Nerdout & Workout Podcast

Pain Is Not Your Identity: How Progressive Motion Is Changing Physical Therapy

Hyper Strong Productions Episode 83

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Joey and Josh from Progressive Motion share their holistic approach to physical therapy and movement optimization through their "three Rs" methodology: Reset, Reorganize, and Reload. They discuss how they've evolved their practice to address both the physical and psychological aspects of pain and recovery.

• Progressive Motion has grown from a small therapy practice to a comprehensive movement facility with multiple locations
• Their "Motion Collab" networking events bring together health and wellness professionals to build community in the Bay Area
• They approach clients as complex puzzles, looking beyond the site of pain to find interconnected issues
• Pain is an experience, not an identity—they work to eliminate limiting beliefs about diagnoses
• Breath work serves as an entry point to regulating the autonomic nervous system and managing pain
• They use test-retest methods to show clients immediate improvements and build trust
• Working with professional athletes like Jeremy Lin has expanded their reach internationally
• Plans for a new 7,000-square-foot high-performance facility will bring their team together in one location

Join Progressive Motion for their next Motion Collab event on March 28th featuring Claire Frank and Roshana Moss, focusing on movement and mental performance coaching.

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Speaker 1:

What's up everyone. It's Coach Austin here with the Nerd Out and Workout Podcast, where we nerd out workout and podcast, and today I have Joey and Josh from Progressive Motion. They are back on the show you actually have been watching and listening for years. They were actually part of our initial season and I'm very excited to have them back. Welcome, guys.

Speaker 2:

Hey, thank you, Austin.

Speaker 1:

A little bit of an intro, all right, so they have. It's called progressive motion. It used to be called progressive motion therapy.

Speaker 2:

Physiotherapy or physiotherapy.

Speaker 1:

Now it's just PM, yeah.

Speaker 2:

PM progressive motion.

Speaker 1:

And then you guys go by the three R's, that's what I know?

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 1:

Let me try it. Let me try it Reset, reorganize, reload.

Speaker 3:

Bam, where is it? Where is? Where's my logo 3R? Where's my logo?

Speaker 1:

3R, let's go. So the way these gentlemen approach their clients is when a client's going through pain. They treat the client as a huge puzzle and they're going to figure out muscle, joint, ligaments, bone. They're going to find that piece and connect it all together so you, if you are their client, can optimize. I'm mumbling my words, but you can move better and live more life. That's, I hope, to God. I got that right, but you let me know if I actually hit that.

Speaker 2:

Heck, yeah man. You hit it, you hit it, you hit it.

Speaker 1:

Well, welcome guys. Thank you guys for coming out. So what you guys been up to.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, we've been continuing to dive into books, just trying to hone the actual hard skill set of being a physio and just helping out build out the educational side of our system. So definitely been in the books and the educational books to the business books, trying to master all the stuff of leadership which me and Joey have been on that journey. It's like trying to lead yourself but now trying to also lead people to the goal, the, the, the goal. So it's, it's been quite a journey man in that regard, for sure that's good, what else?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I mean with the clinical side and the coaching side, like there's. There's so much that we we also need to answer from the brand marketing side, right? Because for us, being in this industry, while it makes sense to us, there's a lot of people out there that don't even know that this is for them, and so the thing that we have been putting a lot of focus on is, you know, how can we start telling more stories so that the stories are the, I would say, the intersecting connective tissue to someone else that needs to hear this message and see that this is for them, right? And so it's just been a long pursuit of just like learning more about marketing. What are we actually promising as a brand? What's our vision, mission and how are we showing up as a company? And that leads down the whole another rabbit hole to how do we one do it for ourselves as leaders, so that we can better communicate our ideas to our staff, so that they can find meaning with it, with it for themselves.

Speaker 2:

So it's a hard one man that's a hard one multi-pronged approach not only keep the team motivated, but also motivate the clientele to hit the goal. So it's been cool.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's part of the journey, oh yeah, and you guys have been doing these networking events. You guys hosted one here. Yeah, uh, it's called the motion collab yep how's that going? What? What's the overall mission so far with that?

Speaker 3:

yeah well, the collab man, we took quite a break um our last one we did last august with jeremy lynn.

Speaker 2:

We did many collabs though. Oh, we did. So we did many collabs we did do many collabs.

Speaker 3:

uh, last big one we did was in august with jeremy and grant betcher. But then we did many-collabs where people on our staff will host, just like a mini one, where, again, very low touch point in regards to it's not really a ticket, it's just like let's all show up here and it's allowing people to do some networking in smaller venues. But again, our mission with that is a way to intersect networking and education but bring this big old area of the Bay all together in different regions so that we can actually connect with and share resources.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, no, that was. That was one thing we realized when we we do a lot of coursework down South and they have like a tight community there, man, so it's like we're like what the heck? We come up here and we don't even know the PT down the street. So it was like the goal of it was to bring like the whole health and wellness field together, the network and learn together too, because we're bringing some pretty cool speakers so it's been working.

Speaker 3:

It also is recruit yeah, yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's been nice because I think we have, like what, 10 coaches now between yeah, part-time, full-time. Uh, seven of them. Seven of them in some way shape or form came through a motion collab event, so that's the that's the beautiful thing right.

Speaker 3:

So even for people that haven't pulled up like you should, if you use it with intention, you'll meet a lot of people that you can attract into your business, and we're not shy about giving people and deploying that permission to show up to do it. For that reason too, because what's been cool is like if people exude any interest into our company, we'll just say pull it to our next collab and we don't need to speak about our culture. You can feel our culture so beautiful, and so then it engages a better conversation. It's, it's been easier on our part, so we fed out yeah, dude.

Speaker 1:

no, because I noticed some people from the last event and then I noticed with people you brought on, I'm like, oh, I remember that guy.

Speaker 3:

I was like oh, that massage therapist.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they brought him Okay good. No, that was good. Vicky Erica's right here.

