Business Growth Architect Show

Ep #133: Beate Chelette: How to Constantly Improve Yourself

August 12, 2024 Beate Chelette Episode 133
Ep #133: Beate Chelette: How to Constantly Improve Yourself
Business Growth Architect Show
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Business Growth Architect Show
Ep #133: Beate Chelette: How to Constantly Improve Yourself
Aug 12, 2024 Episode 133
Beate Chelette

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Unlock the secrets to constant self-improvement and achieving more, faster! Join me as I share practical tips as well as spiritual insights. Learn how to overcome life challenges, boost your mindset, and take action toward success!

Today’s topic is worth a solo episode. I dive deep into the essential elements for personal and professional growth. With 40 years of entrepreneurial experience under my belt, I've learned that a well-rounded skill set, a solid strategic framework, and consistent action are key to running any successful business.

First I cover the three key aspects: mindset, skill set, and action. The right mindset lays the foundation for growth. It involves a firm belief in the possibility of achieving your goals and is open to continuous learning. Next, comes the necessity of having the right skill sets,such as how to outline a strategy, understanding and implementing effective processes, and mastering workflows. Finally, there is the third component which is taking consistent action.

Transitioning into a more vulnerable and personal narrative, I explore how integrating spiritual and strategic approaches has shaped my journey. I share my vision of being a "badass grandma," a persona that encapsulates my vast entrepreneurial experience and my dedication to making the most of my time. What I mean by that is that at this point in my life I prioritize my commitments, opting for meaningful engagements over superficial networking activities. Facetime with my grandchild versus helping someone figure out how to sell me something?! 

Diving deeper into my personal life, I talk about the importance of family and intimate relationships. I reflect on my desires to be a loving grandparent, maintain a fulfilling partnership, and create lasting memories with loved ones. This introspection leads me to a broader question: What is the ultimate goal of our endeavors? What is that “there” we are all striving for? For me, it's about arriving at a place where you can look back and say, "The journey was awesome, and I am grateful for where I am now."

To help you achieve your own goals, I share my method of reverse engineering success. AKA shortcuts. By defining your end goals clearly and then working backward to identify the necessary steps, you ensure that the journey is as rewarding as the destination, allowing for a balanced and fulfilling life while you get there and then knowing when you arrived.

I also share my spiritual practices, which play an essential role in my life. LIsten to the episode to find out what I do.

My goal in this episode is to inspire you to seek continuous self-improvement and to integrate spiritual and strategic practices into your life. I hope to connect on a personal level, sharing my experiences and encouraging you to pursue your aspirations with determination and balance.

As this episode is pretty personal I invite you to share your thoughts and insights by commenting or reaching out on social media. Do you resonate with my "badass grandma" approa

We appreciate you, thank you for listening. Let us know in the comments what resonated in this episode, we want to hear from you.

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Had an AHA or Insight? Share it:

Unlock the secrets to constant self-improvement and achieving more, faster! Join me as I share practical tips as well as spiritual insights. Learn how to overcome life challenges, boost your mindset, and take action toward success!

Today’s topic is worth a solo episode. I dive deep into the essential elements for personal and professional growth. With 40 years of entrepreneurial experience under my belt, I've learned that a well-rounded skill set, a solid strategic framework, and consistent action are key to running any successful business.

First I cover the three key aspects: mindset, skill set, and action. The right mindset lays the foundation for growth. It involves a firm belief in the possibility of achieving your goals and is open to continuous learning. Next, comes the necessity of having the right skill sets,such as how to outline a strategy, understanding and implementing effective processes, and mastering workflows. Finally, there is the third component which is taking consistent action.

Transitioning into a more vulnerable and personal narrative, I explore how integrating spiritual and strategic approaches has shaped my journey. I share my vision of being a "badass grandma," a persona that encapsulates my vast entrepreneurial experience and my dedication to making the most of my time. What I mean by that is that at this point in my life I prioritize my commitments, opting for meaningful engagements over superficial networking activities. Facetime with my grandchild versus helping someone figure out how to sell me something?! 

