The Biblical Roots Podcast

Sarah, Hagar & Torah Keeping

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Examining Paul's provocative analogy in Galatians 4. It’s easy to imagine the apostle Paul with a Torah scroll next to him opened to the book of Genesis as he wrote his letter to the Galatians. He returns time and again to the life of Abraham in his argument against the first century Judaizers, who taught that followers of Jesus were required to keep the law of Moses. And Paul masterfully uses the Torah to disprove their false application of the Torah. And that makes the book of Galatians especially relevant in defeating the theology taught by modern day “Torah keeping” Christians. Today we’re going to focus on this provocative allegory we find at the end of Galatians 4 and see how it directly applies to our Hebrew Roots friends.

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00:00 Intro
01:26 Galatians 4:21–31
03:17 Sidebar: The Story of Abraham in Genesis
06:31 Paul's Allegory: Verse-by-Verse

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