good evening everybody, welcome, welcome.
Speaker 1:I am on a different Wifi connection today. I'm out in the city just at an Airbnb, and so I hope that the transmission is going out and that is working. I also have this being recorded on just my computer, so if anything happens, that recording will be there, so no problem. But anyway, very synchronous that I actually happened to be in a city on a day that we are talking about Gaia consciousness. I feel very strongly that the city has called me here very specifically right now, because I have already been planning to stay in my mountain fortress home for months. I was like this seems like a turbulent time. I have everything I need, I'm going to stay home and, of course, right now is the time that we get called out to the places that need us. And so here I am.
Speaker 1:Last week, when I was in the city, I was driving around and all of a sudden I saw this very large, it looks like a tall ghost looking, but it's very tall, almost like if it was a giant, and it was a ghost, and so you just see the outline of it, and it looked like it was made of some sort of traffic smoke or something. And so when I tuned into that, he told me that he is like the guardian or the collective soul spirit of Albuquerque, which is the city that I'm in. And so he was like, look, I need you to come and help me and my name is Burke. And I was like I'm making that up, like, of course, I would think that your name is Burke because I'm in Albuquerque, so like, what else would your name be? I'm making all this up. And so I ended up having to come back here and I've just been like this. This being has just been talking to me this whole time, and when I got to my Airbnb, the Wi-Fi connection is actually called Casita Burke, so like Burke's house. So we can't make stuff like that up. I'm literally inside Burke's house and I'm very excited to be here.
Speaker 1:I feel that today's transmission is very much for the nature spirits that live or were living in the major cities, that have had to adapt to the city, and also, as I was driving in, I was receiving all of these codes about how our energy bodies are naturally. You know, there's all these natural tendrils that are a part of our biological anatomy that is not in the physical, and so one of these tendrils that I have seen in the past is, you know they have. There are these tendrils that come out of our sacral chakra, kind of they're a part of our sexual organs, but they're actually supposed to weave with the sexual partner. When you come together Now, without that awareness, most people aren't taking the time to connect with each other on that level, on the energetic level, and so that actually damages our bio biology and there's all sorts of different, these parts of our light body that are just part of our physiology. And so today I was tuning into these tendrils and it reminded me of when you, when we watched the movie Avatar, the movie about the blue people on their alien planet and the earthlings try to go there to mine some crazy things, that movie about the big avatar blue people. So I remember that in that movie they had these like tendril things that came out of their hair and then they would connect that tendril to their horse or to their dragon, exactly, and just I was saying that Cassandra's picked that up already.
Speaker 1:So literally like that, right, but in our energy body. And so there's actually these tendrils that connect into the earth grid, that connect into our planetary sphere, and these tendrils of light keep us in this understanding that there is a reciprocity of life, that there is a flow of a giving and taking of life, there's a free flowing of energy, and so when humanity began to live, you know, separate from nature, we basically fell out of resonance with that. And so for the majority of people, when this activation was coming in, I felt like this is the reason why you know, you can watch videos of, you know, the rainforest being chopped down and animals suffering, and yet, you know, most people don't even think about it or react. They're like oh, you know, that's some on some other planet, like, that's not in my reality. It's because they're light bodies, they're no longer connected with the planetary sphere and actually, when that tendril, when that part of our bio, our astral biology, gets activated, it's almost this immediate grief or anger or sadness or some sort of emotional response, because when this tendril is connected, we actually feel that the Earth's body and our body are one, because physically, that is true we're literally on the same field of existence. We're all in this physicality together. We're literally on her, we're living off of her, everything that we have comes from her, and so, literally, our body and the Earth are one.