Diving deeper into my personal life, I talk about the importance of family and intimate relationships. I reflect on my desires to be a loving grandparent, maintain a fulfilling partnership, and create lasting memories with loved ones. This introspection leads me to a broader question: What is the ultimate goal of our endeavors? What is that “there” we are all striving for? For me, it's about arriving at a place where you can look back and say, "The journey was awesome, and I am grateful for where I am now."

To help you achieve your own goals, I share my method of reverse engineering success. AKA shortcuts. By defining your end goals clearly and then working backward to identify the necessary steps, you ensure that the journey is as rewarding as the destination, allowing for a balanced and fulfilling life while you get there and then knowing when you arrived.

I also share my spiritual practices, which play an essential role in my life. LIsten to the episode to find out what I do.

My goal in this episode is to inspire you to seek continuous self-improvement and to integrate spiritual and strategic practices into your life. I hope to connect on a personal level, sharing my experiences and encouraging you to pursue your aspirations with determination and balance.

As this episode is pretty personal I invite you to share your thoughts and insights by commenting or reaching out on social media. Do you resonate with my "badass grandma" approa

We appreciate you, thank you for listening. Let us know in the comments what resonated in this episode, we want to hear from you.

Leave a comment, like, share with one person who needs to hear the message our guest shared.

Take our QUIZ and find out what your talent is worth in this market: What's Your Talent Worth (