Speaker 1:

No no no, no, because he was like. I remember seeing him and he was just kind of, you know, you could tell people was like man. I see what you guys are doing. This is really good. And with that you mentioned you said SoCal, right. Or you said down south. Yeah, down south they're more connected.

Speaker 1:

I just noticed, not just like physiotherapists, like personal in the training space, in the recovery space, any of those coaches in general, they like know each other, they like I mean like they hang out or they they kind of know each other already. But here in the Bay area it's so like, yeah, I don't know that person or you know, like we're not as connected here versus SoCal, and SoCal is so much bigger. You know what I mean. So that's what interests me out too, like it is definitely more of a community vibe down South in the Bay area it very like oh, you're, you're in san jose, I'm in, I'm in palo alto. It's like, oh, well, okay, but um with you. So you're taking a break from the collab, um, well, we have one coming oh please explain ready march 28th march 28th.

Speaker 3:

That's a big one with our two mentors. So claire, frank, as if you landed on our page every Friday Claire's all over it right. She's a badass. She's heavily influenced everything that we do, so always going to highlight her.

Speaker 3:

But the cool part about her is we're intersecting this collab with Roshana Moss, who's our individual performance coach, mental performance coach but she also teaches mindset workshops every month for our team so that our team is deployed with the resources to understand who they are as a person and see how that intersects with the vision of pm. Or, if not, they'll find they'll probably find their way outside of the company whoa it's good stuff. We just want people lined up there.

Speaker 2:

I always say, man, you can tell like you want to know that somebody is working on themselves, so that they can help you work on yourself. I mean, that's so. It's always like. I always say, man, you can tell like you want to know that somebody is working on themselves so that they can help you work on yourself I mean that's so.

Speaker 2:

It's always like I always say you know, when somebody's been punched in the face too, and you'd be like all right, I respect it's true, you kind of know when someone's gone through, yeah, gone through it tell me what to do yeah yeah, but yeah, you're kind of going well, it's also you're.

Speaker 1:

You're asking people to kind of develop in this journey and fight through a lot of they're. They're facing adversity and you're there to guide them. And if you're a super green person who's never been through adversity, what is that?

Speaker 3:

you know what I mean, like that so no, that's, that's a great point.

Speaker 1:

And where is this at? Where's the? Where's the colab at it's?

Speaker 3:

gonna be a san carlos, um, one of our subleased locations maximum performance, Nice and so it's going to be a good one. March 28th it's in the evening and so, yeah, we'd love to have you out there, man. Friday it's a Friday night. Yeah, that's been what's been working for us. Yeah, I think you know we've gone back and forth, but it's just been consistently hitting on that Friday night.

Speaker 1:

Six on that Friday night, six o'clock yeah, so Friday March 28th at six.

Speaker 2:

I will try. We'll have links for the bio on that one. Oh yeah, I'll put in the show notes. I'll put the links.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, give me the links. I'll put in the show notes so people can talk about it. But do people need it? What can they expect? I know you kind of broader term of it, but what can the person who's never been doing this? Who are you trying to reach out to and why should they come out?

Speaker 2:

So, like I was saying, originally it was almost like healthcare providers coming together network, but we've opened it up to our clients, to anybody that is curious about movement and health. So, ultimately, anybody who's curious about moving better, anybody that's curious about the mental performance sides and what frameworks are out there, are welcome. Whoever wants to grow, whoever wants to improve that motion.

Speaker 3:

Collab candidate that's an important part right there, like you have to kind of crave growth and have curiosity about expanding, um, I guess expanding your mind into something that might be new. And that's kind of our strategy in in wedging mental performance, movement, because I think it's widely accepted that we need movement. Right, there's gyms, there's training centers. We all know we need to move. I believe since COVID it's definitely trended up. We're all talking about meditation now and mental performance, mental health, self-care. I think it's becoming more accepted, but I still don't think it's something that people are truly seeking, seeking out right, and so by us wedging, which I think is really the meat of everything um, we're putting it with something like people that are more accepting of movement. So we're going to put mental performance here and then they're going to realize that roshan is going to drop the hammer on certain things a lot of people kind of overlook mental performance.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's like no, I just gotta wake up at 4 am and run, but you don't know. But that that's a great approach that you guys are having. Um, how was the last one?

Speaker 3:

the last one.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, the. How was the last motion collab?

Speaker 3:

how was that experience?

Speaker 1:

oh man, because that was like a big one because you had, you had, you had jeremy lynn right yeah, I mean, I've never.

Speaker 3:

I've never. Uh, what do you call that? I was.

Speaker 2:

We did a fireside chat what do you call that like guiding, or like what you're doing right there um guiding the conversation?

Speaker 3:

we did a fireside chat with him, with. It was just yeah, just me and him. We did.

Speaker 1:

We had a conversation over 40 minutes, yeah did you like train him though, like, or you helped him out?

Speaker 3:

yeah, but I've never guided a conversation on stage with like 120 people.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, it gets a lot. I was nervous.

Speaker 3:

but you know, I mean we would never look back and be like damn, that would have happened, you know. And so it was amazing to see all the different people. We had, like you said, 120, 150 people there. We collaborated with Esface Dele AAU basketball group. He's the one that he basically threw us the assist at J-Lin, so you know it was only right to collab with him on that. And then his brother, tunde from Street Code Academy, had an EPA. He was a part of that event too, and so that's beautiful, bro. I mean this is kind of I always call like the collabs. It's like a little spiritual bumps for myself and Josh, because you know right now the way the business is set up we're all separate, we're all in silos, and for me it's like man, those are the spiritual bumps that just give me like continued hope, that like all right, we're doing the right thing.

Speaker 1:

man. No, you know I do want to come to the events but, like you know, I have like my little baby. But like I watch you guys on social media and it's killing it, dude. Like the way it you may have been nervous, but the way it looked like it looked like you were just owning it on stage with Jeremy Lynn, dude, now it was so good it's, it's an inspiring thing and I want you to hear that because it's great. You're inspiring me as a business owner, like I'm always trying to.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, you guys are doing brick by brick and that's how that's kind of like that focus too. It's like, dude, I got to do it brick by brick, cause cause, even though you're in separate silos, as long as you're bringing that connection, you know, home isn't a place, it's like a people, right. So that's With the type of clientele you're serving now. What's the typical clientele you're serving now? Who is in need of your services? You can say everyone, but who is the typical person, individual? Where are they at in their own personal journey and where do you help them out at?

