Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Love a good hunting story? This is the podcast for you. Each episode is a real story told from a real hunter. There may be an occasional name you recognize but for the most part this podcast features average joes just like you! Real guys and girls with real stories about their hunting experiences. Deer, turkey, elk, ducks...if there's a story to be told we will tell it!
Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Ep. 217 Aussie Daniel's Sambar Stag Story- 20 Years in the Making
Travis Williams: Shedding Light Stories
Episode 217
***Correction, I say episode 218...it's 217. My bad. Carry on.***
For 20 years my Australian friend Daniel Mummery has chased Sambar deer and had hoped to take a stag with antlers. And for 20 years, it hasn't panned out. With limited time to hunt and a critter that is very elusive, opportunities have been few and far between. That is...until a couple weeks ago. Daniel comes on to tell the special story and how his 78 year old dad was along for the journey.
Be sure to check out Daniel's YouTube channel and the video here: