Make Your Move
A deep dive into emotional intelligence and how to use it to power you to your next move in life.
Make Your Move
Episode 6: Your right, or my right? Now that's confusing!
Kimmie Jackson
Season 1
Episode 6
Escape rooms, riddles, and corn mazes are a fun kind of confusing, but what about the kind of confusing that puts your thoughts and emotions on a twisting roller coaster--no thanks! Media is begging for your attention, your subscription, your follow, your 5 star review! And with every tweet, post, video and podcast there can be an opposing, and just as compelling message gripping on tightly to sway your opinion and influence your decisions.
You need a guide! One that is simple, easy-to-apply and fits you! A clear definition to emotional intelligence.
Go ahead and give this one a try and let's just see how it shakes out, shall we!