Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Love a good hunting story? This is the podcast for you. Each episode is a real story told from a real hunter. There may be an occasional name you recognize but for the most part this podcast features average joes just like you! Real guys and girls with real stories about their hunting experiences. Deer, turkey, elk, ducks...if there's a story to be told we will tell it!
Podcasting since 2018 • 240 episodes
Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep. 229 Bobcats, Montana Elk, and The Second Chance Nilgai Hunt with David Miller
Today we get a little bit of everything with our guest! David Miller (not David Nelson! My apologies in the intro for saying Nelson) shares some incredible bobcat hunting stories along with a special Montana elk hunt with his dad. We wrap it al...
Episode 229

Ep. 228 Elk Hunting Mindset, Tactics, and Lessons Learned with Dan Ray
Today I'm joined again by my friend Dan Ray from Utah. Dan and I talk about a lot of lessons we have learned in the elk woods. We dive into some tactics but primarily focus on the attitude and characteristics an elk hunter will need to have a g...
Episode 228

Ep. 227 Jason Jones and Overcoming Obstacles
Today I'm joined by Jason Jones. Jason shares some traditional archery stories and some crazy tough experiences he's had in life. We talk how Jason has overcome obstacles and challenges that he's faced. Check out Jason an...
Episode 227

Ep. 226 Falling Out of a Tree and Then Shooting a Kansas Buck With A Self-Made Longbow- Jacob Silvey
The title kind of describes how crazy of a story this one is today! I'm rejoined by Jacob Silvey of Arkansas, He gives us an update on what's been happening in the woods since last episode (Ep. 174). He's found some success and most recently on...
Episode 226