Christ Community Church Podcast
The Christ Community Church Podcast features weekly teaching from Christ Community Church in Columbus, Georgia, where our mission is to awaken ordinary people to extraordinary life in Christ-centered community. CCC is part of the Free Methodist Church and shares that denomination’s vision of bringing wholeness to the world through healthy biblical communities of holy people multiplying disciples, leaders, groups and churches.
Christ Community Church Podcast
Image Bearers: Created for One Another
Christ Community Church
We are designed for connection—with God and with others. Yet, our sinfulness often disrupts the loving community we were created to enjoy. Thankfully, God calls us back into that community through the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus.
In this message, Pastor Derrick explores Genesis 1 and 2, reminding us that we were never meant to navigate life alone. He identifies seven common barriers that hinder our relationships with others:
Fear & Insecurity
Sinful Nature & Fleshly Desires
Prejudice & Judgment
Lack of Love
Which of these challenges resonate most with you? How can you invite God to heal and transform those areas in your life?