Homeschooling For Catholic Parents
You’re wondering if homeschooling is for you. But your inner critic is telling you you’re not enough. How can I teach my kid when we can’t get through homework without tears and yelling? How would the daily routine look? What curriculum will you use? Your house is already a wreck. You don’t want to feel isolated, like you’re on an island where everyone wears long dresses and raises goats. Plus, aren’t homeschoolers weird?
I am so excited you're here! This podcast will give you peace of mind as you raise successful adults who understand their Catholic faith and how to defend it. I’ll help you find the routine that works for you, you’ll still have community, if that’s what you want, and even a clean, organized home is possible (sometimes).
I’m Maeve Jemison, and I host this pod with my handsome husband, Mat. We’re Catholics who prioritize worship and apologetics through our homeschool journey with our five kids.
I’ve made many mistakes along the way. As a young adult, I left the Catholic church because I didn't understand what was going on. I was a government school graduate and high school teacher so I thought homeschooling meant replicating government school at home. (I was wayyyy off!)
When I finally learned the depths and truths of Catholicism, I was adamant that I would teach my little cradle Catholics about the history and beauty of the religion that Jesus started. No way would my kids be as oblivious as I was. Our homeschooling became a delightful adventure, with the Lord guiding us in tailoring our children’s education. I knew I had found my calling!
If you’re ready to thrive as the domestic church through worship, apologetics and homeschooling, then this podcast is for you!
Thanks for stopping by because home is where the truth is!
Homeschooling For Catholic Parents
40 - God in our studies, curriculum and homeschool planning.
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Can AI do that? Join Matt and Maeve in a raucously entertaining episode where survival skills get a Little House on the Prairie twist, Spanish legends meet modern homeschooling, and divine interventions pop up in latte art.
Show Notes
Episode 40
Published Oct. 19, 2024
Join the Prayer and Fast for our nation.
Turning Point USA National Day of Prayer and Fasting.
Great Book about Columbus by D'aulaire
Fun episodes to listen to about the Steubenville Youth Conference
Episode 28 LOVE OTHERS
Purchase Home Is Where The Truth Is:
Welcome back to Home is where the truth is little house on the prairie edition.
Okay, yeah, we'll get into
. Yeah. We'll get into why this has been a little bit house on the prairie ask for us this week, but first we got to do a, what's it called?
Uh, no sponsors
yet. Oh,
no sponsors yet, but, a note from our favorite listener and a
a retraction.
I'm trying to, trying to think who that could be, but go ahead.
Okay, so a retraction because my dad listened to last week's podcast and first of all, he texted me and he's like, I'm going to have to go dark now because we talked about his espionage days.
of the CIA.
Now he's paranoid because he keeps seeing the same plumber van that's been in the front yard for the last three days across the street.
Either way, he's getting very paranoid and , he asked us me and my infinite wisdom, I get the the dehydrated food pails for when the world comes to an end and
Yeah. We're we're preppers folks. Yeah. if you could count the buckets of dehydrated food as preppers we're set
So he didn't he'd inquired which brand do we get? i'm thinking he's ready to go in lockdown mode the front yard is gonna look like the beach at normandy with all the razor wire and the Wooden structures on the beach and stuff like that. I mean he's ready to
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
Well, first of all, my dad loved the episode. It did center on him. I told a lot of great stories from my younger years and, , even more recent years and , he was so flattered and he said, because we always bust on his chops on here, but it was high time to, boost him up.
But he said, I think you talk too good of me. You know, he's so humble.
Well, I want you guys to go back and listen to that episode
Okay. Well. I want you guys to go back and listen to that episode of him, his surfing and stuff like that, because it's really awesome. But I have to tell a few different details in the story about my dad winning the East coast
grandmasters legend, longboard or shortboard competition. going to tell the correct story.
his mother in law, she said, George, I've been praying for 20 foot waves for you. And he's like, no, Alice, don't pray for that. Just pray that I can paddle out, but it was too late. The
already been approved. Right,
right? The Nor'easter had already set in and he said, And, and I said that they had delayed it because a couple of guys broke boards.
