QSR Uncut
QSR Uncut is a podcast from the editors of QSR magazine—the leading publication for foodservice owners and operators—that discusses the current state and future of the fast-food restaurant industry as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Made for restaurant executives, entrepreneurs, consumers, and leaders, each episode candidly shares expert advice from some of the industry's most insightful leaders.
QSR Uncut
The Meteoric Rise of Taylor Chip, with CEO Doug Taylor
Doug Taylor, founder and CEO of Taylor Chip, a dessert experience company based in Pennsylvania, joins QSR editorial director Danny Klein to discuss how a business that started with a $50 mixer on Facebook Marketplace has evolved into a growth-ready concept with a $25 million valuation. How can you grow a company without investors, debt, or start-up capital? What’s the future of the snack industry? We get into that and a whole lot more.