Gleaning Mustard Seeds with Jerrie Barber
Jesus told His disciples that faith, like a grain of mustard seed, can move a mountain.
This podcast presents short ideas that bless when the concepts are put into practice and become habits.
Gleaning Mustard Seeds with Jerrie Barber
Maintaining a car and casket fund
Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie
Is your policy to buy things in cash or with credit? Have you thought about moving away from credit and paying cash? How could you get started?
What are the advantages and disadvantages? Do you buy extended warranties?
What is the best way to use our limited resources of time and money?
Website for Braden Parsons Photography
Braden Parsons' email: bradencparsons@gmail.com
When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of this podcast with a friend: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2369804/
If you'd like to discuss your roofing needs, call Jerrie Wayne Barber, II, at 931.628.3390
This podcast is brought to you in conjunction with the Ministry League Network.
Website for Braden Parsons Photography
Braden Parsons' email: bradencparsons@gmail.com
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Fleecy Clouds
Between Preachers
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New Shepherds Orientation
Between Preachers
Comments and criticism: jerrie@barberclippings.com