Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Love a good hunting story? This is the podcast for you. Each episode is a real story told from a real hunter. There may be an occasional name you recognize but for the most part this podcast features average joes just like you! Real guys and girls with real stories about their hunting experiences. Deer, turkey, elk, ducks...if there's a story to be told we will tell it!
Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Ep. 229 Bobcats, Montana Elk, and The Second Chance Nilgai Hunt with David Miller
Travis Williams: Shedding Light Stories
Episode 229
Today we get a little bit of everything with our guest! David Miller (not David Nelson! My apologies in the intro for saying Nelson) shares some incredible bobcat hunting stories along with a special Montana elk hunt with his dad. We wrap it all up with a nilgai hunt in West Texas. Great conversation and some unique stories!