Game Designers of North Carolina Podcast
The Game Designers of North Carolina is a guild of tabletop game designers who, shockingly, reside in North Carolina. We’ve been meeting regularly since April 2013 and when we started most of us did not have a lot of exposure or experience in tabletop game design. We’ve learned a lot as a group since we started and this podcast is a way to share some of that knowledge. Our goal for the podcast is to present a lot of information pertinent for new designers but hopefully also offer content that any designer can find useful. We’ll also be sharing news of what group members are up to in the design world.
89 episodes
Episode 81: What's The Point?
Lyn Phillips, Josh Bowman, and Mark McGee get together to discuss what value games offer, and whether games should exist. It’s not nearly as Nihilistic of an episode as that sounds! We also discuss how to pitch games to Allplay.2:48...

Episode 80: Farmers/Diaries/Humanity
Kevin Ude (@UdeGames and udeudeude), Josh Bowman, and Mark McGee (@mmark40) get together to discuss D...

Episode 79: Iterative Podcasting
Isaac Shalev (@kindfortress), Josh Bowman, and Mark McGee (@mmark40) get together to try new things on this episode of the Game Designers of North Carol...

Episode 78: Your New Favorite Brassica Based Publisher
Mark McGee (@mmark40) and Kevin Ude (@UdeGames) join Matt Wolfe (@mattwolfe) to talk about starting a new publis...

Episode 77: Talking About The Wolves
Ashwin Kamath (@BoardGameGhee) and Clarence Simpson (@stoichamster) join Mark McGee (@mmark40) to talk a...

Episode 76: Designing Games Across Multiple Genres
Matt Wolfe (@mattwolfe) joins Mark McGee (@mmark40) to talk about designing games in different genres.-- Tell Me Something Good-- Main...

Episode 75: PAX Unplugged
Clarence Simpson (@stoichamster) and Mitch Wallace (@MitchWgames) join Mark McGee (@mmark40) to talk about...

Episode 74: Mentoring
Mike Belsole and Grace Kendall from the Tabletop Mentorship Program (Tabletopmentorship.org and @tabletopmentor) join Mark McGee (

Episode 73: Why Are Board Games Bad?
Ian Phillips (@crunchwrapgames) joins Mark McGee (@mmark40) to talk about inherent properties of board games.1:01 -- Tell Me Something Go...

Episode 72: Get Zanged
Ian Zang (@IanZangDesign, @GravGames, and gravitation.games) joins Mark McGee (

Episode 71: What Is It About Board Games?
TC Petty III (@PuppyShogun) joins Mark McGee (@mmark40) to talk about inherent properties of board games.1:37 -- Tell Me Something Good<...

Episode 70: Player Expectations
Isaac Shalev (@KindFortress and www.kindfortress.com) and Josh Mills (@JoshuaJMills) join Mark McGee (...

Episode 69: Post Mortem - The Silver River
Nate Bivins (@natebivins) joins Mark McGee (@mmark40) to go into a deep design dive about his game The Silver River.1:46-- First Timer Palooza...

Episode 68: Simultaneous Design Inspiration
Kevin Ude (@UdeGames and udeudeude) and Tony Miller (@beardedrogue) join Mark McGee (

Episode 67: First Time Experiences
Josh Mills (@JoshuaJMills) and T.C. Petty III (@PuppyShogun) join Mark McGee (@mmark40) to talk about desi...

Episode 66: Codesigning Games (Again)
Kevin Ude (@UdeGames and udeudeude), Emilia Zywot, and David Marron (@emdadesign) join Mark McGee (<...

Episode 65: Avatars
Josh Mills (@JoshuaJMills) and Seth McCormick (@CardboardProf and cardboardprofessor.com) join Mark ...

Episode 64: Fiddly Games
James Meyers (@apollocontinuum), Chris Kirkman (@dicehateme), and Chris Faulkenberry (@ccfaulkenberry...

Episode 63: Designing in a Virtual World
Matt Wolfe (@mattwolfe), Julio Nazario (@Junazaru), and Clarence Simpson (@stoichamster) join Mark McGee (

Episode 62: Mean Games
Ian Phillips (iansloatphillips@gmail.com) and Kevin Ude (@UdeGames and udeudeude) join Mark McGee (@mmark...

Episode 61: Different Designer Scenes
Jeff Allers (@JeffreyAllers and jeffinberlin) and Alex Cutler (@alexcutler89 and

Episode 60: What Mechanics Mean
TC Petty III (@PuppyShogun) and Chris Faulkenberry (@ccfaulkenberry) join Mark McGee (@mmark40) to ta...

Episode 59: Mechanical Corollaries
Matt Wolfe (@mattwolfe) and Alex Cutler (@alexcutler89 and DoubleAlexGames) join Mark McGee ...