He said, no, it was more like 20 people broke their surfboards. And he said a couple of the guys couldn't paddle back in because it was such a shore pound and , so bad, a man almost drowned trying to come back in. He just kept getting pounded and pounded and guys had to go out and save him. He almost drowned.
So I just said, a couple of people broke boards. It was much more intense than
Oh, so he basically wanted you to embellish it more
It was like is this a fishing story or like a
No kidding.
But the other part is this is why I'm telling more about it Because he is a praying and faithful man.
And when he started paddling out he said Okay, Lord, help me paddle out
paddle out. It was like Moses part in the red
I was going to say, like you said, he was alive back in Moses day. Say, so this is the second time he's seen it. He said the waves literally just parted and gave him a lane to paddle out. And he actually caught two waves. And one of them, the first one was kind of little comparatively, and it pushed him back in and he was able to paddle back out because the Lord opened up another lane for him.
So. That was like, okay, , those are really great details that I got to tell. But , he told me that I accidentally said the wrong Bible verse. I was making a point for why we believe something. And I referenced James chapter three. So it was actually from John. Chapter 20, verse 22 through 23, when Jesus breathes on the apostles and gives them authority to forgive sins or bind sins.
And so I just want to make sure, because now, because we're talking about, Oh, Protestants eat it. This is the verse. This proves it. And now I said the wrong verse. So they're going to be like, this lady's so dumb, , she's wrong about that
It's like, who's this ultra crepidarian? You like that one?
Matt learned a new word, you guys, and that is a
it's a great
who's ultra decrepit, like I thought at first, what is it Matt?
someone who talks or gives opinion above their expertise or knowledge.
someone who Is a know it all but doesn't know anything. Right,
right. So I won't be that. So let's move on to more details about today's episode. We thank you guys for coming. We're glad you found us. And
the reason I referred to it as little house on the Prairie edition, because the survival skills that our kids learned when our power went out from the storm,
you could liken to the same level of importance.
Like say, The electric slide is a life skill you need.
The cupid shuffle is up there with those. this is top level importance.
They learn how to wash your hands without running water.
Oh, and brush their teeth without running water.
their teeth
Cause our power was out, so we lose water.
learned, folks, how to light a candle. Literally, I had a
A match?
No, no, no. Perfectly good lighter, actually. And I literally had a teenager that needed some tutelage with that. She's like, Do I lift the wick up or get it, , do I get it out of the wax? Cause it was just laying over.
but it was one of our home date tea lights.
So, it's not that great of a candle. But they did, we did have to tap into our home date candles, you guys.
No, we busted out the 100 hour emergency candle.
We did have some of those, the propane candle.
Not propane. These were like, um, I don't know
It was a liquid gas.
It's like you have, what you have in tiki torches. Essentially.
Right. So we had all the lights, all the artificial lights.
Oh yeah.
How to.
natural light. That's not artificial.
It is artificial. Is fire is not as fire natural light. Bye bye.
Is it?
It's natural.
Okay. All right. Semantics, I
Um, Oh, how to light a gas cooktop stove with a lighter because that's a survival skill. Okay. Oh, and myself. I learned, you guys are going to be so proud of me. I learned how to fix the generator and keep it from throwing the
fix, I mean, I found the how to video and then I showed it to Matt who fixed it, which basically meant
to video and then I showed it to Matt, who fixed it. And I
I think the real question here, everyone's wondering is why don't we have a whole house generator?
have a whole house
we figured out that mystery, but here is another mystery.
This one just befuddles me
power, so
power, so there's no water Obviously no internet trees are on top of the cell towers. I can't send Texts, some texts come in sporadically. Can someone please solve the mystery for me of how am I still getting Walmart notifications on my
They're like, we're headed a line.
If there's anything squeaking through, it's going to be us.
Right. Like whatever Walmart's using to get through, they must be
it out. Yeah.