Speaker 2:

We almost have three buckets of clientele that come to see us. We have the high-level athlete that just wants to perform better, recover and maybe definitely has to make some pains that we work through. We have the weekend warrior that just wants like me and Joey. I don't want to call ourselves weekend warriors, though.

Speaker 3:

We're daily Modified athletes.

Speaker 1:

Modified Hybrid Hybrid athletes Hybrid, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Still getting after it. There you go so terrible, working out and creating programs for them. And then the last one's almost like the person that didn't even know they needed it, like the stay-at-home mom that just wants to be able to have no shoulder pain while holding the baby. Um, they come and see us. Then we convert them into athletes, because you're a lifelike athlete if you're living.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's true I think the big part of it too, like within those buckets, like we're attracting people that have been kind of held back or frustrated with their current state, and I think our job is like this is the thing that we've been kind of encouraging with our team.

Speaker 3:

It's like it's beyond training, it's beyond physio, it's beyond chiro, it's beyond mental performance, it's it's getting people to understand the current limitations that they're experiencing and the thoughts that are around. That Our job is to spark curiosity so that they can actually think about beyond what they thought was possible for them. Right, and so with that comes understanding the person. But in order to understand the person, you got to go deeper into like understanding yourself, and that's why we're just like constantly trying to figure out, like damn, how do we help ourself All the conversations we've had internally? But then we're also like man, how do we better be better leaders to help our staff understand that, so that the person on the other side that's receiving that help has an opportunity to do so. And so we're just trying to go deeper and deeper and deeper in the layer, because it's it goes deep, tiring, like I've gotten to a point now.

Speaker 2:

I got into a point now where it's like, yeah, there's the physiological adaptions that occur with training, which is 100, yeah, but I almost look at it as as the movements of vehicle for providing hope. Again, it's it's the belief systems that are broken by lifting the heavier weight that matter more than lifting the heavier weight itself.

Speaker 1:

I know man, I'm talking about home dealer.

Speaker 2:

I know, and that's where the SEDS principles, the specific adaptions to apply, demands, man, as you go up in weight, your confidence goes up with the weight and then suddenly your beliefs like cause, perceptions, reality, what you think you feel, it's all Tony Robbins stuff.

Speaker 1:

And what is the most common thing you see with people that you're taking in? Like what? What has gotten them to a point to reach out to you guys?

Speaker 2:

a lot of it. We are kind of the a lot of times the last resort because we're out of network. Okay, so they've been through the grind of kind of the cookie cutter approach. The TheraBand exercises that's not using SEDS principles. A diagnosis becomes their identity. That's a big one. My shoulder has a torn labrum I could never throw again, or something. Or my low back has degenerative disc. No, I see that, yeah, and your belief becomes your truth.

Speaker 3:

And the problem is the system that it's curated in, right, because they go in with good intention and this is no hit on. You know where people will typically go when they have pain? They'll go to the general physician, right? It's not a bad thing, it's just. We're in the field of specifics within movement, right, that's our specialty, field of specifics within movement. Right, that's our specialty. And when we have that as our vehicle and helping someone, we can look at a diagnosis. But then really, what? What our responsibility is is to use our assessment to look at the pieces that we can manipulate. And what can we do to manipulate, to help change that experience that they're dealing with in their body now, whether or not it changes the actual pathology of it right.

Speaker 2:

The data points show us, like what is some crazy number, 70 percent of pitchers have torn labrums without symptoms, like if you look at the low back degenerative disc, which is a common one that people always tell me like, oh, my back's bad, I got degenerative disc, which it is a normal process of healing, but doesn't mean you have to be identified as somebody degenerative disc, that you have pain now and you can never get back to the things you want to do. And that's where our two fields are so beautiful from a sense of training and and physio, the the end game is progressive over it's the strategic frame, uh, uh, roadmap to get them to the goal, like yeah yes so it's like the gradual load.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, so you know, you know, go ahead. No, I think that's where people get lost. Yeah, that's why we're still learning every day. We're trying to we're in a mentorship right now and it's like helping people with a map so that they actually know where they are and then where they're actually headed, so that it almost like disarms them from the fear. And that's like the big thing is, how do we disarm people from the fear of not being what they want to be? Because, like our own and I won't speak for josh, but like the journey of like not hooping for like three years during this build like what the fuck did I do that for? Like all right, let's get curious now like what really was it that didn't allow you to play? And so you just go down a rabbit hole of like oh damn, that was just like all my choices that led up to it. You know that's human behavior, deep beliefs, yeah no, it's true.

Speaker 1:

I mean and that's what I was gonna ask you is like, how do you get someone out of that rut of? And you just explain part of it, but someone who says I have low back, I have low back issues, I can't do this ever. How do you break them out of that? Someone listening to this right now that I have low back pain?

Speaker 1:

I it's all the time and no matter what I did, no matter what I was taught, it's never going away. I don't want to do surgery. How do you get them out of that and what do you start with? I think number one.

Speaker 2:

It's like stepping back and breaking the belief around, at least the diagnosis, like starting to show them, like here's the data that does a little bit of getting the layer off. But the real deal is trying to change the perspective of what success looks like into actual skill attainment. Meaning, if somebody hinges horrible and has low back pain, if I make their hinge better, they're going to have less low back pain. But we have to switch their, their belief system around. Like the goal is reduce pain each session to did I improve the skill which is ultimately going to give them the pain relief. So that's one. So we have to like re, kind of set the beliefs around what progress looks like and what kpi like what key performance indicators they're going to pay attention to. And then, yeah, and through the sessions of teaching them with the load, it's like you're proving the proof of product as you go up in the weight, right? So then the belief gets stronger and stronger.

