Gleaning Mustard Seeds with Jerrie Barber
Jesus told His disciples that faith, like a grain of mustard seed, can move a mountain.
This podcast presents short ideas that bless when the concepts are put into practice and become habits.
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am up grieving over dying family and friends and I am in decline physically and emotionally — am up listening to you pod cast episodes. Your piece on contracts being written should be taught in MBA and Law schools
I have not heard you yet say my favorite mustard seed from you : every fuss in churches boil down to : who is going to sit on the right hand
Good morning Jerrie, I just listened to the first episode of your new podcast. I’ll look forward to hearing the rest. Peggy Coulter sent me the link. You and Gail just keep bringing new things into your lives. What great examples you are in continuing to grow, learn, and teach. Barbara Johnson ❤️
Congratulations to you and Gail! I am really enjoying the podcast. Thanks for all you do. I would criticize but I don’t have anything 😀