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Hello. My name is Beate Chelette, and in this episode of the Business Growth Architect Show, I personally take you through the idea of why you need to constantly improve yourself and why that matters. I'm going to give you the three essential questions you need to ask yourself every single time before you make a change, and then the three pieces that you need to know on the litmus test on whether or not you're still completely target with making your self improvement step by step. Go to the show now and listen to the full episode. And hello, fabulous person! Beate Chelette here. I'm the host of the Business Growth Architect Show, and I want to welcome you to today's episode where we discuss how to navigate strategy and spirituality to achieve time and financial freedom. Truly successful people have learned how to master both a clear intention and a strategy to execute that in a spiritual practice that will help them to stay in alignment and on purpose. Please enjoy the show and listen to what our guest today has to say about this very topic. Hello and welcome back. This is yours. Beate Chelette for another episode of the Business Growth Architect Show where we are focusing on spiritual blueprints for strategic growth. And today, I want to talk about a topic that I think is really super important, especially right now, and that is, how do you constantly improve yourself? Why would you need to do that? Why is this important, and how does improving yourself helps you to get more of what you want? So I want to start with talking about some of the stuff that I see overall right now, and that is that there is a lot of anxiety, a lot of ADHD ADD depression. People are really, in my opinion, searching for something that makes them happy, that they can live in their own purpose, that they have an impact that they're making, where they really feel that there's a reason why they're on this planet, why they're doing what they do. And if you can't find this a purpose, or if you give more than what you get back, then oftentimes what happens? There's a response, a physical response. It could be illness. That could be depression, as I said, there could be all kinds of things that are happening, chronic migraines, on immune system diseases, we know that there's a connection between your brain and your body, so the happier you are, the healthier you probably are, and the more aligned you are with your spiritual practice, the more successful you can be. Now I have worked with a lot of very, very successful people in my capacity as a photo editor for Elle Magazine. As a photography producer, I produced two music videos in my lifetime. And other than that, mostly still photography production, I built and sold a business to Bill Gates for millions of dollars. So I have a lot of experience about people that are really in the 1% of their craft, and I have learned that the more successful people are, the deeper their spiritual connection really is. And spirituality in the context of this show, is not about necessarily you going to church, but spirituality is being a connection to energy, or being having a connection to something that's larger than you, if you are not connected to, you know, the divine universe, spirit, whatever you may want to call it, there is. It's very difficult to find purpose, because then you just, you know, plopped here on this planet. You were here for a little bit, and then you leave and it was all for nothing. That just kind of doesn't even really make sense. When I look at the data that comes from some of science, I find that the science that I'm seeing is very connected to the spirituality that I'm personally exploring more and more. If you listening to this podcast, you have probably heard my story about my Ayahuasca journey, my spiritual journey in Costa Rica and the learnings that I took from them, which is one of the reasons why we added spirituality into this podcast. I've always been a very spiritual person in that sense. You know, I work a lot with my intuition. Anybody who's ever worked with me knows that I kind of get these downloads, and then I just know, and it's not even a question, I just know. And I apply that for my clients, and then suddenly we building these things that are really aligned with their purpose and their value system need to improvement is counteracted by something that creates a lot of friction, and the friction is created by, guess what, your desire to feel secure and The challenges that we have as humans, as people with change, so we feel secure when we can rely on certain things, that every Sunday we go there, we play tennis. Once a week, we watch football. We go to work at this time, we get paid this much. And then. We are challenged with change when change requires us to actually do what the Word says is to gasp, make the actual change. So let's talk about that. So understanding self improvement, or the need to constantly improve yourself, is based on one very simple notion, if you want to get more, you need to be more if you Where are you are at right now. That is the threshold of what you can achieve right at this very moment with what you know and what you do, if where you are at right now is no longer working for you and you want to be somewhere else, then you need to figure out how people act that are in that caliber, or what you need to learn or do to become that that is improvement, improvement and improvement means change. You probably heard these examples 1000 times. Somebody who is overweight and wants to be fit has to actually go to the gym and do the work. You can't think yourself fit. You can't learn another language unless you actually sit down and learn it, so you can't get to a different place in your life, in your career, in your success, with your business, personally, unless you do the work. And now is the problem you're running up against now, some of the old trauma that you have in your life, and the trauma is that somebody didn't love you, somebody didn't respond. You were ridiculed. You were mistreated by your mom, your dad. I been pretty badly abused by my own mother, and I had to really come to terms with why that happened to me and what exactly happened, and then what problems does it have in my life now, because you may have been victimized like I have, but you may choose not to live as a victim like I do, but it is exponentially much easier to blame ourselves or to blame that person to say, well, they really screwed me up, and because I'm such a screw up, I cannot not do this, or I can't change from beyond forward. And so that's what I want to really go into next, is to say, given the history of my journey to get here, to be a self made multi millionaire, to be a mom, a single mom my entire life, and to now being in a committed relationship for over 10 years, and finding this space where I really feel I live an amazing life and I'm very blessed. It doesn't mean that I have problems. I solve the money problems, but I still have other things. Stuff still happens in my life. It's not that that goes away, it's just that the money thing has been figured out. So you want to go and really think about this now on your