Speaker 2:

So it's skill acquisition is where our goal is. But we meet them where they're at. They come in for pain. We have to really make sure that we what's the word? Appreciate that and hear them out on that, but gradually pull them towards the skill acquisition, which then confidence goes up. Look what I'm doing now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a big one. The the word, because I think this is where I messed. I actually, you know, it's funny. Like I think I told you about an old client, I posted a picture of me and josh from 2017, when we got our first table, and it was, yes, it was just after like a messaging thing that we did and I just needed a little bump of a spiritual bump first wins man yeah but I I bring that up because an old client brought up the fact that, like hey, I used to work with you and I totally remember her.

Speaker 3:

Um, she brought up the fact that I used to work with her and she had chronic back pain and it actually during the time like it just lingered, you know, her back pain it didn't actually get better and she goes. I realized that it was because I wasn't doing my work, like I literally wasn't doing the work that you were encouraging me to do. But then I I kind of reframed it for her, like, hey, I probably wasn't a good enough coach for you if you didn't actually see the value in it. So for that it's like looking back at all these years and still to this day I still struggle with it.

Speaker 3:

At Like, how do I get people to see the value in what we're providing, whether it be the manual work or the exercises? But at the end of the day, like Josh said, it's hope. Like, how do we instill the hope so that it disarms the fear system, so they can actually learn how to receive the information? And then, like, prove it, like meaning, go through movements that change that experience of maybe if they so, maybe, if you touch your toes right now and you have back pain and it hurts, if we did a series of movements and skills, did that change that experience within a matter of a 45-minute session? If it did, and you had this pain for five years, isn't that crazy that we can change an experience in 45 minutes? That's a key distinction. We will call it out in the fact that, like, hey, this is short term, but what you're seeing is is an amazing ability of the body to reorganize itself. That's the cool part.

Speaker 2:

So now it's a matter of how do we yeah, long-term change yeah, and also individual, like getting individuals to realize that pain is an experience. Man, it's not. Pain equals like one plus two or injury equals pain. I always describe it like the bucket of water, right. It's like if you strain train, we give you a big ass bucket, right, a bigger bucket's the goal, right, the strain training. But we also need to remember we needed to do recovery strategies, stress related reduction, like breath work type stuff that dumps some of that water out. So I always say like from training and pt's perspective, we have two entry points we could dump that water out and then give them a bigger ass buggy, oh wow that's the secret sauce right there.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that's so. You hear them out, you identify what they've been going through and then you make them feel heard and then you start guiding them to what they think is. I just need relief from this pain, but in actuality, is you need to start building or rebuilding this skill so you can start having this confidence, so you don't even think about you being in pain anymore because you can do more things.

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah, that's why the map is so important now, because then, as you know, anytime we learn new subjects, like little, like an overview where we're headed, it's kind of nice, right. Yeah, so that when you're in the, when you're in the crap of learning something, you're like why am I doing? This? Yeah, exactly exactly why am I? Why am I? This is stupid, yeah why do?

Speaker 1:

why do I have to push out your finger with my diamond? No, really, like it's true, because it's social media, right, like especially in what the recovery space is always like the coolest, the sexy looking stuff and and from what I've noticed from your guys's content, it's really like it's focused. One of the biggest things that we're standing out was where you were one of the first guys I was watching about doing breath work. Like breath work was always been there.

Speaker 1:

But I remember, man man, back when you guys started posting all your stuff, you guys were really emphasizing it and I was like this is not parasympathetic and sympathetic, nervous and like no one really talks about that, and that's what you guys actually triggered me to like really look into that stuff, because I've learned it, but I'm never like I can breathe, like you know, but like going into it i'm'm like, oh, it makes sense. So how do you introduce that to a client?

Speaker 2:

or client. It's way easier now because everybody's bought into the breath work. But just side fact really quick Our breath is one of the only entry points into controlling the nervous system that we can't control consciously, which is called the ANS, the autonomic nervous system, which you'll get the fight or flight, sympathetic, and then the rest, or digest, which is parasympathetic. And what's funny is if we hang out too much and sympathetic, which is like the fight, go, go, go, coffee celsius, let's go you end up in you're not in recovery state. So you end up in this chronic, non-recovered state and actually pain is higher when you're in a sympathetic state. So yeah, that's why breath work, not only from a standpoint of the nervous system, why it's important to bring down for the ANS, but it's also important because we breathe. What?

Speaker 1:

15,000 times a day or something 22,000 times a day, that's a lot of reps. Yeah, and if you're, that's a lot of reps.

Speaker 2:

And you got to think if you're trying to do cleanings but using your biceps to do the cleaning all day now, suddenly, why is my bicep hurt? We could correlate that to why my neck hurt when I breathe, because you're lifting up your rib cage like a deadlift instead of your diaphragm like neck, like it's literally neck, breathing right, you're just using.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're supposed to use it when you're accessory breathing, meaning when you're like doing something at higher intensity, sure, but not all day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh it's, it's amazing. So, yeah, I would go back to your question. It is easier now because of social media and and the the drive of mental health and breathing and meditation, um, but it's almost like you got to prove it. It seems like now it's like do the drill and then show proof of the outcome. And there you go Test, retest.

Speaker 3:

That's an important part right there. Just do that because I I think when we were for, definitely for me when I first learned it, I think I was also still trying to understand conceptually, like why are we doing it? So I would talk it out and it would sometimes overwhelm the client. Honestly, it just would it overwhelmed them. And then I'm like sitting back like okay, I know it's valuable, but then I just realized I lost them because they don't understand the connection of why am I at their rib cage and pelvis when their neck hurts. So now it's test. The test, retest is a key component of getting someone's buying or trust Not buying, but the trust through a session is test and retest movements to see the validation of a movement changing their experience because you're trying to create a relationship that doesn't start with trust, without trust.