Speaker 1:And humanity have lost this perception and this understanding predominantly because our light bodies have been shut down and they're specifically the seals that keep us from experiencing the true reality, and because we have severed this literal, literal connection to Gaia herself. You know, we just don't even think about the way that we consume energy on this planet, and all of these things were obviously done on purpose, because the energies are here to siphon Earth's creative energy or to siphon this life force, to siphon the life force. And so I feel that today we're going to be talking about just exploring. We're going to explore what being in oneness with this planet is like, and through that I'm really transmitting this frequency of being in oneness with the planet. And once again, I'm going to try to keep this brief because I am in the city, but you know, I commend all of you who are holding it down in the city, in some city, you know, and as we go through the activations today, I mean, I saw that we can, literally, when we fully activate these parts of ourself, we remind humanity of this, because this is actually our original state of being. You know, whenever you go and read up about the Native Americans and how the jungle people lived, you know all of these original people, they talked about these things, you know, being in oneness with nature, and they weren't just mental ideas. They literally physically experienced them every moment, because these channels of energy are open in their light body and that energy is constantly flowing between their body and everything else, and so they literally feel this oneness with, between their biological body and the planetary sphere. And we want to just work on restoring that part of our own astrobotty, because that's going to start at this domino effect in helping everybody remember and everybody activates. So my hope, you know, I always want to just like shoot for the most incredible thing as possible and then at least we'll get somewhere towards that. You know, the more we really believe in what we're doing, the further we're going to get with this.
Speaker 1:So when I was seeing it is that it's almost like there's this membrane over the city. And you guys are so crazy because I live literally two and a half hours from the city. Every time we drive away from here I can literally feel the dimensional frequencies shift. Like in the city is literally like I can't even breathe because I'm so used to there being so much living life force around me all the time. And as we're driving to the city I can just start feeling like my oxygen tank is going low and I can't breathe. And it takes me a second to, you know, readjust to the new frequency of the city. It is quite, quite massive and I noticed that there was almost this membrane over the city of people, the collective consciousness of the people that live there, without this awareness of nature and how. You know, that is kind of what we call the false matrix and how there's a way that when we activate that, oh yeah, oops. And then I happened to see this area, but the end of the city was not across from you.
Speaker 1:So then I realized, right after we set that up shoot across a lot of areas there was open channel, our astral biological connection to Gaia. We can just pop that bubble and then, you know, people will begin to feel how strange it is to exist, you know, inside of a death I don't even know what to call it a death square, while they're surrounded by, you know, organic nature frequencies that are in a completely different oscillation than the rest of the planet. And so I'm so excited to be bringing in these frequencies. I can feel that Gaia is also excited to be in that vibration unhindered. At this point, right, she has, really.
Speaker 1:I know that we are talking about how Gaia is waking up. Well, importantly, gaia has just been holding space for universal completion. Gaia made the conscious decision to hold space. Gaia did not fall asleep. Gaia has just been patient and loving and accepting. And so now we have completed that game, that exploration, that experiment, and so Gaia is ready to shake off the bullshit.
Speaker 1:And so it's actually so joyful, because when that channel opens, when that seal is removed, and I feel that it's more towards the back of the heart, the back of the heart.
Speaker 1:It's almost like this tense and as I'm speaking it, maybe you can let me know if you can begin to tune it, tune into your body.
Speaker 1:You know, when you try to feel this open space, this open channel, all the way through the heart, the circular to right, what's going on behind me, to my left, no idea what you're talking about, just sense into how the channel is open and see if you feel that there is some sort of tightness or blockage in the back of the heart. And I'm really just channeling this one specific frequency where it's a blockage between your own self and the planetary consciousness and the planetary sphere. And in our healing ceremony later on today we're going to work on restoring that connection Because, you know, we're really getting to the point of dissolving all lies and all curses and all distortions in our understanding. Because at this point, when you were connecting on this frequency, in this level, we have this recognize, recognition of the original frequency of life itself. And this is Koppal that I have on right now Because I'm at an Airbnb and so I'm just you know, claiming my vibration in my space.
Speaker 1:So yeah, when we're speaking from this vibration of life force and of universal consciousness, it just begins to dissolve.
