The Biblical Roots Podcast
This is a Bible-based, Christ-focused theology and apologetics podcast hosted by Professor R. L. Solberg. We talk theology and apologetics, test the claims of questionable teachers, and offer a range of Bible teachings, including verse-by-verse Bible studies.
Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity is a biblically-based, Christ-centered apologetic and teaching ministry. Our mission is to create God-honoring, biblically sound content that helps believers understand Scripture and address false teachings. We do this in two ways:
1. Promoting biblical literacy and knowledge of Scripture through Bible studies and teaching Biblical Theology—the discipline that looks at the Bible as a whole and tracks God’s grand story of redemption from the OT to the NT.
2. Systematically breaking down teachings that challenge the sufficiency of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Our goal is to clear away myths and misconceptions about Christianity and lift high the beautiful Gospel of Jesus.
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The Biblical Roots Podcast
Mormonism Exposed - An Interview with Robby Lashua
Robby's witnessing techniques (article)
Stand to Reason (Articles on Mormonism)
Meet Robby
Mormonism Research Ministry
Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity
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Prof. Solberg's Blog
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00:00 Intro
01:18 Meet Robby Lashua
03:00 How did you get involved with outreach to Mormons?
04:40 The general theology of Mormonism
08:28 The aspect of personal experience
11:06 Similarities to Hebrew Roots
14:42 Mormonism and the Bible
16:43 The LDS church structure
17:50 Joseph Smith and the historical roots of Mormonism
24:05 What is the primary focus when witnessing to Mormons?
26:40 Leaving Mormonism
28:25 Establishing common ground
29:17 What about polygamy?
32:25 The Mormon view of reality
38:30 Is Mormonism based on Joseph Smith’s imagination?
40:55 Was Joseph Smith well educated?
42:35 Is Mormonism a cult? Are Mormons saved?
43:56 Mormon terminology: differences in definition
47:16 How to witness to out Mormon friends
60:25 People who have left Mormonism
1:04:29 How to learn more