Speaker 1:

And it actually helps with the test and retest because it's like you're showing them exactly how it's happening helps us too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's supposed to happen. It's true, though let's try sometimes not that clean.

Speaker 3:

it's's like damn it All right and what's the?

Speaker 1:

You work with a variety of clients. Now what's the difference with working with high-caliber athletes versus the everyday?

Speaker 2:

Oh man, the everyday. Okay so, high-caliber athletes there's even a range within the high-caliber athletes, but they tend to want to overdo. Yes, oh, really. Yeah, it's almost like you have to reel them back in. It seems like, yeah, it's like. But then the everyday folks. Sometimes it's a little bit of an extra little kick in the butt to get them going.

Speaker 1:

But there's a range in there too. Yeah, there's a range in there.

Speaker 2:

We work with the everyday person. That's like a get after a person Like I. Train this dude every three times a week and the dude's like he gets after it. I'm like. But he's not like a professional athlete, even though the neighbors think he is when he pulls up. I got to tell him that it's a mini after 10. So okay.

Speaker 1:

So we're that. That's that. What are? What are the most common injuries you guys see? What is the most common? Well, what? Let me rephrase that, what is the most common injury that you guys see in the everyday person, versus why? I'm pretty sure it'll like the high caliber athlete, like what is the most common thing that you see?

Speaker 2:

back and neck. Shoulder left, shoulder left, shoulder for the win like just just rotation the bicep longhead, unbeatable man even if the right hand yeah, I know there's something. There's a postural thing probably, or something, but the shoulder, shoulder, neck and back yeah, popular ones oh I thought it was.

Speaker 1:

I thought it would be like that's really interesting. It's's just a little low back or knees, but the left shoulder is so specific.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's interesting. Well, just notice, like just from a standpoint of our posture right, most of us have a depressed right shoulder. If you look in the mirror and it creates like a pattern around that, that puts maybe more risk factor on the left, but then there is overuse of the right. If you're right-handed, that that puts maybe more risk factor on the laptop, but then there is overuse of the right. If you're right, do you have?

Speaker 1:

any crazy stories of, like your hardest client you worked with I knew I was going to that was like, yeah, you go first you go, first.

Speaker 3:

I knew I was going to get a reaction. Well, there's a lot, man I think oh man, I got one.

Speaker 1:

No, you have to have like. There's always that one client you're like never.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're like professional athletes.

Speaker 1:

Don't identify him, but you can just talk about it.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna go that route, but I'll go. Yeah, I have someone that you know we've been seeing for quite some time. This lady is an amazing person, um, and it's funny how you also, as a coach evolve through time. But the person you know, I think in the depending on the belief systems around what this physical therapy experience is supposed to be, it's like, oh, you're supposed to fix me, but it's far from the truth. Now for us, right? It's like we have no responsibility in fixing anyone. Our job is to empower people, to put them in position to do the work and then get a new result, right?

Speaker 3:

Yes, and so I'm not going to go too much into specifics, but it's revolving around the idea of a person putting the responsibility on to just it's and it's so hard it's so hard. So I can't say anyone's crazy per se, it's uh, it's more of. Just he has a lot of uh interesting, he can speak on more specific.

Speaker 2:

No, it is. They could like people coming in that are so set on their beliefs around what they need gets tough. Yeah, because then you're fighting uphill battle, um, and then also the ones that don't trust the process that it's not happening fast enough, jump around from system to system and then try and tell you to do the system that they're just dead. And it's like happening fast enough. Jump around from system to system and then try and tell you to do the system that they're just dead and it's like why don't you just go to that system? Then? Hey, I know what it is now.

Speaker 2:

I got a person. Now it's years, years ago, it's a years ago. But it makes you like when somebody is elite. And then it makes you like when they're thinking, telling you all these things, like you start even believing. So it's like being strong as a coach too, because it's easy for them to influence, especially if they're coming from a level that's like, oh man, you're elite, so true yeah so hold strong and believe who you like and trust in yourself and your process yeah, I think.

Speaker 3:

Well, he said he. I mean, he brings up a really good point, right, because when you work with people that have been through it too they've been through also that means they've probably been through a lot of coaches and you have to respect the fact that they have a wide perspective of what this is supposed to be. And so I think the true skill is like navigating those waters and not knocking down the sandcastle, right, or what their belief systems are, but finding ways to give them a new perspective, and that's, I think, think, that comes with wisdom.

Speaker 3:

Now, yeah we're a little older now.

Speaker 2:

I think the other one too. There's a little bit of a psychological thing too. It was a weird.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that one, that one yeah, but I'm yeah, I'm just talking about, like you know, navigating, you know, even professional athletes and respecting that like, and they're coming in with a strong belief on what this is supposed to be too, and and so, like you said, you got to believe in what you're offering too, because that has to come with conviction, because that conviction people can feel. I think that's part of what I don't know. I guess me and Josh moved with and as far as our energy in the beginning stages, it was like there was just so much conviction in what we were offering. We tried not to overset too much of what the things that we weren't too confident in.

Speaker 3:

But we just stay convicted in our own belief and try to give that to the person as much as we can always good, with good intention, you know.

Speaker 1:

so, oh, that's solid, that's, that's, that's great. And I wanted to kind of dive into the difference with you guys versus the traditional sense you kind of touched on it already like the traditional path of hey, you're supposed to make me feel better, because that's majority of people that come in right like they think about a physical physiotherapist, physical therapist, they're going to come in, they're going to get these like exercises, and then they're going to or ice and stim and all that stuff. Like what's the difference when they're walking in with you guys? Because I think that's the most interesting part of what you guys provide is that when I, when I did my service with you, it was very different from when I went to like Kaiser or I went into like a regular doctor you know what I mean Taking my insurance, like you guys actually took your time and there was a process, and so I would love for, like our listeners, to understand what that difference is process, and so I would love for, like our listeners, to understand what that difference is.