perspective, right? What is it that you feel that is rightfully yours, or the dream that you're having that you want to achieve, but somehow you're not making it there, right? And that typically is where the trauma lies, or where the problem lies that needs to be resolved. Because in spirituality or in a lot of the teaching, it is said that the mess is the message that as you are identifying what the mess is and you move through it, that's the message you're here to share, or that's the teaching you're here to do. I find that a really a powerful, powerful piece, certainly in my own life, and not need to speak for you, but I want you to really think about this on where is it that you really want to go? I mean, this first thing I ask all my clients. Anybody who ever talks to me will hear that very first question out of my mouth. Why are you here? What do you want, right? So let's talk about, what is the challenge of change. What is it really we change when we have more pain where we are right now than our fear of change? I'm gonna say that one more time you change when the fear of change is less than the pain of you staying here so the pain of you remaining in this moment or experiencing what you're experiencing right now has to be so intense for the change to initiate. People don't change when life is great, when you are happy, there's no need for you to change, but you do change when things are not good. So just be aware of that, that constant improvement of yourself comes from that you want something other than you have. So let's talk about what is the spiritual blueprint for this particular self improvement. So a spiritual blueprint is your understanding of saying that you. I am committed to learning and doing what it takes to get to this particular point. So if I want to be Warren Buffet, one of the most powerful investors we've ever seen, or Ray Dalio, then you would go and study what they do, and then you realize their pattern, which is well documented in documentaries and interviews and a lot of their writings and what they've talked about, you get a glimpse into what is it that these two very successful investors have been doing, and then you need to emulate that behavior, because obviously you are not doing what they're doing. It's not a difficult concept, and I think that that's what you really often get hung up. If you're a business owner and you're not making sales, you look at what successful businesses do, they got the lead generation and the sales figured out. So if you want to be that, then the improvement for you needs to be to figure out how to fix your lead generation and your sales process, so that you have figured out how to move through that to get to that exact point. If somebody is in a successful relationship and you are not, then you want to emulate. What is it that they do most of the time? They have to become this person that that partner that they're searching for is actually attracted to. Because if they are not that part today, and they want to attract that kind of person, it's not going to work. It's a mismatch. They're going to get dumped because somebody of that caliber that they envision has a requirement to be with somebody of a very particular caliber. Now, if that is not you, of course it's not going to work. So you might find the great person, but they don't want to be with you. So this spiritual blueprint really relates to your understanding that there is a self improvement pattern or a self improvement plan, a self improvement blueprint you want to follow to get to this part where you are that person that attracts that kind of Test, or that kind of partner, or that kind of client, or that kind of revenue. The spiritual blueprint, the definition on how do you how do you invent something like that, right? Began very practical to me. What does this person do? How does somebody like this act that operates on that level? I'm going to give you an example in one of my classes, I was talking to a one of my mentees, and she had tried to find a virtual assistant for a very low fee, like three to $5 which I thought was extremely low. I would never hire somebody for three to $5 because I just don't think that anybody, any kind of quality, is operating at that level. But she insisted, because she knew it was possible, and at the same time, there were multi million dollars in contracts that she was signing. And I said, well, so somebody who just signed $3 million in contracts, how do who do they hire? What kind of virtual assistant would somebody like this hire? And she said, Well, probably somebody really good. I said, Why are you wasting your time on a three to$5 virtual assistant? And how much time does it take you to find that person? How much time do you need on onboarding? And then she says, Well, when you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous. I said, because it is ridiculous. So you want to be in that mindset, in your spiritual blueprint to say, this is where I'm going, and here is a blueprint that I need to follow to become that person that has that level of success. That's the only way it works. So let's talk about breaking this down. I want to give you some very tangible takeaways on how to implement that actually. So what are the three key questions for up leveling in your life, right? So let's say you're listening to the show. Thank you very grateful you're here. I love it. I want to share what I have with you. I love it when the lights go on. I love it when you land your plane. I'm going to give you what I know, because my joy comes out of helping you make an impact. So thanks again for being here. So the key questions for self improvement are very, very simple. Number one, you ask yourself, is what you want possible? What's the answer to that? Well, the answer to that's a clear yes. Of course, it's possible. Somebody's already doing it, right? So then, if it is possible for someone else, is it theoretically possible for you? Well, the answer to that is yes, because if it is possible, it's possible it's possible for somebody else. Of course it has to be possible for you. And now the third question now does no longer say, is it possible, but how will it be possible for me? Because then you shift out of the questioning to the action mode, and you're helping your brain figure out the places. Where your brain needs to go to say, how do I now get the information for me and to me that I need to know to become this particular person in that so, is it possible? If it's possible, is it possible for me? If it's possible for me, then the question is not, can I but how can I? Very simple. Now, the next piece after that is, once you know that this is all possible and you want to initiate the change, your self improvement, you look at three different things. Number one, do you have the mindset? Do you actually truly, deeply believe that this is possible for you? If it isn't, that's where you need to start, right here. The next thing is your skill set. Do you have what it takes to get there? That's where people like me come in. That's why I'm the growth architect. That's why I work with a lot of leadership development. Because in order to get to a particular point, in order to run a