Speaker 1:You know everything that is a distortion or is confusing, that you know, like things, like you know, you have to work really hard to become enlightened. When you come in touch with this original consciousness frequency, that is who you truly are, it just becomes obsolete, it becomes this almost silly idea and the lies just become so you know, superficial and artificial, that you just begin to process and move through them very quickly. And so this is why I like to just focus on the very basic and yet unifying vibration of reality and to transmit it from that place, Because you know, the ultimate truth is just what is in the universe is made of this delightful cosmic creation, energy that we have been talking about, and I love to explore how that cosmic energy that and expresses itself in all the living creation that is on this planet. So when you live in the forest, you realize that everything is scintillating with its own unique flavor of that vibration all the time. And again, that is actually our original state. You know everything inside the false matrix is trying to keep you from seeing that about yourself and to perceive that about yourself and to understand and integrate and embody that as yourself. And so we really want to just go right to the goods. We're going to go right to this level of awareness where we recognize that creation is within everything. And so today's conversation about Gaia consciousness I love feeling Gaia consciousness and I love to be in it and I love to transmit this energy because it really feels like coming home. It feels like a restoration of something that was taken away and something that was loved dearly.
Speaker 1:And so a lot of starseeds are constantly saying you know, I want to go home. Earth is a ghetto and earth sucks and I just want to get out of here. Take me home. Well, most of you don't realize that it's not earth that doesn't feel like home. It's actually the false matrix and in actuality, the majority of you know the earth nature frequencies. It actually does feel like home because cosmic creational energy again, you know it's the same frequency that flows through all unified life forms on this planet and so, no matter what planet you're on technically, you should be able to feel that unified connection to creation. So when we say, you know we're missing home, we want to go home. We're actually really talking about we're missing being in that home frequency, and I find that this helps because you know there are actually a lot of programs that want you to hate your planet, that want you to hate where you are and to not care about it. Right, of course, if you want to go home all the time, you don't care about the earth, then you know you won't actually work that hard to do anything about the planetary devastation that's happening right now. And so just be careful with these thoughts, with these beliefs, even if they feel real, you know, try to dissect them.
Speaker 1:Because really, when I lived in the false matrix I mean when my husband and I came back from Peru and living up high in the Ande mountains for a few months and then we kind of moved back to like a little town city it wasn't even a big city, it was like a suburban town city and within one month I was literally crazy, meaning I was literally sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth, being like there's cement everywhere. How am I supposed to breathe? Like my body just tensed up and I literally did not know how to be myself because the environment was just so fraught with those vibrations that seek to kill life itself. And I was just so sensitive to that energy at that point after, you know, living in the mountains and so we are coming into this place in our heart where we might feel that grief and the discomfort and the pain and the unfairness of having been literally chopped off from nature. I mean these seals, these seals that we're going to be working on today specifically.
Speaker 1:You know we're talking about the back of the heart and somebody was talking about how, you know, it feels like there is a pulse of energy coming from within Gaia and it's really evolutionary pulse that is coming in from the sun that the earth is responding to. It's really pulsing out for humanity to reconnect with this. And so if you're feeling that intense block at the back of the heart, you know this is something that is happening, like the earth is actively poking humans, being like, hey, hey, do you remember? You remember what it's supposed to be like? Do you remember how you know, in union and in communion and in love and in unity and in co-creation, where it's supposed to be? You remember how you know mystical it was for us to actually communicate with each other, for you to read the libraries of how life exists and how ecosystems are created and how life can sing in this co-creation and in the sacred reciprocity, right, when you tune into that, it's almost like you.
Speaker 1:You know, put your hands on the tree and then the energy is of the tree seek, seep into your body and you begin to exchange this energy and you can remember all the things that the tree has seen and all the information and understanding that the tree has about life itself and having that level of exchange and union and co-understanding with all of life and through that window where kind of perceiving just how magnificent Gaia truly is, then the dimensions, the dimensions within which life is exchanging energy and co-creating with each other on this planet. It's astounding, right. Just think about how many symbiotic plants and animals and even microbiome there exists on this planet. It must be in the countless trillions of trillions that there is just that level of co-creation occurring and that co-creation allows for this amount of, you know, living diversity to exist in one place. This is incredible, and so for those people I'm sure none here, but there are some people that wonder if you know Gaia is alive, if you can communicate with her. Well, she is a force that's capable of holding the integrity of that level of creation in its complexity and in its ever-expanding library of life. It's amazing.