Speaker 2:

I think a big one just off the top. The rest of the models, like from an educational standpoint, are catching up to this holistic approach. But that's where we thrive because that's where we've been for 10 years. It's your shoulder doesn't hurt because the shoulder, the shoulder, shoulder, swelling symptoms, it's not the side of the problem, it's like the mid-back, the, the, the spine, like the rib cage, mobility, um, it's a holistic approach that we look at. So, um, improving things that are away from the side of pain, that then could reduce the stress at that area. I always think of it like a corporation.

Speaker 2:

One guy's not doing his job, the rest of people work harder and get pissed off right, so we gotta make the other guys do their job no, it makes, they're okay there it is and I would say the human side, like joey probably touch on that yeah, because I'll speak for my specific story.

Speaker 3:

From my own knee, I remember, just trying to get back to hoop right, started feeling good, man. I was like, oh man, feeling good in the weight room, loading up a good amount of weight, starting to get a little elastic again, you know, after a while not moving that way. Yeah, then I went to go play ball and I played ball for two hours and at the time is jeremy's uh, strength coach, josh fan. I worked with him for a couple years and he goes bro, you haven't played ball in how long and you're gonna spike your workload by hours. And was that a knee issue or is that a me issue? That was a me issue.

Speaker 3:

That was a choice. That was not a smart choice, but it just made me feel in my soul of how much I needed to also help people see things in a different lens. Right, because you can get so discouraged by going out and playing ball for two hours and think that all the work that led up to that was a waste of time. Because, like, what am I doing all this for? But really it was just a poor choice. Maybe I should have hooped for like 30 minutes and it would have been a great day, so it was just a poor choice in my behavior.

Speaker 3:

And so to Josh's point, the human aspect of it is probably one of the most important things that we need to make sure we are appreciating, because a lot of us are making, I would say, self-destructive choices at times. Right, we may not be executing on certain things, and that's our job to build a relationship with someone so that they're vulnerable enough to share things that we may be able to catch. That might be hindering the progress too. To share things that we may be able to catch, that might be hindering the progress too.

Speaker 1:

That's a beautiful thing, because now you're you're actually humanizing the human of like hey man, this is you. Hey girl, this is you. Like you can. It's up to you to get to where you need to go, and it just starts by one choice at a time. I think that we are. That's great Cause. Yeah, it's really easy to overlook that. I mean two hours of balling, after how long? What?

Speaker 3:

was it? I wasn't competing at all, I got excited.

Speaker 1:

Do you ball now still, or are you in a league?

Speaker 3:

I was in a league, but I play with my family. Try to go once a week. It's not too crazy right now. I got hurt. Actually a year ago today, I got pinned between two big-ass dudes pit rope and I hyperextended my elbow right before my Taiwan trip and from there I was like I'm going to chill on a leap for now. So I started hooping with people that know how to control their body a little bit better, versus people just throwing their shit at you. So it's been fun man, just playing with a bunch of my nephews.

Speaker 1:

And it's been fun, man, just playing with a bunch of you know my nephews and it's been fun.

Speaker 3:

So it kind of reignited your love for hooping again, right like just love for living, bro like competition and joy, man, like it's something that you know we've been just this, this pursuit, you know it can it can cost you in ways that you know you don't even see coming. Um, and you just want to make sure. Just, I'm just trying to reground man every step of the way through here it is wild.

Speaker 2:

You know this too. When you do something you love again for the first time in a long time, it's almost like tears. It's like, oh my gosh, I forgot how good this felt, why did I stop? But then it's like life responsibilities, and that's what we tell clients too. So, going back to clients, it's like non-negotiable time has to be set aside, man, because we're all on our way like this. We're all down here. Do you want to be down here going that way, or up here?

Speaker 1:

you better talk to austin if you want to be up here I went to the gym today like 4 3 in the morning because I was like, yeah, like I gotta, I gotta get it in. But it's like that time for yourself, right, but to your point of like re, re, reliving something that you used to do, like when I coach football, I get to sometimes, when we don't have enough players, I'm like, hey, I'll play quarterback, I'll play, I'll play running back, and I'm just like dicing it up. But after a while I'm like, oh, my knees, oh, I, I see now, how did I do this for five hours a day? But no, it the day, but no, it does make you kind of want to like man, you're like living life.

Speaker 1:

When you're just moving, you're just like oh man, I used to be doing, do this, um, how was? How was the taiwan trip? Like you?

Speaker 2:

guys, that's epic man. We got to work with the team over there yeah, how did that go like?

Speaker 1:

how does basketball work in taiwan? Uh? What, what part yeah everything, because I didn't, I didn't know like the league, the, the whole thing, like what did you see? It seemed like you guys were like vips, like everywhere.

Speaker 3:

It was fun. It was fun, man, because so how it all started was I think it's important to get a little context because, like started working with um, so jeremy wanted to work with us, but then there was a little bit of a conflict of interest with just who he was working with, because he didn't want to step on anyone's toes, right. But then he's like you got to work with my mom. I was like hell, yeah, let's go. And so he ended up watching, and then three sessions were in and I finally was like man, I just want an opportunity to share. I'm not going to act like this is going to happen again.

Speaker 3:

So I was like Jay, you got anything that's going on? Like I'd love to just share the work, you know. And so he's like, yeah, yeah, so lower back stuff and chronic stuff, you know. And eventually he just shared for 15 minutes, then it became 30. Then it became, hey, can you, can you down to just do a day and then two days. And then we we basically agreed that we don't want any money from him, like don't pay, because what we value is your insight, because of what we're building, what we believe in, and um, I say all this to say at the end of the, that first off season, I was like I'm not, I'm also not gonna act like this is gonna to happen again. He shot his shot man yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I said Jay is it cool if I watch a game in Taiwan? Yo? I'll watch a game and he's like you, sure you want to go, and then I let a day go by and go.

Speaker 2:

hold on, I want to bring the team, bring my wife.

Speaker 3:

Bring my team, josh, you trying to go, and so ended up being like, okay, let's go. And then, okay, videography and photography, they're down to go. Jeremy offered and this this is this says a lot about jay. Like he said, if you guys want to get content, bro, like you, go ahead and bring people done yeah, and so beautifully done.