Musk's, that's what it is. They're on like the, what is it? Starlink. And that's why we're getting their stuff. Okay. Thank you. Mystery solved. Last week, we're also going to talk to you some more today about something really cool. I'll give you guys a little tease about it and it's God as the omnipotent lesson planner. Okay, wait. I'm gonna remember this before we go on because I want to ask you guys something and tell you guys a little bit about us Which sometimes we leave out we just start talking and so that's why we need to say this
this. Okay.
So we're Matt and Maeve.
We are Catholic homeschool parents, Christ loving homeschool parents. And, , we do this podcast because we want to encourage parents to raise their kids in the faith, take their kids to church and in homeschooling, , hard things, all hard things to do. And I've written a book about homeschooling.
Home is where the truth is, why you can and should homeschool your children. And so. Lots of these ideas and stuff we talk about are out of the book. I just want to tell people about us a little bit cause sometimes, sometimes we don't say that.
I forget to.
Yeah. Cause we could have new listeners or a new listener who knows. So welcome, welcome to the podcast. The other thing
I want to tell you guys about Turning Point Academy's National Day of Prayer because it's Coming up. And we're praying for the nation and it's November 4th, it's the Monday before election Tuesday.
They're going to have each, not only are we fasting and praying
you're saying I can't eat that day? Yeah. Okay. Well.
You can choose what you want for the fast. Some people don't, they say I'm going to fast till noon.
Some people say I'm going to not fast till four, but , whatever fast, , that you choose
there's a
a 12 hour live stream comprised of prayer and powerful message and the people that they have live streaming. Let me tell you some of the pastors that are going to be speaking and praying.
Charlie Kirk and his wife, Erica. And she's a hottie too. I mean, he's super cool the way, what he's got going on, but his wife is a hottie. , Pastor Lucas Smiles, Pastor Rob McCoy, Pastor John Aman Chukwu, Seth Gruber, who I'm reading his new book, the 1916 project. He is just a voice. He's awesome. Dr.
Hutz Hutzberg. That's who emailed me this. That's my
friend., Shane winnings, dr. Jeff Myers. Let's see any and a few other. . They're gonna be doing
12 hours of prayer Let's pray for our nation and pray for our nation's leader and I will put a link to that all you do log on Put an email in , click on the link to download the prayers and stuff.
So that's the call to action Let's pray for this nation.
Mm, need that daily.
Yes, we do need to pray for the nation daily and pray for our, our leaders. but you know what, we can make a huge, huge difference in our own families, in our own homes. And that's, what's so amazing about the family is that we are raising up our children to know the Lord.
And one of the things I told you guys last week that we were going to talk about Is our Catholic trivia night. Remember I said we got to tell them about that, but we're running out of
running out of time.
We have the we have the group of high schoolers here from our church I guess you could call them our church youth group so we did Catholic Trivia Night.
Now, Matt was here and helped me set up and prep and clean and everything, but the bulk of the people who put it on, anyone can do this, it was three moms, myself and two others. And the only really thing that made us special is that we love Jesus.
And we had a set of buzzers that cancels the other people out.
So the buzzers where you can click in and you're the first one. Okay. That made all the difference. And the other thing we do is we take. The teenagers cell phones when they come in we put them to the side and we say listen you're just gonna have relational time fun time face to face time You can get your phone at the end of the night and There's one girl, and she's a homeschool girl, which you usually wouldn't think they would be the ones giving you flack.
Like, oh, but what if I need to text my mom? I'm like, you can text her, but give me your phone. and nobody was sitting out feeling left out. They were genuinely all engaged. We broke them up into three teams, and
The interesting thing, and what I want to say about my two dear friends is they don't have a theology degree. They don't have like a youth group, experience. These are just moms that like, I care that my child gets
a faith formation. I care that my child gets around other kids and hears the message of Jesus.
we divided them into three teams. One team came out the winner. The interesting thing is this was all Catholic kids from our church, but we have two kids that actually attend our school, a Catholic school, but they aren't raised Catholic, so they're Protestants.
broke, we took
The winning team.