million, multi million dollar business, you do need to have a particular skill set. You need to know what you're talking about. So what are the things that you need to be skilled in? Strategy, processes, workflows, whatever that sort of might be that comes next. What is the action? Are you actually taking the action, or are you sitting here and you're waiting for something to be happening? Now that's the goal here, really for you, is to look at this if I want to make the change, if I want to constantly improve myself because I don't like where I am at, then I'm gonna ask myself these three questions, is it possible? Is it possible for me? If it's possible for me, then how can i and then how can i goes to do I have the mindset? Do I have the skill set, and am I taking consistent action to do. So that is it? That is how simple it is to constantly improve yourself. Now we talk about, how do we integrate the spiritual and the strategic approach, right? So the goal for me always is, I just had a conversation this morning, and I said that my current brand is kind of like the bad ass grandma. I have a lot of experience in this. I've been an entrepreneur for 40 years, really. And you come to me for shortcuts, because if I have 15 minutes, I'll choose a face time with my granddaughter, who is almost a year old, anytime over some sort of fishing expedition with somebody who wants to find out if there's synergies and collaborations. You come to me. You better know what you're asking me to do, because I'm not gonna do with my time to figure out what you asking me to do for you. That's just ludicrous, right? So this, this bad ass grandma thing that I've been playing with a little bit. And let me know what you think of this idea. I'm actually quite amused by it, and again, some good resonance with it, but haven't really entirely fully committed to it. Sounds kind of old, if you really want to know, but that's a different story. But you want to go in and now say, what's it really why are you really doing it for? So if I am a grandmother, which I am, and I now look at my life, what really matters, like, how do you want to come out of this at the end of it, and how you want to come out of it at the end of it is very simple. You want your children to talk to you. You want your children's children to hang out with you and think you're the coolest person on the planet? You want to make some money. You want to have a partner that still talks to you, that you still want to be intimate with, that you still want to touch as somebody who, who turns out to really, truly love you and to love whom you can love in return, stuff to be able to do together, and adventures and experiences to be had and money to pay for it. I mean, isn't that what, where you want to get out? So if I take the approach which I have, and I say, I'm going to give you the goal, how do you want to arrive here? And then I'm going to reverse engineer the whole thing, I'm going to give you all the different steps on how, what you can do if you so choose to to get this particular point then, and I can guarantee you, if you follow that, that you end up in a place where you actually enjoy what you have. And I truly, truly am so grateful for what I've created for myself, what I've been able to manifest, what I've been able to attract to myself, and of course, there's stuff. Of course there whatever a cash flow issue here, or there's something else here, or there's a conflict, or maybe a fight or a misunderstanding, these are all normal things. That's what's called life. So you can get there and say the journey was awesome. I'm here now. It just keeps getting better and better and better. So in conclusion, so what we were talking about today is the constant need to improve yourself. I choose to make this a solo episode because I really feel that there's a necessity right now to get this message out to you and to connect with you on a really personal level, on some of the things that's been going on in my life, which I've shared, my grandchild, my spiritual journey, and I'm still going through changes. I was on a podcast and it and the hosts were asking me, Is there one thing you want to learn? I said, Oh. One thing my permanent fear in life is that I'm running out of time to learn all the things that I want to learn, because I always want to be better, and that really need to be your litmus test. Your litmus test in life is not, are you satisfied where you are at, but is what you do going to want to make you be better. That is my litmus test for everything in life. Do I want to be better? And I recommend that sort of as a as a little takeaway for today's session, for this episode to say, is this episode making me want to be better, then it was a good episode, then I've done my job. Is the conversation I'm having next? Wanting to make me be better? Am I taking the actions? Do I believe it's possible so that you are always in this constant motion, that you make really this constant self improvement part of your daily habits. And of course, your spiritual practice should go hand in hand with that. My own personal spiritual practice is I listen to a particular type of music that I was listening to when I was in the Ayahuasca journey, because it takes me back into this, into this mindset of spirituality. I do take a particular gummy that creates a BD gummy that takes me in that sort of vibration of my spiritual journey. I meditate almost every day. I use an app called calm. There's a gentleman by the name of Jeff in there, which I think is absolutely amazing. 10 minutes every day is kind of like all you need, not a great meditator, and he just gives me sort of permission to be a messy meditator. And I really, really love that. So that is it for us. For today, I really appreciate you being here. I hope you are taking one or two things away from this particular episode. Put it in the notes, in the comments, reach out to me personally. I reply to an email. If you get one, however, you get a hold of me anywhere on social media and tell me if this made sense to you, and if I hopefully hit a little bit of a point there for you to wanting to be better, and please share this episode with one other person that needs to hear what we were talking about today. We're here to help the world be a little bit better and help people to really figure out what their impact is that they came here to do, and then give them the tools to do that. Thank you so much for being here and until next time and GOODBYE. So appreciate you being here. Thank you so much for listening to the entire episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, give us a five star, review a comment and share this episode with one more person, so that you can help us. Help more people. Thank you again, until next time. Goodbye.

Introduction of Business Growth Architect Show
Discussing the connection between happiness, health, and success
Understanding the need for self-improvement and how to overcome challenges
How to Get Comfortable With the Process of Self-Improvement and What to Expect
How Can You Integrate Spirituality and Strategy
Explore the key questions for self-improvement and achieving personal growth
Why Constant Self-Improvement Matters