Speaker 3:

So we ended up going to taiwan as a family, um, and that was like a dream come true. To be quite honest, like bro, like we never thought pm would take us all the way out of the country like that, and it was just such an amazing experience. And it just so happened that he actually was hurt during that time. So instead of actually watching him play, we got to work.

Speaker 3:

So we got to work, and he said it himself if it wasn't for that trip, he would have never flew me out in May to help during the playoffs. So blessing in disguise, bro, bro, like that's why you just try to shoot our shot when we can, and let's do it with good intention. I mean, that's the true opportunities there, I mean dude, that's great.

Speaker 2:

Most of us would be like oh, I don't want to bother him with that, of course but I mean to recognize that and to believe in yourself.

Speaker 1:

That's man, taiwan. How, what, how was it? How was the food like?

Speaker 2:

how was everything? Oh, my god, it was. It was a trip, man. Taiwan was a trip because first we had jet lag, but it was weird, I'd be wide awake at 3 am. We would work with the team in the morning, like so it felt like two for every one day. It was two days because we would be. Yeah, it was weird, we would treat in the morning like they would have all the like what we had, like five or six players that would roll through. I never worked with NBA Basketball. Guys are huge man.

Speaker 1:

I'm working with this guy.

Speaker 2:

A lot of them are NBA guys that came over too, yeah, their foot's that big.

Speaker 2:

I'm like seriously, oh man. Oh man, he was like this. Really it was weird. There's pictures You'll see. You'll see there's pictures. You check our page. They're good shots. So we would do that. It would be like four or five hours of kind of helping out and then observing practice and then from there we would have actually our family time where we would go and eat the food and I'm not like big on seafood, so it was like an experience. But he got me to try a few things.

Speaker 1:

But I'm going to do dumplings dumplings are good, the food's really good cheap too.

Speaker 2:

It was like 30 bucks to feed like 15 of us man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's crazy but, but this is where I got my rude awakening. A year, it was actually a year ago. Two days ago, we landed back in the us, I think two or three days ago, and my homie who came to the trip Albert, so he's a friend from Seattle he, him and his um ex came and we were um there and he sent me a picture. He goes or he goes. Do you know what today is? I go uh, it was my wedding anniversary last week and then I go. But I have a feeling you have something else on the other side of this text and he sent me a screenshot. Bro, it was the first and only time I experienced gout oh yeah, did you see that in my picture?

Speaker 1:

no, I'll show it to you later okay.

Speaker 3:

So how it went? Okay, I treated jay like the day, the day that, like before we left all right, this is like 5 pm treated him and then we had to bounce dude. We had to like get our stuff, gets the airport, the airport. I'm walking in the airport with everyone. I'm like dude, my big toe is feeling hella stiff bro In my head.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh yeah, we walked a lot. No, really, that's what I thought. So I'm like we're in the lounge. I'm like mobilizing my big toe. I'm thinking like, all right, let's see. So I'm like, man, this thing hurts, dude. What the hell? Not even crossing my mind it could be gout. Then I go and get on the plane. So I think it's me Jen Josh Heather, I think. And so I'm like, oh my God, fuck, this hurts. Like my Nike Bomeros felt like they were about to explode.

Speaker 1:

I took off my shoe.

Speaker 3:

He's a big-ass elephant Tight as hell, dude dude, 12 out of 10.

Speaker 3:

pain like you touch it I empathize with anyone that has gout man because like I touch it like this on the skin so, speaking and this is how funny we are as people, right, because when I got hit with it, especially when I got home, I was like, bro, no way, dude, like the hell. I went right right into victim mode. I was like, no, dude, I'm way more healthier than a lot of people. They don't have it. But I was like, nah, dude, look in the mirror. So then that triggered me to um, move forward with our okay, that's just kind of like a sidebar ended up moving forward with my boy, matt manalo to help me but that was from a byproduct of that.

Speaker 3:

But also at that time, josh was inspiring that whole team because he was getting after it with his body, his mind, like you saw the shift in everything he was doing, and so that's part of this whole thing about having a partnership and team. It's like, bro, like we'll have moments like that where I was so embarrassed bro by the way, it was the most instagram engagement I ever got people love to see this. People were throwing the filipino flag.

Speaker 3:

Hey, I welcome your official yeah, so that that changed my life, because I was like all right, I have some changes to make in my life, so it was good it just sneaks up on you like that. Well, I mean, it's probably because we ate a lot of stuff and then we also went out a couple nights. So yeah, probably that so sodium and alcohol? Yeah, probably, yeah, yeah, yeah, so alcohol.

Speaker 1:

It's all good, but maybe that's what I needed though, to shift a little bit.

Speaker 2:

So I'm grateful for it. Now, that was.

Speaker 3:

Bro, Bro Bro. That was very humbling and I don't wish that on anyone.

Speaker 1:

Because I have a few relatives and they said it sneaks up on you, like exactly like you're just chilling, and then all of a sudden it's like why are you chilling bro?

Speaker 3:

We have a jersey pic with Jeremy. I had no pain, bro, no pain. And then 12-hour flight. It felt like I was going to explode the whole flight, oh man so it was pain that whole flight. Yeah, but luckily I'm pretty good at sleeping on planes, so then I was able to knock out, but then the next two, three days were rough man.

Speaker 2:

That's an experience too, being in a little plane for that long, Like big shoulders, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Look at these shoulders and.

Speaker 1:

Jen was like how was the game? How was it watching there and all that.

Speaker 3:

The thing is, during that time none of the players like Jeremy was out and a lot of the main players were out because of injury. So we got to experience it, but it wasn't. I got to feel like VIP.

Speaker 2:

They put me on the court.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that's, it.

Speaker 2:

We're sitting there and then it's like scary they come jumping at the ball.

Speaker 3:

You're like, but it was yeah, and that context was really good, though, like I mean, man, we love I mean, I love hoop, so to me it's, it's always an honor to be able to watch a game.