So we broke, we took the kids that we knew, knew their faith the most. We took three kids out of the group and we said, your captains, the one who won, the captain, whose team won, she chose the two Protestant sisters.
I was like, yeah, and it
I was like, Oh, and it paid off because they knew a song of the gifts of the spirit? And they had to memorize that as a, there was a, a song that lists them all. None of the other kids. And in fact, when, when we read off the answers, they're like, they use their phone, there's no way they knew that.
And the Protestant girl, she's
the little, the protestant girls were like, yeah, the song. So I
So I was like, wow, that did actually really pay off is choosing the two Protestant kids. Cause you know, they know a lot, they, they do know a lot about the Bible and how to find the verses and everything. So, , I want to give you guys some feedback. One kid said, quote, I was crying. I was laughing so hard.
I was crying.
Was that our kid?
Yeah. One of our kids, but it's because they give these hilarious answers when they're trying to stretch and just give an answer that they hope is right. And so there was, it was hilarious between rounds and you guys have all done trivia before. Well, this was Catholic trivia. So between rounds, we just crunk the music and , we used the Steubenville playlist.
That these kids have been to the youth conference and so these are the songs and the Holy Spirit was there It was it was literally a
a Steubenville
vibe so much joy so much laughing so much competition
Well, people might not know what Steubenville
Well, okay. We've talked about Steubenville a couple of times on here and I'll link back to the show notes about , we did like two episodes on Steubenville, but it's a huge youth conference.
That's glorifying
Steubenville, Ohio or something?
Yeah. It's named after What are they called?
it. Franciscan!
Franciscan University in Steubenville put like they put on a bunch of conferences all over. Okay, so it did have that vibe. I don't know what stage your kids are, but I'm going to tell you once you get teenagers, They want competition, , they want team stuff, competition, rules that make sense, and they're fine with an adult to guide them.
But this had that complete vibe of competition, teamwork, so,
so it was a great night. And.
I want to tell you about something that's pertinent to this episode, another little thing we do. So that's the Youth Night, but something we do as a family is Friendly Defender Fridays. And I'm telling you this because it's going to come up a little bit later, but what we do with Friendly Defender Fridays, Matt, why don't you
explain Friendly Defender Fridays?
bit later, but do with Friendly Defender Fridays, Matt, why don't you explain Friendly Defender Fridays?
Like, Oh, you guys worship Mary. The Bible says not to worship idols. , so it starts the discussion, okay, how do you debunk that? Question. Right. The
the one this morning, yeah, it does have one about Mary, but the one this morning was you use symbols or you use religious medals and that's superstitious
Right, so it poses a lot of general questions that you might run across or your child might run across from someone who has little knowledge about why Catholics do what they
An axe to grind with the Catholic
Yeah, and then on the back it gives you an answer, how you answer that. Remark and gives you some backup, verses in the Bible to say, Hey, this is why.
And it's usually An Old Testament verse and a New Testament verse, because much of what we do is started in the Old Testament. Yeah. And so we do that. We just have this stack of cards and we have been doing this for
been doing this for
probably 12 years. And here's the thing that we realized is you guys, you have your kids there, and especially if you're homeschooling and you're forming their faith and you're teaching them about the church.
Do we do this every single Friday? No. We sometimes miss, we're out of town, we sometimes forget to do it. but the point that I'm making is that it's still something we do on a regular basis and it's sinking into our kids. Now, the 16 year old, yeah, she usually can answer them no problem. The 14 year old, she can usually,
usually get
She might not remember the exact Bible story, but she has a response.
The, the 11 year old,
11 year
he can throw some, some guesses out there, but at least now he's realizing and thinking, and he knows there's an answer to it. He's heard the question before, but he still can't answer these. So this is stuff that's like. You, you just have to keep teaching over and over and over and for, for years and years, but we do see it making a difference, but it's fun.
