Christ Community Church Podcast
The Christ Community Church Podcast features weekly teaching from Christ Community Church in Columbus, Georgia, where our mission is to awaken ordinary people to extraordinary life in Christ-centered community. CCC is part of the Free Methodist Church and shares that denomination’s vision of bringing wholeness to the world through healthy biblical communities of holy people multiplying disciples, leaders, groups and churches.
536 episodes
Cruciformed: The Road is Cruciform
"If we want to follow Jesus, we must embrace our own death."Pastor Mason opened our series "Cruciformed" using Luke 9:23, where Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. That means letting go of our own ...
The Wilderness Experience: Grace in Dry Places
Even in seasons of frustration and drought, God’s grace still flows. In Numbers 20, we see how God provided water in the wilderness — not because it was deserved, but because His grace is unmatched. 🌱Guest Pastor Charles Latchison preach...
The Wilderness Experience: And out Came an Idol
When the wilderness exposes your idols, will you choose to worship God instead? In Week 2 of The Wilderness Experience, Teaching Pastor Derrick Shields walked us through Exodus 32, revealing the path of idolatry—impatience, compromi...
The Wilderness Experience: The Way of the Wilderness
The wilderness exposes our preferences for:- Familiarity over freedom- Complaining to others over crying out to God- Disobedience over dependancePastor Kelli kicks off our new series with a message from Ex...
Image Bearers: Created to Reflect Light
"As children of God, we are reflecting something to the world... is it the light of Jesus? What kind of light are you reflecting?"Pastor Derrick preached a powerful message from John 1:1-8 and encouraged us to reflect on what it means to...
Image Bearers: Created for Intimacy
"It is God's desire to restore intimacy in every one of our lives."In this message, Pastor Derrick takes us through Genesis 1–2, revealing how God designed us for a close relationship with Him. Despite the separation caused by the fall, ...
Image Bearers: Created for One Another
We are designed for connection—with God and with others. Yet, our sinfulness often disrupts the loving community we were created to enjoy. Thankfully, God calls us back into that community through the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus.In this...
The Wonder of it All: True Value
"Through Jesus, the true value of the undervalued is revealed."God deeply values those whom the world often overlooks. As His followers, we’re called to reflect that same love by showing others their incredible worth. And don’t forget—we...
The Wonder of it All: "The Wonder of Anticipation: Mary's Story"
Gabriel, God’s messenger, appeared to Mary, declaring her as one favored by God to bear His son, Jesus. The angel’s greeting led Mary to ponder why God would choose to bestow His favor, or grace, on her. Mary’s decided response was one of humil...
Eucharisteo: Lord, I Want to See
When there doesn’t seem to be enough… EucharisteoWhen things don’t go as we expected, or hoped for, or prayed for… EucharisteoWhen God calls you to do hard things… EucharisteoPastor Kelli closes our series on Eucharisteo by...
Eucharisteo: The Foundation and the Response
Today marked the beginning of a new series on gratitude, recognizing our God as the good, generous giver and giving Him ultimate thanks for all we have!Pastor Kelli teaches through 1 Chronicles 29:9-19, reminding us that "the ...
Eucharisteo & Prayer: The Bridge Between Anxiety & Peace
"Peace with God comes through salvation. The peace of God comes through thankful prayer." Pastor Kelli reminds us that gratitude is the key to overcoming preoccupying worry and embracing the peace of the Lord, which surpasses all un...
Sincerely, James "The Power of Words"
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of..." Pastor Kelli teaches through James 3, reminding us of the enormous power our words carry with them and the revelation of hearts through them
Sincerely, James: "The Battle Within"
Our conflicts with others often stem from our own selfish desires, revealing our need to humble ourselves and surrender to God.In the final message of our James series, Pastor Derrick walks us through James 4, urging us to embrace humili...
Sincerely, James: "Real Faith Does Something Good"
“That which we do doesn’t save us. That which we do is in us!” Pastor Derrick teaches through James 2:14-26, spurring us on to good works through faith!
Sincerely James: The Rich and the Poor: God's Perspective
James' goal was to encourage his readers to reflect their faith in everyday actions—being doers of the Word, not just hearers (1:22). This includes gaining God’s perspective on wealth and responding accordingly. Pastor Derrick remin...
Sincerely, James: Persevering through Trials
Pastor Derrick kicks off our new sermon series, Sincerely, James, by encouraging us to shift our perspective on trials. Drawing from James 1:2-8, 12-15, he reminds us to see trials as opportunities for growth, seek God’s wisdom in the midst of ...
Revealed: The Book of John: "A Fresh Encounter with Jesus"
Do you need a fresh encounter with Jesus? Pastor Derrick preaches the last message in this series on the Book of John, reminding us that Jesus can restore us, provide direction and recommission us for His work if we will only draw near to Him.
Revealed: The Book of John: "From Doubt to Belief"
We can be honest with our doubts, because Jesus is willing to meet us where we are with grace, patience and love. Pastor Derrick preaches through John 20:24-31, reminding us that in times of doubt, Jesus welcomes our ques...
Revealed: The Book of John: "The Resurrection of Jesus – More Than Just Facts"
How will you respond to the resurrected Christ? Pastor Jason leads us through John 20, encouraging us that when understood correctly, we find that the resurrection of Jesus is not simply an historical event. There are ripple effects...