The Biblical Roots Podcast
This is a Bible-based, Christ-focused theology and apologetics podcast hosted by Professor R. L. Solberg. We talk theology and apologetics, test the claims of questionable teachers, and offer a range of Bible teachings, including verse-by-verse Bible studies.
Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity is a biblically-based, Christ-centered apologetic and teaching ministry. Our mission is to create God-honoring, biblically sound content that helps believers understand Scripture and address false teachings. We do this in two ways:
1. Promoting biblical literacy and knowledge of Scripture through Bible studies and teaching Biblical Theology—the discipline that looks at the Bible as a whole and tracks God’s grand story of redemption from the OT to the NT.
2. Systematically breaking down teachings that challenge the sufficiency of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Our goal is to clear away myths and misconceptions about Christianity and lift high the beautiful Gospel of Jesus.
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The Biblical Roots Podcast
A Chat with Dr. David Harris - A Jewish Believer in Jesus
Meet Dr. David Harris, an independent Hebrew scholar raised in a Jewish household who became a theologian, author, and Jewish follower of Yeshua (Jesus). He’s also a former pastor at a Messianic Jewish Synagogue in New Mexico and has had personal experience with Torahism (Hebrew Roots, Torah-keepers) and the unique issues they bring to the table.
Links Mentioned in Episode
Dr. Harris' Personal Blog
The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss (Read Aloud)
Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity
Our website
Our YouTube Channel
Prof. Solberg's Blog
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00:00 Intro
02:18 Meet Dr. David Harris
4:13 Was it difficult to accept Jesus as a Jewish man?
05:44 What should we call Jews who believe in Jesus?
08:22 How did you Jewish background inform your faith in Jesus?
11:36 What was your role at the Messianic Synagogue?
12:40 How were you first exposed to Torahism (Hebrew Roots)?
13:19 Difference between Messianic Judaism (MJ) and Hebrew Roots
17:38 Is the theology of MJ the same as Protestant Christianity?
19:09 Are MJs basically Jews who believe in Jesus?
20:22 Define Torah (Hebrew Roots)
21:47 How were you alerted to their false teachings in your synagogue?
24:38 The spectrum of Torahism
26:58 How did you handle the conflict?
30:43 What's drives Hebrew Roots mentality?
33:24 How are people affected by Torahism?
37:44 How do you recommend responding to HRM?
42:19 What do you think of Gentiles keeping Jewish customs?
45:40 Hebrew Roots and Eschatology
48:23 Torahism Foments Division
51:51 The Proper Application of Torah Today
56:42 How Do You View The Covenants?