It's, it's our morning devotion on Friday.
if anyone's
And if anyone's saying, well, oh, you're so , and you're so intent on the Catholic faith. Well, what about just loving Jesus? It's like. There's no way you can learn this much about the Bible and God's life and Jesus's life, and you're not glorifying and growing closer to him, you know?
Him, you know?
I, as an adult, I still want to grow closer to him and still want to continually, , up my spiritual journey. And what I have realized, as A homeschooling mother is that God is the omnipotent lesson planner. Okay. Like you guys think AI is so impressive and I know it can plan your whole trip for you, show you the best restaurants, tell you the fastest route, best shopping boutiques in the area.
And yeah, that's great.
But you know what, like we scoff
we scoff
At artificial intelligence, when literally the creator of our souls, we have the all knowing and real lover of our souls and our kids souls adding bonus content to our lesson plans. It happens all the time, constantly, because God , is showing us and connecting us with things that we're learning about.
And I'm going to give you a few examples.
And it's kind of like this, let's say Matt, we've been needing someone's help. Say we've got three wonky windows in the house and we want that high on our priority list to fix, but we're like, well, if we could find somebody to fix it, that would be great.
And then boom, you go out in public and you run into an old acquaintance or you just find somebody Oh, they fix windows. And you're like, Oh, thank you, Lord.
you just
And that was a super specific example.
a super
yes, we do have three wonky windows that won't stay up by themselves.
Probably more than that, but that's okay.
They still serve their purpose.
Right. But, it is getting into the great weather here in Florida where we want our windows open. So, boom. God knew you needed that.
them about what you're, you guys are learning right now.
you waiting for?
you guys are learning right now. I will tell them. I've
A god incident
And this
incidents. And he constantly does that in our homeschooling.
recognize in the homeschool world, we go around telling these times that God stepped in, like old men tell their fishing stories.
Or they're surfing stories.
good to be true. Well,
Well, and right where old men exaggerate, we don't well, okay.
In a way, but they, because, the hearer is the one who is exaggerated because they're going to grow from it and be inspired.
I remember reading one book and I think it was by the Clarksons who are, big homeschooling. Speakers and authors and the story was that the mom got bedridden. She could not teach the kids anymore because of, let's say it was a pregnancy where she had to be in bed.
to be
The dad was ,
he's like, Our dog, unbeknownst to us, our dog has puppies and they have a biology lesson right there. , can AI do that? Can AI provide furry little mammal babies for your kids?
I mean, I'm sure I could show you some cute little YouTube videos, but that's about it.
Right. Not the living, breathing, like how would this happen? And I'm going to give you guys some examples. Here are some examples. From our life. And earlier I referred to this episode as the little house on the Prairie episode due to losing our power, which we were out for like what, 24 hours.
And it was horrible, but we lived through it. , I'm going to take you guys all the way back to the ancient indigenous people of America, which that's what we're studying right now in American history is actually before America was ever discovered by Europeans, who was here. , right.
just had
people's day
son lived at the time before he ever went on this journey across the Atlantic, he lived in the monastery with monks.
So you can't tell, cause they saved him cause he was destitute. He had nowhere to go. They take him in and You're not going to tell me that he didn't have a faith and the monks in fact
were the ones
who got him even in to see Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand because the monk at the castle was one of those monks.
So all they did was talk him up and be like listen Columbus knows what he's talking about this guy can sail Okay, y'all need to let him go across. They're like, oh, there's a big war. We're fighting the Moors bubble Okay, boom war is over. Come on. Talk to our boy Columbus So there's so much taken out if you're reading or allowing your kids to be schooled by a secular history Book, guess what?
They don't know about that aspect of his life. So there's, there's a lot of stuff that we could talk about.
right? Well, it's
Well, it, it, it's awesome that as a homeschooler, I was able to teach my
kids that, and that book was very interesting. We were enthralled by it and I'll put a link to it cause it's like a children's picture book.