Speaker 1:And so then, when we actually anchor in that frequency and we kind of look towards the false matrix, we realize just how lost our humanity has gotten inside as somebody was saying in the comment section the death cage, and the fact that we now have a fact-checking, policing scientific community that is so arrogant as to believe that what they believe is the absolute truth, and they will bully you and laugh at you for having these incredible understandings and intuitions about reality itself. You know, it reminds me of when, you know, we believe that the Earth was the center of the universe until, you know, one guy created a telescope and was like, oh crap, we were totally wrong about that. And it's like when are scientists going to learn that their arrogance of their false sense of knowingness is just absolutely ridiculous? When you think about, you know just how complex life truly is and how really they can never really be as smart as the universe in their single-bodied brain. I mean, have some humility, come on right.
Speaker 1:So I love sitting in this vibration where you're just absolutely in awe of how the cosmos, which is really our unified higher self has created all of the beauty that is just on this planet alone and that lights up my heart and gives me this drive, this motivation to protect and to learn and to continue to cultivate that level of awe that I feel for life itself. So to inspire that in people and to fight. You know the forces that are still taking such advantage of this planet in ways that I cannot even conceive. So there's really only so many words that I can say about this frequency. I hope that I'm doing a good enough job at connecting us into that frequency of consciousness, that guy in consciousness where all of life is connected and all of life is synchronized in this unity of being alive together. I'm going to allow that code to come in and it's so simple. It's the joy of being alive together and it's literally the joy that all the animals and all of the plants and all of the trees are scintillating in.
Speaker 1:And we have talked about scientists. Somebody says but I am a scientist and you can be a scientist that has evolved. You can be a scientist that is humble in the heart and recognize that even if you think some things are true, they might not be true unless they're the ultimate frequency of the universe itself. That is an inner knowing that comes from a connection that you have within your heart with your collective higher self of all of life. Because actually, I'm a scientist too, just a scientist from a slightly more evolved dimensional reality. Some might call that an alien, but really there's no such thing as an alien, because we're all unified in this field of life itself. So I think, then, we're just going to go into the healing today. Today we're addressing this grief that we have stuffed down in the heart. I know that there's a lot of fairy people and nature spirit people in the beautiful family that have found resonance with my transmissions, and so I'm really hoping that these frequencies can assist in your processing of those energies.
Speaker 1:Because also, you know it might look daunting, it might look bad on certain levels, but the truth is that, you know, the earth is so resilient, life is so resilient, and we're nowhere close to actually killing the planet. We are getting close to the planet kicking humanity in the butt majorly, and but you know, the planet is fine, the planet, you know, as long as we don't blow the whole planet up, she will always, you know, grow back and grow back even more beautiful than before. So there's really no worry about that. It's actually that we want to work on just truly reconnecting and reanchoring that original connection between humans and Gaia right, because we are going to become the template holders, the vaccines we're actually the legitimate vaccines because the actual virus is stupidity and disconnection and arrogance. That's the real pandemic and you know, these vibrations are the real vaccine and you become the planetary immune system when you really anchor in this vibrations without fear. And again, it's about recognizing how powerful and resilient life truly is and this planet. She is the most magnificent and astounding of life in the universe and so she is so resilient, and so are we. And there's really nothing to worry about Besides just this actually quite enjoyable task of restoring our original template, our original job of as guardians and library librarians of this planet.
Speaker 1:We're going to take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy. We'll go anywhere, we'll be right back. Hey, angels, it's me again, ze-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for Starseeds, a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more.
Speaker 1:You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other Starseeds and Lightworkers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earthstar team. The Mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes you heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to Earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings, and I'm so honored to build that Mothership with you. Once again, that's Earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Starseed Mission podcast.