Speaker 1:

So, no, that's good. And what's next for you guys like, what are you guys working on, if you guys want to share any of that, or what's next for a pm?

Speaker 2:

next, next, next is the mini high-performance facility. It's not mini, though it's not so mini it's 7,000 square feet, wow, yeah. So right now, our model is really like our team is spread to different gyms, like plug-and-play, like if you had a space, we'd plug in a therapist here and be outside. I was in here forever.

Speaker 1:

But no, I know he's down the street. I had to shoot my shot.

Speaker 2:

He's like come on, man, I'll put a tent up for you guys so, yeah, going from the model of being plug and played into now consolidating the team into one place with the ultimate goal of the ease of access of all the different practitioners. So we have Cairo, we have massage, we have trainers, we have physio and now being able to have the client come in the door, the physio, or Cairo, creates the plan of care and then ultimately kind of helps them find who can help them through each stage of the roadmap.

Speaker 3:

So that's where we're heading, yeah, and I think the big part is like because so that's where we're heading, yeah, and I think the big part is like cause, we can keep doing what we're doing, but it wouldn't serve the vision of what we're actually trying to build Right, and I think what I'm excited about personally, like we've been, he's been on the road doing a lot of concierge work. I've been at the Union City Home Lab for four years. I'm, you know, getting to a point where it's like man, I feel like even I need to see the community of what we're creating and I think, if we believe it with that much conviction, I can't wait for the staff to actually see it also at play, and also Josh's clients meeting my clients and everyone else's clients. That community of what we're building.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that little spiritual bump is going to be so, so beautiful to see, because all the work that's gone on in the last, however many years we've been doing this, so from experience, it's not going to be little, to be epic, to be big, because exactly what you're talking about that's how our gym thrives is so-and-so's clients, talks to so-and-so's clients and they start hanging out.

Speaker 1:

Then allso's clients and they start hanging out. Then, all of a sudden, everyone knows each other and now, like we're going to do a Spartan race together just to try to get everyone together, like it's community stuff and that you guys are again bringing your home together, now in a physical space. But it's going to be great, it's going to be you're going to tear up, that's what it is. Because there's times here where I, like the staff, won't know it, I'll walk in and I'll just like I gotta pick up something, but it'll be busy. And then those are the times where, like you know, it's like everything that you worked for, and then you see, like this, your staff and then the clients connecting and it's like, damn, this is great, you know it kind of like, gets you like in the moment.

Speaker 1:

So I'm excited for that for you guys. Uh, where is this? Can you?

Speaker 3:

talk about that. It's not a fish official official.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the greater bay area no, no like okay, okay, good.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm just saying like that's exciting. I know you guys are trying to be all like you know, step by step by it, but I'm excited for you guys because that's a big step. I've seen where you guys were and then when you guys had to pivot, and where you guys are going now. It's an inspiration and again I thank you guys for coming on here and sharing all that. Is there anything else you would like to share with our listeners going through their own journey of trying to feel better about their own pain or what they should do if they feel lost?

Speaker 3:

I have a question actually before that sure, ask me yes. Is there practitioners on this other side of the listeners, or is it mostly like clients? And I think it's a little bit of both, a little bit of both. Can I say something towards the practitioners?

Speaker 1:

You can say whatever you want.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I think I was just talking to Tyson, one of our guys, about our branding and our new pivot Not pivot, but just kind of our stake in the ground of who we are. I was just thinking about what a privilege it is that all all of us here work in the field of movement. Right, because it's pretty widely accepted that we need movement in life, but really it's just a gateway to help someone explore another part of themselves. And I think, as trainers, coaches, to not let that get by you, because I think sometimes, when we're in the grind of it, you could forget about the gift that we actually have and I was talking to Josh about this because they're so focused on growth you get, so sometimes you can lose sight on the appreciation of what we have right in front of your fucking eyes, and I'm guilty of this all the time.

Speaker 3:

I'm so future focused vision, oh my God. But then it's like, oh, like. Look in front of you. And so, to anyone out there that's feeling burnt out in their job, ask yourself an honest question about where you are and if you don't feel like that's serving the greater good for yourself and what you're here to do, challenge yourself to think about another possibility of where you could work, because there are companies out there that want to help you align yourself with what your why is your purpose, and seeing how it intersects with its own mission. So don't forget that. And also, uh, just encouraging encouraging you to keep going so that you can help someone on the other side, yeah, and for the clients.

Speaker 2:

it's a journey, but strength is it is everything. Right, strength training is everything it's, it's what gives us the buffer. So if you don't have a coach, get a coach. Talk to Austin Because they can create the roadmap that can get you to where you need to be. For the strength side of things, because if you strategically load, you won't feel worse. You won't feel worse. You'll feel better and better and better. There may be days where it's a little bit more sore, but if they strategically load you, you're going to get to that goal and get a bigger bucket so you can hold more water and less pain. So the other thing is don't give up. Yeah, a lot of it is a lot of us age, because we stopped doing the things we love. It's like keep moving, keep moving, moving, moving forward don't give up, that's a big one.

Speaker 1:

No, it's very simple. People say it, but no, it's a big deal, it's a big deal. Thank you guys. Appreciate you guys, joey and josh from pm. You guys, where can they find you? Where can people find you? I'll put your links on the show notes, but instagram handles all that.

Speaker 3:

Instagram's good Progressive motion. Progressive motion, our personal yeah, we got all of them. Yeah, all of them actually now. What not Probably more active on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, instagram's pretty active, easier to get a hold of. I think that's what it is now on Instagram, yeah it's just easier, that's good.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to build my following up.

Speaker 1:

There you go, you get it, you get it. Look at daddy, you'll get it, one follower at a time. Good job, good deal, guys. Thank you guys for coming on. This is Coach Austin at Hyper Strength and Conditioning with your Nerd Out and Workout podcast, and we will see you guys later. Keep buying.

Speaker 2:

You do that every time.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, bro, All the time I like that. Thank you guys.

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