I'll put a link to that in the show notes. So back to what God has done in our lesson plans just this week, I just started jotting , these examples down like five days ago, I was keeping a running tally because First of all, we're learning about the first people to come over where it was Columbus. And then there was a few Spanish conquistadors following in his footsteps.
Menendez. Yes. All right. So, we're
out there in the yard doing all this cleanup. Matt is the lumberjack of the cul de sac and there's all this Spanish moss on the ground and Spanish moss, if you're listening and you're not in the south, it is,
you to describe
I almost want you to describe it,
gosh, it looks like, light gray tinsel that hangs from the trees, basically.
That's good. I called it a long gray scraggly moss plant that literally hangs in clumps out of big, huge oak trees. And it, it does look like the beard of a Spanish conquistador. And we're out there, all the kids and I, and we're raking up all this stuff. And
remembered there's a legend and the legend of the Spanish Moss is that
when the conquistadors started coming over and some of them did pillage and destroy and enslave and a Spanish conquistador was chasing one of the native maidens and she climbed up a tree and his beard got caught in the tree and that's where we get the Spanish moss and well, it is weird, but I told the kids that story and When we were learning about conquistadors, we had to clean up.
And that was just one of the things I'm saying, like, look, every society has made up these legends and every society has made up these gods. , but , we, believe in the one true God, like this atheism stuff is brand new people atheism and saying there's no God and no creator.
This is such new ideas that look at all of society before us has made up gods.
in some of their books,
in some of their books
and I'm reading from Sunlight Curriculum, which is a Christian curriculum, but it's using secular history books, because there's some, there's some people who, they mention like one sentence, Padre Kino.
They mention him in one sentence
in this book. Padre Kino literally
did so much for North Mexico. He was a cartographer. He went through, he was a, you were there. What was he? Re get tell
Was I there? In Mexico? With him? Wasn't this like
were there when Piper
heir of a
Piper Christian. Oh, right. right. So, he was a, I guess he was a pastor, a monk, or something, right? A missionary. Missionary. Yes. And his job was to, spread Christianity in Mexico. And he helped these people to, I guess, farm? and, and cultivate the land that they couldn't figure out how to live,
live, basically. Yeah, so he helped and showed them, and
so he helped and showed them and went around Mexico into the Baja, California peninsula which they didn't know at the time was a peninsula
They thought it was an island. Yeah. And he was so dedicated to this mission that he would, he did it till he was old and would be fainting in the saddle and the way Padre Kino died.
Do you want to tell
oh yeah. literally he was giving communion,
he was holding, it's that point in communion when he held up the consecrated host is when God took him home. And he died at that moment. And the history book that we were reading said, father , Kino
the indigenous people learn how to farm one sentence about this man who literally changed Northern Mexico maps, cartographer,
so, God is just giving us all these great stories About holy people that went before us. And then
about Matt, the dugout canoe demonstration going on in our yard right now as we speak.
right now
Wait, does everyone know what a dugout canoe is?
Indians would make these canoes out of tree trunks that they would carve.
, it'd be like a kayak. They would carve the center out.
They wouldn't carve it, honey.
well, they would chip it out and then they would burn it, but they got to chip it out to make the little hole, , very primitive, then they, burn the inside of the tree to, I assume, break the fibers to make it lighter.
the fibers to make it lighter. Tools, they didn't have chisels, they didn't have saws, so they would light a fire on the tree trunk, and it would burn, it would just smolder for a few days.
And that was their canoes, and in fact, they've, they've found plenty of dugout canoes that are like 5, 000 years old.
old. Still in the water that were preserved, at the bottom of
And so, we
a mud lake or something like that. And so we had a tree that went down, , during the storm and I knew it was rotten because you can just tell, and it split down the middle.
So I cleaned it up and cleared it. And I left about. A couple of feet of the trunk
Yeah, so come to find out, the center of this tree was lit, and it was nothing
Yeah. The center of this tree was literally rotten and it was nothing but fibrous material. Um, yeah, a little like sawdust. It wasn't hardwood. And so me and my seven year old were out there one night and it was kind of cool out. So we're like, , let's light this sawdust on fire.