Speaker 1:Let's now get back to the show. So, with that being said, I just invite you to kind of breathe in your body, realize how badass you are, realize how incredibly powerful you must be to be here at this time, to be doing this work together now on a planetary level, and for a moment, just give yourself permission to recognize how magnificent and expansive and creative and divine and powerful you really are. And, as you sit in that joyful confidence, just send that energy out through the heart and this appreciation towards Mother Gaia and say you know, wow, you are magnificent and you are so powerful. And it's also reminding me of that little thing in the Avatar movie where they say I see you as a greeting. And it's like we're doing this with Gaia, we're Gaia, we're recognizing that I mean, first of all, we're really seeing ourself as we are and we're really seeing Gaia as she is and how there's a deep level of a sacred respect there actually is in this space and feel that Gaia is actually so joyful that you are here and that she truly does feel these things about you, that you're beautiful and powerful and courageous for being awake at this time and doing this work. Now, as we go into the energy session, there might be a lot.
Speaker 1:I'm already feeling like you know, we're going to be processing some planetary things between humanity and Gaia, you know, and there's going to be, you know, guilt and shame and anger and frustration, and you know, asking for forgiveness and you know, asking to be close to her. All of these energies are kind of all swirling and we're really doing this collectively and I really feel that we're actually holding space for humanity as a whole. It's almost like if all of humanity was a person and there was Gaia and she's a being, you know what would? How can we heal this sacred reciprocity and this cycle of life between these two beings, these two forces, these two entities? And truly, you know, when I'm out in the forest, I just feel this really deep longing. You know that longing that we feel in our heart, that we want to be home, that we want to go home.
Speaker 1:You know Gaia, she's holding that same feeling of longing for us. She's longing for us to play in her belly and to swim in her rivers, and she's longing for us to live in this life where you know it's clean and we're not polluting everything and we recognize that you know we're just polluting ourselves. It doesn't even make any sense. And so she's longing for that vibration or that place within which humans are in oneness with her again. And this is what we're calling back, this is what we're anchoring in our own bodies to activate, you know, these tendrils in our life body that are supposed to be always open and connected to Gaia, kind of like how an avatar, when they connect their tendrils to the ancestor tree. You know that's supposed to be a constant experience, or never supposed to be disconnected from life itself. So, with that being said, just breathe, feel into the body you're going to go and begin to restore our light body and our sacred connection with Gaia in a very biological level breathing and breath Chanting. Visit Gaia.
Speaker 1:Oh, oh breathing into the heart chakra, breathing a beautiful emerald green light. Breathing into the crown chakra. Breathing into the crown in a brilliant golden light, opening the crown to the original frequencies of creation, opening up a golden channel of light right down into the heart, meeting the emerald orb of light, expanding the green orb to envelop over your entire heart, reaching forwards, pulsing backwards, sensillating to the sides.
Speaker 1:Oh and allowing this orb to be coded with the frequencies of our original energy body template as well, with the intention of dissolving all artificial seals in all dimensions, in all of time space, oh, especially all blocks which are keeping us from being in perfect living union with Gaia at all times. Oh, oh.
Speaker 1:Now expanding the green orb to envelop your entire torso, centering it around the heart. We're beginning to spin this orb in all directions as a toroidal feel. Again, it is just dissolving all vibrations not of the original divine creational template, dissolving and removing all seals and all dimensions which block our biological body and consciousness from being in connection to organic living life All the time. Dissolution and removal of all energies, objects, fragments which are out of resonance with the frequencies of original living creation. We are commanding for a complete restoration of our divine heart, pulling that frequency into all dimensions of your bodies, all the way through the back of the heart, popping that channel open.
Speaker 1:Somebody is experiencing their wings sprouting out of their shoulder blades. Seeing these tendrils of emerald, green, golden light reaching out of the heart chakra from the front and the back, connecting into these original astral elemental realm of Gaia, almost as if there is this innocent curiosity of relearning what it's like to be connected with nature in that level of consciousness.
Speaker 1:Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh source of creation. We're commanding for a clearing of all artificial seals and energies and distortions and programming and the heart chakra which hinders our ability to connect with the natural frequencies and the natural intelligence of Gaia. And we're commanding for this vibration to be emanated and activated in the planetary sphere for all beings who are ready to embrace this reconnection, to activate within them Volume two.
Speaker 2:Or let me challenge you to bring these patio surfaces and everything that's in there which are within our power. Oh, oh, oh, oh oh.
Speaker 1:Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.