Cause that's what boys do. We light stuff on fire and so we lit it and then over and it never caught on fire, but it would smolder over the last two days, that entire amount of fibrous material. Disappeared and basically uncovered a hollow stump. It was just the ridge, the rim of the stump still left, but the inside was completely open.
and you could see, the inside was also burnt because of the coals, because of the fire. And we're teaching our kids saying, this is how they made these canoes this is literally how you
Yeah, fascinating.
And they could, we let them take sticks and actually scrape it off. And it was such a great lesson is, we're literally learning about the people that did this and here's the stump in our yard because of the storm, it was a God thing. And then on top of that, now this, you can't even argue with me.
, you're going to have to say , wow, that is amazing. The, the lesson planner. The only,
Miocans, who
only literal book ever written about the Mayakans, who are our indigenous people in DeLand, Florida. They lived on Hontoon Island, which is how far from our house, by the
miles, literally the people
Literally, the people who left shell middens on Hontoon Islands, no one had ever written any book about them, the Mayakans. Everyone focuses on the Timuqua, the Timuqua, the Timuqua. Guys, at Matt's rotary meeting on Thursday, yesterday, uh, The one man in the entire world who had written a book on the Myakka Indians,
yeah. Debunking a lot of the myths that have been written in history books before, saying no, the Timiquan, Tamiquas, Tamiquas, were not the indigenous people in Volusia County, here where we live, that roamed up and down the St.
Johns River. It was the Mayakans. Right, and this guy, not only did
Not only did he write the book, he was at Matt's Rotary meeting and literally did a speech about it and handed Matt this book and signed my name Maeve enjoy the only book ever written about the Mayakans in the units that we are studying them when we have a dugout canoe.
yard. And on
Stump in our yard and on top of that, this book about the Mayakans talks about all the conquistadors that we're learning about.
It says about their contact with Ponce de Leon or Coronado , and in the Mayaka, they were smart because here come these conquistadors. They find a little piece of gold and they're there by sign language saying, how do you, where is this? Where did you find this? Like, how do I get to that?
They're like, Oh, go North
Yeah. Up
North. There are seven cities of gold. See Bola. We call it go just head North. That's it. And these conquistadors, they did, they left their ships. They headed North through
with arrows, and
mosquitoes, Indians with arrows. And, and so, okay, well, I'm getting too much
into the story.
basically it brought it home that, hey, what are the odds of all this coming together once, at
then, and I'm going to keep going. I have some more. So my son is reading this book about Charles Muley, which was published by Christian heroes then and now. And Charles Muley is called the father to the fatherless in Kenya. He was a street kid. His parents abandoned him.
And this is very popular to do in Kenya. When you can't feed your kids, you just abandon
like, abandon them.
He, they abandoned him twice. He was suicidal. He was about to kill himself and he heard about Jesus Christ. He got saved. He gets out of poverty, he gets a job, he gets a better job. He works up until he's the richest, one of the richest men in Kenya.
And he comes to a point, he's got eight kids in his family. He comes to a point where he realizes. That God wants him to give up his business, give up his riches and, and now he was a Christian. He was starting at churches, but he said, I'm going to give up all my riches and help the street kids.
Because now he was seeing all these kids there were three year old street kids.
they don't eat
Yeah. And, they don't eat every day and they would be walking by him and he used to be them. And he's like, Nope, I'm getting rid of the business. I'm going to pour everything into the street kids. And I read that to myself.
It's the bedtime story. And we stopped right then that where we stopped in the story,
he went home to his wife and said, honey. This is what God just told me to do, or this is what I'm going to do. I feel such peace about it.
what I'm going to do. I
The reading at mass the very next day
was about the young rich man in the Bible who comes up to Jesus and says, master, what must I do to enter the kingdom of heaven?
What did Jesus tell him?
And it's hard for a rich man to
What did he tell him he had to do?
give away everything.
sell all you have. And give it to the poor and what did he do? What did the rich young man
He did it.
No, he didn't
folks He went away sad because
Oh, cause he did one. Okay. I was thinking the other guy.
The young man in the bible went away sad because he had so much Right, right. He didn't want to. And I was able to say to my son. Oh my gosh. Wow
Compare him to Charles Muley who had everything, but gave it up and he didn't see Jesus face to face. He did it because he had such a great relationship, total teaching God moment.
It all came together.
If you guys aren't just like, wow, I see God so much, God is in your homeschooling, this one is going to really you're going to just.
just flip out.
You're going to be flabbergasted. And this is nothing like, Oh, I'm so worthy. This is God. I'm just giving all honor to God.
Cause I am a terror. I'm not like great homeschool mom. In fact, before yesterday, Matt helped me with the kids. I was literally crying in my closet. Because I was so stressed out the kids were behind in all their work I was trying to give and I'm finding out that I do About a quarterly cry in my closet because I'm not that great of a homeschooling mom teacher So this is all glory to God.
after that? Yes, Matt came home. He,
Yes, Matt came home he principal came and was like you guys got to get this American history done and Yes. and they did.
half, everything was caught right back up. Two weeks behind, day and a half later, Everybody's on track.
you guys. I had been trying to get them to catch up for two and a half weeks. We've only been working on it for five, like five weeks, and they're like two weeks
Well, yeah, because they just kept
Yeah. And so homeschool dads out there and moms, if your homeschool dad isn't listening, make sure he knows that he is such a help when he finally just says.
This is what you better do do it because they hear mom's voice. Wah wah wah
they hear you every day. And so at some point they just kind of. Okay, so
so here is the creme de la creme of the examples now
This is the whipped cream on whipped cream on top.
that's part of the part of the joke. Yes, you
you, you are. You're ruining my, you're ruining my delivery. Because
Were talking earlier this morning about
We were talking about
cards friendly defender cards was you wear religious medals and scapulars, that's superstitious. But the answer was actually in the Bible, they, there are objects that
That the power of God
power of God works through the Old Testament example is that When everyone was getting bitten by snakes in the Israelite camp, what did Moses make so that everyone would be healed?
, the snakes around the staff.
That a staff with snakes around it they looked upon it and they would be healed in the New Testament What was the example the power of God was so strong on Paul that what? You
that. A little little bit more
not even that a little bit more, a little bit more extravagant. They would put the sick out in the street so that if his shadow passed over them or if a handkerchief he had touched was healing people. Mm-Hmm. .So
kids, even
then we were like kids, even about the Moses thing with the staff.
see that
You'll see that in medical symbols
the side of
Yeah, it's a rod with a snake around it. You guys today in the latte art that Matt made me a latte,
a latte,
made the medical symbol of the staff with the snake around it in latte art.
I did. Did I know I was doing that? Nope.
But when I told the kids, They all were like, Oh my gosh, that's it. And I am going to post a picture of it to social media, just so . If you're that curious, like, come on, I don't believe it. Latte art that looks like the staff with a steak it's there. And that's not the first time that God has like spoken through latte art.
I'm not saying he's speaking through it, but just giving that God nod.
He's like, here, here's a little
Yeah, I'm here with you. I may, I know you need your coffee and look, here is the sacred heart symbol on the feast of the sacred heart. I'm doing latte art. Boom. It's the sacred heart. And if I can find that one, cause I took a picture.
I'm like, that is a sacred heart in my latte art. so can AI do that? Now I'm not saying, don't use AI. I mean, heck, if you know how to use it for lesson planning, use it. I'm saying trust in the one who can make religious symbols as smooth latte crema goes across your palate. Okay.
Trust in the Lord for all your
Trust in the Lord for all your lessons plan,
that taste so much better. Yeah, and it's
yeah, and Matt's getting good at latte
I'm on. Fire,
Okay. 📍 Thanks for listening. See ya.
See ya
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